Conan’s Denial of Confession

Chapter 253: : Luck max Xiaolan

The friendly match between the two schools came to an end for the time being. Although Didan High School won, it was immersed in a vigilant atmosphere of refusing close contact.

And a bunch of people from the friend school were drinking milk tea from Noriko Amemiya, even if they lost at home, it was not unacceptable.

"Student Amamiya! Would you like to take a group photo?"

The football ministers of the two schools instructed a group of staff to stand at the school gate, and the student council members were also inviting Amamiya Noriko to come over.

"Ah, sorry, I'll forget it, everyone just take pictures."

Amamiya Noriko waved her hand and declined. The main task of her secret bodyguard had long since changed from protecting her to preventing her from being photographed secretly. It would be troublesome for too many photos to be circulated.

The second is to be responsible for discovering suspicious people nearby, and it is up to her to decide how to solve it.

A group of people could not help but let out a pitiful sigh.

Amamiya Noriko looked at them amusingly, they can be seen in school anyway, what do you want photos for?

Conan was also picked up by Xiaolan and photographed, while she and Chieda Riho were studying the billion-dollar business.

Amamiya Noriko was puzzled. Why didn't the Japanese branch tell her that one billion yuan had been sent out, and Miyano Akemi really became an office worker?

Chieda Riho had never seen people send money so urgently, so she could only say that it was too soon, she would urge again.

Then he gave Noriko an invitation letter by the way.

"What's this?"

Amamiya Noriko wondered, is there anyone who is so self-sufficient in sending an invitation letter to himself?

Anyone in the industry who doesn't know that sending an invitation letter to herself is mostly rejected. Anyway, her parents are not there, and a girl is in Japan, so this kind of invitation rejection is nothing.

Moreover, who doesn't know that a bunch of killers, kidnappers, etc. are eyeing her, and they dare to invite her, that's really a warrior.

Amamiya Noriko opened the envelope and looked at it, and had the impression that it was a prisoner, not a warrior, but a fool.

Moreover, she was directly invited to the beach. What was the intention? The first time you invited a girl to go on a date, she went to the beach. Isn't this just to see people's bodies?

Amamiya Noriko casually showed Chieda Riho.

Chieda Riho glanced at it and said calmly, "It's okay to ignore this kind of small consortium."

Amamiya Noriko waved his hand and laughed out loud: "It's fine, then go and punish him."

"But the seaside." Chieda Liho frowned and looked at the envelope. In the seaside bathing beach, there are many things, and the bodyguards are not easy to hide, and it is not convenient to carry a lot of things.

"It's okay, let's go, fishing, surfing~"


Chieda Riho understood, Noriko just wanted to play. Speaking of which, after Hawaii, there was basically no more play at the beach.

Thinking about it carefully, there is also merit, she can help Noriko choose a cute swimsuit.

After the group photo of the two high school teams over there, the regretful Baba stared at Kiko Amemiya for a long time. Seeing that Amamiya’s classmate was swaying his head, he had to give up and discuss where to have a dinner party. In the end, it seemed that he had decided Go for the BBQ, after all, it's a bit crowded, and it needs to suit the atmosphere.

Chie Riho lowered her head and asked Noriko, "Are you going? I'll arrange it in advance."

"I won't go, anyway, a cute girl like me should be able to understand if she doesn't eat barbecue..." Amamiya Noriko said casually, and suddenly caught a glimpse of some of the boys who were looking forward to it carefully. Looking at his eyes, he raised his brows: "Go!"

Chieda Riho: "..."

She sent people to the barbecue shop to prepare to go.

When Conan came back and learned that Amamiya Noriko was also there, he asked strangely, "Are you good at BBQ too?"

"My female power is already full, so I don't need to ask such stupid questions."

Amamiya Noriko looked down at him with contempt: "And I don't want to show that even if I'm the ultimate delicious barbecue, I'm such a cute girl, the barbecue is so delicious, it's not appropriate, and I also Baked by hand?"

Conan was stunned and nodded: "That's right, after all, they're probably going to earn money to bake it for you."

"Hope they don't bake too badly."

Conan listened to her unsure muttering, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, if it doesn't taste good, don't eat it, always thinking about what other people confessed to you, is it really so happy to be confessed?

Anyway, he understood when he thought about it. Those classmates saw that Amamiya Noriko ate something that he specially baked, and his favorability level couldn't even rise.

Amamiya Noriko said that you have finally grown a little bit, follow me, you will learn how to get out of being single.

Conan's head is full of black lines, what do I learn to do, please don't backstab me at Xiaolan's place.

But speaking of which, Amamiya Noriko usually backstabs him in front of his face, which is the saddest thing.

The subsequent dinner session, Amamiya Noriko, is purely about participation. To be honest, if the ratio of males and females is not very unequal, it will almost become a friendship.

But because there were too many boys and Noriko Amamiya was in charge, everyone maintained a very reserved attitude. More importantly, a group of minors could not drink alcohol, and just went to eat and drink.

Amamiya Noriko was originally prepared to eat the heart of these guys grilled by themselves, but in the end, it was too unpalatable to taste.

She can't afford such a good feeling.

Moreover, she felt that she didn't know how they roasted it. Before she could eat it, she felt like she was full of anger. She had a hunch that even if no one confessed to her that she ate so much of their barbecue, she would have a fever the next day. Who can stand this.

Conan looked at Noriko Amamiya, who was hiding in the middle of Chiyonomiya Chiyo, who was hiding in Xiaolanyuanzi and didn't give others a chance, and almost laughed out loud.

When Sonoko and Chiyonomiya Tomoyo were also excited to bake something for Amamiya Noriko, Amamiya Noriko was sandwiched between them, hesitant to say anything, and sullenly eating, he was real. The one who didn't stretch out was laughing badly next to him.


Amamiya Noriko raised her eyebrows expressionlessly, and immediately roasted it. After a while, Sonoko and Tomoyo understood the difference, feeling that they couldn't even give Noriko their own.

Conan looked at the meat skewer that Amiya Noriko handed over, and took it with trembling hands.

Originally thought it was a perverted spicy endless cumin 12-cent cooked honey sauce, but I took a bite and found that it was really not delicious.

He also ate it with confidence, Amamiya Noriko should not joke about her barbecue skills.

Xiaolan hesitated beside her, and Amamiya Noriko winked at her, "If Conan likes to eat, let him eat more."

Xiaolan nodded amusingly, forget it, who called Conan laughing at Noriko just now.

Conan bit the skewer and looked suspiciously at Xiaolan and Noriko making eye contact.

Yumiya Noriko showed a small hand, except for the occasional string for Conan, so I don't have much to bake. Sonoko and Tomoyo are having fun playing with fire. What kind of young lady, are you really afraid of wetting the bed at night?

Until the second half, the enthusiasm on the boy's side subsided a little, and some people started to take the opportunity to sneak out, watching the tight Amemiya classmate who was protected by Sonoko Tomoyo and the others not far away, scratching their ears and finding no chance.

Amamiya Noriko understood, and found a random reason to go out, take a walk, and pick up a few confessions.

Conan grabbed Chuanchuan in one hand and tilted his head to look at Noriko Amamiya, who was leaving, and naturally knew what she was going to do.

However, he had to look down at the pile of meat skewers that Amamiya Noriko had left for him before he left. He felt that Amamiya Noriko was much better today.

Although I still have some doubts in my heart, there are still so many strings that have not been resolved, and I have no time to tangle.

It is more convenient for those people to sneak out after the sky is a little darker. Noriko Amamiya shortens the rejection process for everyone as much as possible, so as not to be chased by the next one before the last one has finished rejecting it.

Most of them are from fellow schools, and they never had a chance to meet Noriko Amamiya before, and it's not easy to continue pestering them after being rejected. It's easy to deal with.

What makes Kiko Amamiya feel a little bit magical is that because a lot of people are under the age of drinking, and there are Kiko Amamiya and the others, there should be no one drinking, but the latter few are all. It's like I'm drunk.

Are you drunk?

After one after another, no one came to confess, Amamiya Noriko was ready to leave with Xiaolan Yuanzi and the others. Those boys were expected to continue, but it would be better for them to go home early.

The boys didn't have any opinion either, and asked gently and considerately if they wanted to send them home!

Amamiya Noriko thanked them, and of course went back in her car.

Chieda Riho drove Sonoko to the nearby Suzuki Manor first, and then went to the Maori Detective Office. Xiaolan was fine, but she just ate some properly, probably because she was afraid of getting fat, and Conan was about to be pregnant.

Conan has already felt the pain: "Good support..."

Xiaolan said helplessly: "Whoever told Ji Zi to bake it, you can eat it, and your stomach can't hold that much."

Conan scratched his head: "It's really delicious."

Xiaolan decided to go back and prepare some food for him, otherwise Conan would know that the pain is still to come.

Amamiya Noriko sent them to the downstairs of the Maori Detective Office, smiled at Xiaolan, and waved to Conan: "If you want to eat in the future, you can come to Sister Noriko at any time."

Conan waved his hand weakly, all his strength was probably busy digesting, and eating too much made him sleepy.

After Noriko Amamiya got in the car and left, Xiaolan looked down at Conan: "Conan go up and take a rest first, I'll go to the supermarket to buy something."

Conan nodded: "Okay."

When Conan entered the house, he found Mouri Kogoro lying dryly on the table, so he asked strangely, what are you, you failed to find the mistress?

"What's the matter with you, uncle?"

When Maori Kogoro heard the words, he immediately raised his head, only to see him, but not Xiaolan, and suddenly said weakly: "It's you stinky bastard, where is Xiaolan? I haven't eaten dinner yet!"

Conan pouted, "Can't you make something to eat yourself?"

Mouri Kogoro rolled his eyes: "The instant noodles are gone."

Conan twitched the corners of his mouth: "Sister Xiaolan, she went shopping and should be back soon."


When Mouri Kogoro heard the words, he immediately cheered up a little, and Conan poured a glass of water and ate too much on his own.

After a while, Xiao Lan came back with the dishes, and seeing her father's appearance, she probably knew: "Dad, did you not cook well again, I said that I won't go home for dinner at night. "

Mouri Kogoro laughed dryly, and hoped that Xiaolan would cook for himself quickly.

"I was busy with commissioning in the afternoon, so I finally found the evidence of my client's derailment."

"Really." Xiao Lan said dissatisfiedly, reaching out to take out the vegetables in the bag.

Conan listened on the side and became bored. Mouri Kogoro said that he had found the evidence of the client's derailment just now?

If he didn't understand, he asked. Conan looked curious and asked: "Shouldn't I find evidence of the client's husband or wife?"

"Idiot, because the client's wife pays more."

Mouri Kogoro disdainfully said, don't you understand such a simple truth?

Conan's head is full of black lines, who knew that you still have this kind of operation? Didn't you sell the client backhand?

No, he must have been discovered by the client's wife during the investigation. After he was caught, he stabbed the client with the back of his hand, right?

Feeling inseparable, Conan glanced at him contemptuously.

Feeling the contempt of the pupils, Kogoro Maori became angry: "You little brat know how hard it is to make money, and I have always wanted to earn money to take you to the beach to play. I have bought fishing rods and everything."

As he said that, he took out a fishing rod from under the desk, and reeled the reel in a fashionable manner.

Conan glanced at it. The fishing line is very dangerous, but can you catch any fish?

Not everyone can fish like Amamiya Noriko.

"Huh? Are you going to the beach? That seems to be just right." Xiao Lan, who came out of the shopping bag next to him, smiled and said with a smile, took out a small ticket, pointed at the small ticket and said: " The above said that their supermarket is holding a lottery event. With the winning ticket, you can exchange for travel coupons. It happens to be on the beach. Tomorrow is the weekend, let's go tomorrow?!"

Mouri Kogoro grabbed the fishing rod's hand and looked at his daughter, doing it beautifully! !

Immediately, the hunger that he had not eaten dinner disappeared, and he packed up his things very quickly: "We will leave tomorrow!! Ah yes, I'll rent a car first!!"

"..." Conan looked at Xiaolan in amazement, Xiaolan's cloudiness...isn't it too good?

"What's the matter? Conan doesn't want to go? By the way, does Conan have swimming trunks? If not, let's go buy them now?"

Seeing this, Xiaolan asked with a smile, she was also very happy that she won the lottery.

Conan heard the words, grabbed the keyword, and bought a swimsuit.

"No! I also really want to go to the beach, sister the sea oh oh!!!"

On the other side, Amamiya Noriko, who was still in the car, answered a phone call to Chie Riho who was driving. After listening to the report, his head tilted: "Have you won the lottery? Seaside tour?"

After getting a clear confirmation reply from there, Amamiya Noriko laughed and said, "It's okay, don't worry about it, just let Xiaolan exchange it then."

After finishing the call, she returned the phone to Chieda Riho. Chieda Riho was silent for a while, and asked in confusion, "Xiaolan won the lottery again?"

Amamiya Noriko nodded her head: "Well, yes, it's the first prize again, a day trip to the beach, Xiaolan's luck is good."

Chie Riho heart said that this is not the first time I know, Noriko, you really don't have a secret operation?

Seeing that she still didn't believe it, Amamiya Noriko said with tears in her eyes, "I also hope that I am a little more lucky. Today, I am not lucky at all, and I have been tossed by a bunch of **** men."


Chie Riho's face was calm, and people were afraid that you would be considered gay, and you had already called.

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