"Laojiao, if you are really Laojiao, help me kill the FBI people. I don't want to leave Japan for the time being."

Belmod's voice was a little tired. She had been a female knight for a long time, her consumption was too great, and her voice was a little hoarse.

Heiji nodded: "Well, no problem."

There was no hesitation.

Belmod raised his head slightly, and there was a hint of surprise in his beautiful eyes.

"Are you surprised?"

"It's a little bit, it's very ironic that a famous detective who everyone admires turns out to be an executioner who kills people without blinking an eye."

That's what he said, but Belmod was still lying on his body quietly, and there was no irony in his tone.

Pingci smiled lightly and looked at the ceiling: "If you want to live and protect the people you care about, you need an identity that everyone admires, and you also need an unscrupulous identity secretly. Only by living well, both openly and secretly, can they also live well. Moisturize."

Belmod glanced at Heiji, his thin lips parted lightly: "You mean with Ye and the others?"

"Well, come home with me, and Ye Nanzi misses you very much."

Heiji's voice softened.

There was a hint of softness in Belmod's beautiful eyes, and he pursed his lips and smiled: "I miss her too."

"Hmph, I'm more sincere to He Yebi to you. That girl is a very kind person. Just like Xiaolan, the three of them are sisters. I'm very envious of this feeling. It's a pity..."

She paused and smiled bitterly.

"I and they are destined to have two worlds."

"Maybe, but now you and I are from the same world."

Heiji hugged Belmod even tighter.

Belmod thought for a while, put his hand on his waist, and squeezed into his arms: "The same world is only half, you and the other half belong to the light, and I always belong to the darkness."

Pingji's eyes lit up: "Are you the woman who wants to be me?"

"We're just gun buddies."

Heiji's face darkened and he was about to speak.

"The only gun buddy."

The weak voice, with a strong sense of exhaustion, gradually disappeared.

Heiji stopped talking for a moment, looked down at Belmod, who was already asleep, sighed helplessly, pulled the sheet over, and covered their bodies.

Picking up the mobile phone on the table, she sent a text message to Yukiko and Feiyingri.

Turn off the lights now!


The next morning, a ray of sunlight shone on the head of the bed.

Belmod's long eyelashes trembled, and then he opened his big misty eyes, and looked at Heiji who was close at hand, his beautiful eyes flashed softly.

She hasn't slept so well for a long time.



For her, the identity of this man is not the point, the point is that he is willing to believe her.

The black-clothed organization's pursuit of Laojiao, and Jinjiu's investigation of Laojiao, this man must know about these situations, and also know what kind of calamity it will bring if it leaks.

He actually confessed to her.

The voice was soft, with a trace of confusion.

Belmod knew that a killer like Laojiao couldn't really fall asleep completely. By now, he should have woken up long ago.

There was no movement.

Belmod frowned slightly and pushed him gently.

At this moment, Heiji opened his eyes, and a hint of doubt flashed in his eyes: "What's wrong?"

He actually fell asleep completely?

Belmod was stunned for a moment, and then there was a warm feeling in his heart, a feeling of being trusted.

"It's alright, you can continue to sleep."

After speaking, he squeezed into Heiji's arms and fell asleep again.

As for the why, there is no need to ask any more.

Heiji frowned, glanced at Belmod in a strange way, and shook his head helplessly: It's inexplicable.

A cruise ship sails at sea.

Heiji hugged Belmod's waist and stood quietly in front of the railing, looking at the endless sea, feeling relaxed and happy.

"Are you sure the FBI is on this ship?"

Belmod leaned against Heiji's arms with a calm expression.

Pingji smiled lightly: "The Gates Group's information should not be wrong. There are eighteen people in total!"

The sea breeze was blowing, with a hint of fishy smell.

Chapter 0612 Fishing and killing methods!

The sailing route of this cruise ship is to circle around the Sea of ​​Japan, after a day and night, and then return to the port of Tokyo. There will not be any islands in the middle, just a sea parade.

The deck was filled with all kinds of round tables, covered with all kinds of food, people coming and going, suits and leather shoes, long skirts mopping the floor, laughter and laughter everywhere.

Heiji walked leisurely through the crowd, of course, he had already made a disguise.

The black suit perfectly set off his sturdy figure.

Belmod was not by his side.

"1, 2, 3, 4...15?"

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