Heiji couldn't help but complain.

Huo Ben Xia Jiang stuck out his tongue playfully, and suddenly lifted his dress, revealing his long legs that were fairer than snow.

Heiji frowned. Although Huoben Xiajiang's legs were beautiful, what he noticed was that there was a small flashlight on Huoben Xiajiang's thigh near the private place.

Huoben Xiajiang took the small flashlight in his hand, and turned to look at Pingji: "I lied to Xiaowu for ten years by relying on it."

Although she felt a little sorry for Xiao Wu, she really didn't regret it.

In the past ten years of fermentation, plus Tiya, Hunmoto Xiajiang's feelings for Heiji have reached a terrifying level, just like Xiaolan's relationship with Kudo Shinichi in the anime.

Heiji looked at the small flashlight in Huoben Xiajiang's hand strangely, and a ridiculous thought filled his heart: "What is the use of this small flashlight?"

Huo Ben Xiajiang smiled sweetly, and held the small flashlight tightly in his hand: "The little girl said that this is called a flashlight for crazy thoughts, as long as you point it at a person's eyes, you can make that person fall into a kind of chaotic thinking, bewildered. Goofy, don't know where you are. When you wake up, you feel exactly what you want."

Crazy about flashlights?

The corners of Heiji's mouth twitched. Now, he has fully confirmed that the little girl is definitely the girl who knows the world. Unexpectedly, ten years ago, she ran out to make fun of people.

"Do you remember what that little girl looked like?"

Huoben Xiajiang had a happy expression on his face, and looked at Heiji excitedly: "Mr. Heiji, do you believe my words?"

Heiji nodded helplessly: "If you could draw that little girl, I might believe it."

Huoben Xiajiang kissed Heiji excitedly, then stood up full of yachts looking for pen and paper.

How could Fujino Nakamura have a pen and paper on this yacht?

Heiji's heart moved, and the pen and paper appeared in a corner, just in time for Huben Xiajiang to find it.

Hun Ben Xiajiang brought it over, sat beside Heiji, and stroked his long hair gracefully with his long legs crossed, then lowered his head and began to draw seriously.


Huan Ben Xia Jiang was originally the heir to a wealthy family.

Heiji sat aside, watching a lifelike portrait of a little loli appear on the paper, the corners of his mouth twitched, this is clearly the little girl who knows the world.

Now, he has made sure that all of this is definitely done by knowledge.

"Mr. Heiji, this is the little girl."

Huoben Xiajiang handed the paper to Heiji, her beautiful eyes full of anticipation.

Heiji took the paper, looked at Huben Xiajiang quietly, and sighed: "Miss Xia Jiang, although it's a bit mysterious. However, I still want to ask, how can Tiya be my daughter. It seems that we didn't happen that way. relation."

Huoben Xiajiang's face was flushed, and he lowered his head shyly: "I... that was the little girl who gave me a drop of Mr. Heiji's essence, and I made a test tube baby myself."

Heiji was completely speechless, how much trouble did that little girl know about him?

Huoben Xiajiang looked up at Heiji, her beautiful eyes full of tenderness: "What I said is true. If Mr. Heiji doesn't believe it, you can ask Tia to go to the hospital with you for a DNA test."

Looking at Huanben Xiajiang's soulful eyes, Heiji sighed, suddenly he took Huanben Xiajiang into his arms, lowered his head and kissed his thin rosy lips directly.

Huan Ben Xiajiang couldn't lie to him. After all, this kind of deception would soon be broken, and there was no need for her to lie to him.

Huoben Xiajiang was stunned for a moment, tears welling up in his eyes again, this time tears of joy, his arms were hooked to Heiji, and he responded enthusiastically and jerky.

Obviously, this time should be her first kiss.

Heiji didn't let go until Xiajiang's thin lips were red and swollen.

Huoben Xiajiang leaned against Pingji's arms, his eyes were misty, and he looked at Pingji madly: "Mr. Pingji, ask me, it's my first time, Tiya was delivered by caesarean section."

Pingji couldn't help it.

This night, the sea is roaring, and the yacht is warm and warm.

Chapter 0971 Looking back, Xia Jiang's contribution (on)

There was a violent storm outside, dark clouds covered the sky, covering the entire sky, and the sea was roaring and roaring.

The yacht was still shaking violently.

However, inside the yacht, on the only luxurious couch, the war was over, and a fresh, blood-colored plum blossom was extremely dazzling.

Huanben Xiajiang huddled tightly in Heiji's arms, a touching blush appeared on his beautiful and gentle face, and his eyes looked at Heiji madly, full of deep affection and sweetness.

"Mr. Heiji, I finally gave you my whole body."

Heiji looked down at this woman with endless tenderness in his heart. He could feel that this woman was really the first time, and the defects could be repaired, but some details could not be concealed at all.

This woman actually maintained her innocence for ten years for him. She even had a caesarean section when she gave birth to her daughter. The knife mark on her flat stomach showed her warmest feelings for him in her heart.

"Don't call Mr. Heiji in the future, just call your husband."

Huanben Xiajiang's beautiful eyes lit up, looked at Heiji softly, and smiled sweetly: "Husband."

The voice is sweet and greasy, with a hint of jerky.

Heiji smiled softly and hugged Xiajiang Heben tightly.

"Husband, husband, husband..."

Huoben Xiajiang seemed to want to put himself into Heiji's arms, hugging his waist tightly with both arms, without a single gap, whispering in a low voice, full of affection.

The cranky flashlight that Huoben Xiajiang placed next to him shone with a ray of light, directly covering the two of them.

Heiji frowned. He had sensed this energy long ago, but he didn't disperse it. This energy was not in any danger, and it was exactly the same as Zhishi's source energy, so it wouldn't cause him any harm.

Heiji just hugged Xiajiang Heben and traveled with the beam.

Their eyes lit up and they appeared in front of a villa.

Huo Ben Xia Jiang opened his eyes, looked around in doubt, his beautiful eyes instantly widened, and he stared blankly at the scene in front of him. Suddenly, she realized that she was not wearing an inch, and couldn't help screaming.

He buried his head tightly in Heiji's arms, his face pale.

"Husband, hurry up, hurry up, this is my house, and many servants will come in and out."

At this time, she didn't have time to think about how she would go back to her home.

Heiji smiled helplessly, and with a thought, a long skirt instantly wrapped the Xiajiang of Huoben, blocking the endless spring light. Afterwards, he let himself get dressed as well.

He knew a little about this situation.

This is a kind of time and space retrospective, allowing him and Xiajiang to go back to any point in the past, just like video playback, the people in this space and time are not real, they can just show the scene he wants to see.

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