"Dad, come and sit."

Erina blinked at Heiji, but she didn't pounce as before, she was very calm.

However, this peace itself is not peaceful.

Too abnormal.

Heiji glanced left and right, and asked cautiously, "Where's Yueyue?"

Qiuyue is not here.

"Yueyue is taking care of Sister Xiaoai, Dad, why do you care so much about Yueyue? We are your daughters too."

Illya said calmly, the temperament of a new generation of law queens on her body was fully revealed, and her aura was suppressed.

Heiji smiled awkwardly: "Of course I care, I care."


Illya stood up, wearing a camisole and shorts, with a graceful bump and long legs, her whole body exuding an unparalleled aura, and she walked towards Heiji step by step.

For the first time, Heiji felt a little pressure.

No way, my heart is empty.


Heiji could only bite the bullet and nod his head.

Ilya didn't speak, she came over to look at Heiji, she was ten centimeters shorter than Heiji, 1.7 meters tall and a perfect model figure, with her hands behind her back, her upper body was slightly leaning forward to look at Heiji, her collar was wide open, but she was not. I don't care at all.

"Then Dad should prove to us that you treat us the same as Yueyue."

Illya looked at Heiji quietly, biting her thin rosy lips lightly, her beautiful eyes flashing with strong stubbornness.

Heiji looked at Illya's beautiful big eyes. At this moment, this girl is not the queen of law who is calling for wind and rain in court, but a little daughter who is waiting for her father's answer.

Heiji sighed, pulled Ilya into his arms, and gently stroked her long smooth hair.

"Why are you doing this?"

"Dad, Yueyue's experience is our childhood dream, you can't favor one over the other."

Illya's tough aura disappeared instantly, and she hugged Heiji's waist tightly like a weak little woman, as if she wanted to melt herself into his body.

Their toughness, refusing people thousands of miles away, is only in front of outsiders. At home, they are still the little girls who need to be pampered. In front of Heiji, they are still the daughters who are extremely attached to their father. .

Heiji smiled slightly, hugged Illya, and nodded.

"Well, let's take this kind of thing slowly."

Chapter 1137 The grown up Yoshida Ayumi! (for a reward and automatic subscription)

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Concubine Law Firm.

Of course, Illya is in charge of this office now, but she doesn't plan to change her name.

"Xiaoya, we need to see the client in the afternoon. If we want to go to Osaka, should we drive or take a car~?"

"Let's drive."

"Okay, I'll go - make arrangements right away."

"By the way, Sister Bumei, you don't have to accompany me in the afternoon. I'll go with my father."

Ayumi is now a trainee lawyer in the firm, and the former juvenile detective team has grown up now, but no one thought that she would actually want to be a lawyer.

"Xiaoya, is Brother Heiji here?"

Ayumi's beautiful eyes lit up, looking at Illya expectantly.

Illya made a move, looked at Ayumi, pursed her lips and smiled: "Sister Ayumi, do you like my dad?"


Ayumi's face turned red, and her slender fingers were twisted together with her head down, as if she wanted to stop talking.

Illya pursed her lips and smiled, stood up and hugged Bumei: "Sister Bumei, if you really like my father, you have to take the initiative. Now my father will not take the initiative to provoke any woman, if you treat me Dad really likes it very much, so don't miss it."

Ayumi was stunned for a moment, then looked at Illya in surprise.

"Sister Bumei, let me tell you a little secret. Sister Ai is pregnant, hee hee, it's been over a month."

Illya said mysteriously.

Ayumi suddenly widened her beautiful eyes and looked at Illya dumbfounded: "Really? Xiao Ai didn't tell us."

"Sister Xiao Ai doesn't have access to the Internet at all now, but she said that she wants to have the healthiest baby. In fact, there is no need to worry at all."

In fact, it's not just Xiao Ai. The pregnant women at home are almost all isolated from the Internet. Anyway, everyone who wants to contact is at home, and parents or good friends can also make phone calls, and they don't need any mobile phones and computers.

Ayumi was silent. She had been to the parent-child play center, and all the women in it were women related to Heiji, and she was very envious. When she heard that Xiao Ai was also pregnant, she felt happy and sad at the same time.

"Sister Bumei, think about it for yourself, hee hee, I think that Sister Bumei is so beautiful, my father will definitely not refuse."

Illya blinked at Ayumi, turned and walked into the inner room. She was going to get dressed up. Going to Osaka was for business and a date.

Ayumi stood quietly in the same place. She has been in her twenties this year. She has not had a boyfriend for so many years. It is because she has always liked Heiji in her heart. This kind of love has been buried in her heart since she was a child. evolved into later love.

Over time, it is now unforgettable.

It's just that she never dared to take that step.

Hearing that Xiao Ai was also pregnant, Ayumi couldn't help but take a deep breath, a look of firmness flashed in her beautiful eyes. She used to be a little girl and couldn't talk about such things, but now she has grown up and is also a member of the Concubine Law Firm. Although she is not as famous as Eliya, she can still be on her own.

She can have her own choice.

Heiji parked the car downstairs in the lawyer's office and sighed. He didn't want to go to Osaka with Illya. After all, Shizuka Hattori has been in Osaka all this time. It's not for some reason, but he doesn't dare to go to Osaka with Illya. Leah is alone.

However, evasion is not the way to go.


Heiji opened the door and walked in, while Ilya was still changing clothes.

"Brother Heiji, good morning."

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