Conan's Organization No. 3

Corini Organization No. 3 Section 799

There is a mountain in the outskirts of Tokyo, a dark motorcycle shuttles on the forest trail, and the speed does not decrease in the top of the mountain.

On the motorcycle, a whole body is wrapped in a black tights and the figure of the black helmet. The whole god is on the mountain trail, and there is a strange woman who is smashing, people, people, the temperament, cold and indifferent women.

Soon, the motorcycle came to the end of this action, a European medieval castle in the top of the mountain.


The dark motorcycle rushed out from the mountain small road, the gate of the castle has been open, waiting for their arrival.


Finally, the motorcycle stopped in the courtyard of the castle, the woman didn't wait for the black shadow to remind, and he was automatically gone. The gray beauty glanced at the main fort in front of him, and immediately went to the black shadow of the motorcycle. Channel,

"Do you have this one in Japan? It seems like I have come to Japan before receiving me."

The black shadow is clear, and the dark helmet is random, revealing the dazzling silver hair.

Pu Si Qinglan is a turning, and the depths are all looking forward to the front of the silver hair.

A familiar face with a weird face mask is introduced into the eye.

"How? You are bored here."

"Do not,"

In the heart, I don't have a slight disappointment in my heart, but Pur Si Qinglan is still very good to converge this emotion, and then go to the main fortress.

"Just, what should I do if I have to expose?"


The silver hair teenager wishes, and then he took Pur Si Qinglan pushed the gate of the main fort.

The magnificent Emperor's Castle Hall is a woman's eyes, a delicate mural, or a worthy of artwork full of various corners of the lobby, and a thick feeling of history is coming. .

"It will never expose here, because this is the home of the first minister of the Japanese cabinet, who dares to come here?"

I heard this arrogant words, Pu Si Qinglan's beauty couldn't help but shocked the color, and I watched the mask with a strange smile.

Silver fox actually can get this house, is it?

"Okay, let's open your hand first."

The silver fox swept the face of the woman was being copied together, and he said calmly.


The woman is straight up with a hand, and the silver-bright handcuffs will be introduced to the eyes of the silver fox.

After all, Pu Si Qinglan is a famous international criminal, so the Tokyo Police Hall will only send her to prison overnight, and they are also special.

However, although violence is not the only way to solve the problem, it will always be the most direct and effective way.


The smoke is slow.

Silver fox collapsed the pistol in his hand, a calm voice,

"Well, you will go to sort out, leave you on the second floor, the equipment is in the dark, wait for yourself."

Said, the silver fox turned into the side hall of the first floor.

"Hey, silver fox, are you going now?"

There was a loss of her own words in Pu Si Qinglan, asked coldly.

"No, just give some guys who have just taken out to dinner."

I heard a slightly indifferent words, Pu Si Qinglan's beauty flashed a bright color, looked at the back of the silver fox, and the white mouth checked out a feet, charming arc, degree.

Although she did not contact the silver fox, even when two people were talking, they were most cold, but the relationship between the two, had to say, or fairly close.

Of course, like other guys, she has never seen the face hidden behind the face of a strange smile mask.

Even when the task is performed in the past, the silver fox is also a normal human skin mask.

after an hour!

Just come to noon, the night is 12 o'clock!


The rug floor is paved on the pine ground of the room, placed on the soft, soft sofa before the fireplace, with a strange smile mask, a black haired boy with a black windbreaker, take the right hand on the back of the sofa, flip the book on the knee .

The TV screen on the side table cabinet is bright, showing a huge black pit that has a fire burning, next to the flaps, the red police lamp flashes, and the figure of a police officer runs.

A woman who is beautiful, there is a woman who is like a cat on the blue water, standing on the warning line next to the black pit in the screen, and the famous name of Hungar is printed with the name of 'Water without Lingna.

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