Conan’s Denial of Confession

Chapter 7: : Successful apprenticeship, playing football

It was getting late, and Kudo Shinichi and Maurilan were also preparing to go home.

Shinichi Kudo invited Noriko Amamiya, "Would you like to come and sit at my house? You solved this puzzle and sent this strange letter to my father together?"

"I'm not going, kids, go home quickly."

Amamiya Noriko waved his hand, he didn't want to run into the question mark and exclamation mark of Kuroba Rouichi and Kudo Yusaku.

"Little girl... can you be a little more self-conscious that you are a child too?!" Kudo Shinichi had black lines all over his head.

Amamiya Noriko ignored him and looked at Xiaolan: "Xiaolan, am I more mature than Shinichi? This naive ghost didn't want to play with us a few days ago."

Although the relationship has been restored because of this incident, Xiaolan is still very upset after thinking about Shinichi calling her classmate Maori these past few days.

"Yes, Noriko is much more mature than Shinichi."

Kudo Shinichi: "..."

What's wrong? Isn't this a time every boy has? !

Kudo Shinichi and Maurilan went back in Dr. Akasa's car.

Amamiya Noriko went to the taxi stop to call a taxi, got in the car and sat in the back seat of the child, fastened her seat belt, and said her home address.

As a result, the driver didn't drive for a long time, Amamiya Noriko: "Driving?"

"Kid, your adults haven't come yet."

"...I am the only one to thank you."

Looking at the driver's face, kid, are you okay? Amamiya Noriko took out a bill to show that she was rich, ok?

The driver finally started driving, while still mumbling: "No, it's so late, it's very dangerous for a child to be outside alone."

Amamiya Noriko looked out the window with an expressionless face, her ears filled with the thoughts of the enthusiastic driver.

Are taxi drivers so chatty? She is just a child.

On the other hand, after Kudo Shinichi got home, he gave the letter in his leather wallet to Kudo Yusaku, and by the way, he talked about his puzzle-solving process.

Although he went in the wrong direction in the end, it was Noriko Amamiya who was right, but there was nothing wrong with his puzzle solving before that.


Yusaku Kudo looked at the question mark on the letter with some interest: "Your Amamiya classmate is not so smart."

Kudo Shinichi didn't deny it. At that time, he had absolutely no clue about the final solution to the puzzle. After listening to Noriko Amamiya, he suddenly realized.

Yusaku Kudo pondered, the child and Shinichi were trying to solve the puzzle, but Shinichi accepted the challenge, and Amamiya Noriko didn't seem to be.

Yusaku Kudo sent an email to Yukiko Kudo.

Yukiko Kudo just handed the exclamation mark of Yusaku Kudo's reply to her teacher, and after seeing the email, she said, "Yuzaku said that his letter has finally been received. It seems to be thanks to my friend Yusaku Amamiya. ."

Black Feather Pirate couldn't help but froze for a while, then smiled, was he really untied by that kid?

The difficulty of his fascination was something that Shinichi couldn't solve, so he gave it to Yusaku Kudo for him to solve, that is, to solve all of it. In the last section, it was Yusaku Kudo's difficulty.

Kuroba looked at Yukiko Kudo and said, "Looks like you need another junior sister."

Yukiko Kudo was surprised: "Eh? Is it Akiko Yuami?"

"It happens to be with Kuito."

On the side, Kuroba Kaito looked up suspiciously, Noriko Amamiya?

After passing the test, Kuroba Rouichi, who speaks his mind, naturally won't fool children.

When he left the next day, he gave Noriko Amemiya a notebook for studying disguise, and gave her his address and phone number by the way, so that she could learn the contents of the notebook first, and then she could go to him to study when she had time.

Amamiya Noriko is still a primary school student, he can't teach disguise every day, he has to study hard every day.

But since Noriko Amamiya has notes, she is basically learning disguise in class, otherwise she will learn Apple Banana multiplication table and Japanese? ?

Japanese really needs to be learned.

She is 18th grade Chinese, but she can only speak and listen in Japanese, and she doesn't even have previous memories. The literacy level is really only elementary school level.

However, as long as she can learn, it is not a problem for her.

After three years of kindergarten, she could be seen by Kudo Shin because she likes to be confessed by others, naturally because the number of times is too many.

The same goes for the points earned through the denial system.

"Strength: 38 points", "Agility: 29", "Reaction: 16", "Learning: 9", "Physical: 6", "Luck: 2".

In addition to "physique" and "lucky", when you get it, you will have a fever for a day, and you can feel the changes in your body, but you can't see any changes in your body when you actually check it later.

At least she observed that her weight didn't change a bit, but the effect was that she could actually play it.

"Strength" increases pure strength, "agility" is similar to motor nerves, and "reaction" means that the reaction nerves are faster.

These also belong to the normal evolution of human beings.

As for "physique" and "lucky", "physique" really changes the body. In terms of the hardness of the nails, the hardness of the nails is generally 2-3, and her nails can move 4-5 iron. If you get to 10, you will probably be able to draw diamonds.

This is just a small example. "Physical" refers to all aspects of the body, and her eyesight has improved a little, so she is not so easy to catch a cold and so on.

It is the attribute of stacking explosions to become superhuman.

And "luck" is similar, except that these two attributes are particularly difficult to obtain, and are generally other basic attributes.

"Learning ability" is not equal to intelligence, but it can increase the learning effect. It is not a basic attribute, the probability is not high, and the effect is also very good. In the state of learning, memory, understanding and mental state are better, and it is easier to learn, understand and remember. . UU Reading

But the effect is not as good as the two advanced attributes.

With the blessing of learning ability, Amamiya Noriko began to learn by herself first.

Occasionally, on weekends, I go to Kuroba Piichi to solve the problem, but Kuroba Piichi is not always there, and this first-generation Kaito thief Kid is often running around.

As for the days at school, Amamiya Noriko still focuses on continuing to work on attribute points.

But these elementary school students are really itchy, and they look like a lot of bullshit. She has a tough personality, so she doesn't play with this girl. Whoever talks to her will betray the boys camp?

At least after waking up from this second-hand state, Kudo Shinichi, who played well with Xiaolan, is somewhat conscientious.

Kudo Shinichi was helpless in the middle. He wanted to play football with his friends, so he could only say: "You can let the girls ignore them, don't those girls listen to you?"

As a girl, Amamiya Noriko is too strong. When it comes to boys and girls fighting, Amamiya Noriko is the red handsome on the girls side, while Kudo Shinichi is the black general on the boys side.

Amamiya Noriko was disdainful: "No need, I'm enough by myself. I'll play football with you after school."

Kudo Shinichi was surprised: "No, is your body okay?"

Because Amamiya Noriko gets an attribute point from time to time, she will have a fever or a cold. The unknowing Kudo Shinichi naturally treats her as frail and sick, playing football, which runs from beginning to end. Obviously, it should not work, right?

Amamiya Tomiki also said strangely: "Why do you think I'm not healthy? It's still possible for me to beat your team by myself."

A football team for elementary school students is purely entertainment, not even the football club. There is no formal training. If they can't play well, how can they shoot a helicopter with football when they encounter a winery in the future?

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