Somewhat complicated.

When a woman is willing to use her life to protect herself, no matter how hard-hearted she is, she will be melted.

Belmod's long eyelashes trembled slightly, and then opened her bright beautiful eyes.

He looked around slightly.

She pursed her lips and smiled: "Hey, scumbag, where's my necklace?"

Heiji regained his senses, glanced at Belmod, and took out the necklace from his pocket: "A corner has been broken, I'll find someone to get a new one."

Belmod shook his head: "I want this one, help me put it on."

Mei Mei was slightly looking forward to it.

Heiji stood up, leaned down, and carefully helped her put the necklace on her smooth and long neck, and the pendant slid directly into the towering snow-white mountain ravine.

Slightly cool.

Belmod's face suddenly turned red, and he gave him a white look: "It's not that I haven't seen it before, I've been like this, and I'm still so bad."

Heiji smiled helplessly and sat aside: "Don't be so reckless next time."

The voice was slightly gentle.

Belmod was stunned for a moment, and her beautiful eyes drifted to Heiji: "Aren't you asking why I want to help you block bullets?"

Heiji smiled slightly: "I don't need it. My woman blocks bullets for me. Isn't that normal?"

There was an amazing light in Belmod's beautiful eyes, and some couldn't believe it: " accept me?"

Heiji smiled: "Didn't you give yourself to me long ago?"

Belmod calmed down slightly, his expression was gentle, and then a trace of hesitation flashed in the depths of his beautiful eyes, a trace of fear: "I suddenly don't want to restore my memory. I am afraid that after I restore my memory, I will restore the horrible character in that memory again, I'm really going to kill you."

Pingji smiled lightly: "Those are not things you should consider. Now, you just need to take good care of your injuries."

"Well, I'm sleepy, scumbag, you are not allowed to leave tonight."

Belmod laughed to himself, his beautiful eyes curved into beautiful crescents.

Heiji was slightly puzzled.

"Giggle, you are a scumbag, should I become a scumbag?"

Chapter 0576 The killer is a woman!

Belmod has fallen asleep.

Heiji stood up, covered the quilt for her, walked to the door and turned off the main light, leaving a soft little light behind.

Close the door gently!

In an instant, his eyes became awe-inspiring.

In the corridor, the sound of footsteps gradually faded away.

Belmod opened her beautiful eyes, the dim light, and her eyes glowing with lustre, her jade hand gently caressed her chest, holding the pendant.

Sighing lightly, she was a little hesitant about the future.

Downstairs in the hospital!

"Hello, may I ask which is the nearest car dealership?"

I came here by Chikage Masako's car. Now that they don't help, Heiji naturally wants to buy a car. Otherwise, would Belmode be discharged from the hospital by taking a taxi?

According to the guidance of the nurse, Heiji came to a 4S shop.

Few car dealerships open their doors at night.

So, unsurprisingly, this place is also dark.

Heiji didn't care, he picked up his mobile phone and started calling know-how. After a while, he got the mobile phone number of the manager of the 4S store.

"Hey, I'm Kino-san."

"My name is Hattori Heiji, and I need a top-spec BMW 730Li now."

"But, if I don't open a store now, I..."

"I'll give you one million yen as overtime pay."

"I'll be there right away. Where are you, Mr. Hattori?"

The voice on the phone changed instantly, very respectful.

"I'm right here at your store, I'll be there in ten minutes."

After speaking, Heiji hung up the phone, put his hands in his pockets, and leaned against the light pole to ponder: Belmod had lost his memory, no doubt, but what did she mean when she told Gin that someone from the Black Organization had approached me.

[That person has successfully integrated into my side? 】

[Or, that person has already appeared around me, waiting for an opportunity? 】

[Also, is Gin really dead? 】

"A corpse beyond recognition..."

Pingji smiled lightly, and a cold light flashed in his eyes: "Belmode is not dead, it seems that Gin has also escaped. In the future, the identity of the baron of the dark night or the old cellar should be vigilant at all times."

At this time, the manager of the 4S store had arrived, and he did not know how many red lights he had passed along the way.

"Mr. Hattori, I kept you waiting."

Kino-san nodded and bowed.

Heiji nodded: "Open the door. If you're satisfied, I'll buy it in full."

Although if you buy the full amount, the 4S store will not make much money, but if you spend more than 10 million yen casually, that is also a gold owner, and it is the most important to keep the heart of a high-stakes customer.

Besides, there's the one million yen tip.

Heiji chose a dark red BMW 730Li, swiped his card directly, took a temporary license plate, and drove away.

"Mr. Hattori, walk slowly, I will deliver your license plate on time tomorrow."

Heiji's car has disappeared.

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