"You... I'm also my father's daughter, why can't I kiss 々'?"

"Domineering sister Yueyue."

Qiuyue was so angry with Taylor that she stopped talking, puffing out her mouth, looking like I was very unhappy.

Taylor looked at Qiuyue cautiously: "Sister Yueyue is angry?"

no respond.

"Sister Yueyue is really angry?"

Still no response.

Tyler pouted, put his mouth close to Heiji's ear, and said softly, "Dad, go and kiss sister Yueyue, she wants to be kissed by her father and is embarrassed, so she is angry with Nini on purpose, why does her father Can't understand what Sister Yueyue means?"


Britney and Qiuyue were amused by Taylor's logic. What this little girl meant was that Qiuyue's anger was not caused by her, but because of Heiji.

Heiji didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Dad is really stupid. Why don't you try to please sister Yueyue while she is smiling, or she won't kiss her father in the future."

Taylor continued to command.

Qiuyue came over and pinched Taylor's little face lightly, with a helpless look on her face: "Sister is not angry, thank you Nini for your comfort."

Taylor blinked her big eyes and looked at Qiuyue seriously: "Sister Yueyue, are you really not angry anymore?"

"not angry!"

"That's good, Nini doesn't want her father to be sad."

Tyler sighed in relief while hugging Heiji's neck.

Heiji smiled helplessly, hugging Qiuyue's waist, tilting his head and licking Qiuyue's thin rosy lips.

Qiuyue pursed her lips and smiled, happiness flashing in her beautiful eyes.

"I also want."

Britney is jealous. This bad guy only wants a daughter, not his own woman?

Heiji looked at Britney helplessly, and came over to kiss her through the mask.


How could Britney let Heiji do this, directly lift the mask, tiptoe and shove it up, her sweet tongue is sweet.

Qiuyue looked at Britney enviously. She didn't dare to be so bold. She usually sticks out her tongue secretly. That jerky touch was enough to make her happy.

Tyler pouted: "Mother occupies Daddy, Nini is very unhappy."

Britney let go of Heiji, put on the mask again, and rolled her eyes at Taylor: "If mom doesn't occupy dad, how can there be a little girl like you."


Taylor didn't understand.

Britney rolled her daughter's eyes: "Don't tell Nini."

Tyler pouted and hugged Heiji's neck tightly: "Nini will not kiss her father for her mother and sister Yueyue."

Britney and Qiuyue looked at each other and pursed their lips.

"Mother Nini, let's go by ourselves."

"Okay, don't disturb the lovers."

The two women walked in front with their arms in their arms, and the graceful backs were infinitely soft.

Tyler blinked at Heiji and pouted, "Dad, Nini offended mom and sister Yueyue for you."

Facing this quirky daughter, what can Heiji do?

"Nini is so nice, Dad is very happy."

"Is it enough to be happy?"

Taylor looked at Heiji expectantly.

Heiji smiled helplessly, lowered his head and licked his daughter's little mouth lightly, with a doting expression on his face: "'"Are Nini happy now?"

"Hee hee, I love Dad the most."

Taylor giggled.

Heiji hugged his daughter and followed behind the two women. Because the venue was not very far, they didn't plan to drive.

Along the way, the family happily walked to the venue.

"Miss Qiuyue, you are finally here."

There were people waiting in the venue for a long time, Qiuyue's status was very high, someone would have picked them up, but Qiuyue didn't need them, so they naturally didn't dare to come.

Wait and wait, and finally wait until the protagonist appears.

Qiuyue nodded politely: "Sorry for keeping you all waiting."

Immediately, she held Heiji's arm.

"This is my father."

"Hello, Mr. Hattori."

Heiji nodded: "Hello."

"This is my little mother, this is my sister."

Qiuyue is not worried about exposing her family's situation. Anyway, in this world, no one can threaten her family. As for gossip, sorry, she doesn't care at all.

At home, as long as the whole family is there, everyone else has nothing to do with them.

Britney hugged Taylor, who was already asleep, and stood beside Heiji Qiaoshengsheng. She just nodded to the female assistant with a very cold expression.

"A few, please come with me."

The female assistant didn't care either. She still had a little understanding of Qiuyue's life experience. In Japan, she was the richest man, so the status of the people around her would not be low.

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