Sakura glanced at Guanyue Gefan strangely: Teacher Guanyue is so strange, she seems to be afraid of talking to me.

Her face turned pale.

[Does Teacher Guanyue hate me? 】

"Okay, let's go to class first."

Guanyue Gefan hurriedly got off the roof and walked quickly to the teacher's lounge. Her little mouth is a little swollen now, and anyone with a discerning eye can tell.

Looking at the three girls who were overwhelmed, Pingji smiled lightly, picked up Tomoyo directly, then jumped off the roof and put it on the balcony, then climbed up to the roof, picked up Sakura who was still in a covered state again, and jumped. down.

Xiao Sakura looked at Heiji blankly. Her handsome face made this girl's face flush red, and she lowered her head shyly.

"Thank you brother."

"elder brother?"

Heiji shook his head helplessly, without saying a word, he climbed up and carried Naoko down.

Tomoyo snickered while covering his mouth.

"Brother, you are so handsome."

Stars flashed in Naoko's eyes.

"Yes, brother is so handsome, I like him so much."

Tomoyo slammed into Heiji's house and giggled.

Heiji put his arms around Tomoyo and reluctantly tapped her little nose, this girl just likes to play tricks.

Sakura and Naoko stared at Tomoyo blankly, full of doubts.

At this time, the school bell rang.

"Okay, it's time to go to class."

Heiji patted Tomoyo's little ass.

Tomoyo leaned over to Heiji's face and kissed his lips violently. He didn't care about Sakura and Naoko's completely stupid expressions, and dragged them to the classroom.

Looking at the backs of them leaving, Pingji smiled lightly, turned and walked to the teachers' lounge.

Heiji opened the door and went in. Guanyue Gefan sat on a chair, looked up at him, and then lowered his head again.

Suddenly, a low whimper came, and tears fell like pearls.

Heiji frowned, walked over and sat next to him, looking a little puzzled.

"Is the reflex arc only working now?"

"What should I do? Xiao Ying saw that I had an affair with you. Will she think I'm a bad mother?"

Guanyue Gefan Pear Flower looked at Heiji with rain.

Heiji was speechless and was once again defeated by this woman's reflex arc.

"Sakura doesn't know your true identity, what are you worried about?"

Suddenly, Guanyue Gefan stared blankly at Heiji, her tears stopped, her beautiful eyes were watery, very tempting.

"Yes, yes, why didn't I think of it."

The lounge was instantly quiet.

Heiji closed his eyes directly and didn't bother to pay attention to this woman, the reflex arc was simply weird.

Guanyue Gefan came over, there were still tears on her pretty face, with a faint fragrance, her arms were holding Heiji's arm: "Mr. Heiji, why don't we have a vigorous love, I haven't tried love yet."

Heiji opened his eyes, and for the first time, he couldn't see through a person.

"Your brain is burned out?"

Saying that, she couldn't help but caress Guanyue Gefan's forehead, the temperature was normal.

Guanyue Gefan murmured, "I'm normal, no one knows my identity anyway, so let's treat it as a freshman."

Heiji suddenly admired this woman very much, and the circuit in his brain was simply unbelievable.

"Okay, I don't lose anything anyway."

Since she wants to play, let's play with her.

"It's snowing, it's snowing."

Suddenly, there were bursts of exclamations from outside.

Chapter nine hundred and ninety-third: Guanyue Gefan's terrifying mouth escape

"It's snowing?" Guanyue Gefan was so excited, he slammed into Heiji's arm and leaned in front of him: "Husband, shall we go out to see the snow?"


Heiji looked at Guanyue Gefan strangely, can this woman really become so fast?

"Okay, I didn't lie to you, I'm your girlfriend from now on, you have to take good care of me."

Guanyue Geho gave Heiji a playful wink with her beautiful eyes, that look ~ as cute as a girl.

Heiji couldn't help but put his hand on Guanyue Gefan's forehead and frowned, "No-fever."

Guanyue Gefan pouted his lips unhappily: "Okay, I didn't lie to you. I really want to fall in love once, and Tenglong was just a feeling of heartbeat before, he is very rigid, even me I haven't touched my hands, don't worry, I'm an authentic virgin."

Pingji smiled lightly: "Okay, don't talk such big things here."

In fact, he believed it, but he just wanted to tease this woman.

It should be a little woman.

She was sealed when Xiao Ying was three years old. At that time, she was only about twenty years old. Xiao Ying is now ten years old. Seven years have passed, and she is only twenty-seven years old.

But in the seven years of the seal, except for the increase in age, there was no change at all. To her, it was the same as yesterday.

The mentality has not changed, and even the body has not changed.

Guanyue Gefan pouted and sighed softly: "I don't want to do this either, but I don't hate you at all, and I'm even gradually attracted to you. It's better to be trapped now than to be trapped in the future. Showdown with you, at least you will slowly hurt me."

Heiji put his arms around Guanyue Gefan's small waist, put her in his arms, looked down at her red eyes, and looked very serious.

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