Conan's Science Manga Artist Kudo Yuuji

Chapter 16 Bomb Disposal Expert Jinpei Matsuda

At Aipido Mall, Kazami Yuya was lurking among the crowd with the police. They all wore micro-headphones for communication on their ears, and everyone was disguised to a certain extent.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network→𝙩𝙬𝙠𝙖𝙣.𝙘𝙤𝙢]

"Mr. Zero, everyone is already in place. Inspector Matsuda has just entered the 72nd cabin of the Ferris wheel alone."

"I understand. Have you conducted explosive removal on the Ferris wheel controller?"

At Agasa House, Toru Amuro seduced Kudo Yuuji with coffee and sandwiches, and then exchanged them for a day off today.

He locked the bathroom door and sat on the toilet, wearing headphones to make operational arrangements to all the public security police in the Aipido shopping mall.

"There is indeed a bomb in the controller. Following your instructions, we remotely controlled the Ferris wheel. The bomb on the controller was not defused. After the controller exploded, we ensured that the Ferris wheel moved slowly."

Under the Aideto Ferris wheel, Sato Miwako looked up worriedly: "You say you are an expert or something, are you not just an inspection minister?"

Officer Megure came over with Officer Shiratori, and he explained to Sato Miwako: "In fact, until last year, he had been in the Mobile Explosive Ordnance Disposal Team of the Security Department. Four years ago, his colleague Officer Ogiwara was in Passed away while disarming the bomb.”

"Is the friend he mentioned is Police Officer Hagiwara?" Sato Miwako's eyes became even more worried.

"I remember that the gangster also installed two bombs in different places. Although one of them was defused by Matsuda-kun, Officer Hagiwara Ogiwara failed to defuse the other one in time. Officer Matsuda applied for transfer many times, and I I think it’s also to avenge my friend.”

After using a screwdriver to remove the grid under the Ferris wheel seat, Matsuda Jinpei successfully took the bomb out and began to defuse it.

Two minutes later, the controller suddenly exploded again, and Toru Amuro immediately asked Kazama to stop the Ferris wheel.

"Did you catch the signal just now? The prisoner must have used his mobile phone to detonate the bomb nearby just like four years ago."

"Capture successfully!"

"Use your cell phones and keep making reverse calls. Everyone pay attention. Take that prisoner back to the police station."

Matsuda looked at the special bomb in front of him. The vibration just now activated a very dangerous switch, mercury. If there was another shock, before Zero could catch the prisoner, he would go to see Yan Er.

Matsuda suddenly saw a sentence appear on the display on the bomb. Unexpectedly, the prisoner repeated his old trick and placed another bomb in another place.

The cell phone rang, it was an unfamiliar number. After answering the call, Matsuda put the phone to his ear.

"The criminal has been caught." Toru Amuro's voice came from the phone.

"He also planted a bomb in another place, trying to blackmail me into voluntarily being blown up."

"I know, it's not that difficult to just ask. Just hurry up and dismantle that thing. It'll be alright."

"That goes without saying, you blond idiot!" Matsuda hung up the phone and began to defuse the bomb with all his strength.

At the door of the bathroom, Yuji was drinking coffee slowly. He rarely showed a happy smile. With Toru Amuro's methods, there was no chance that the second bomb site would not be available.

He just saved Matsuda Jinpei, what should Takagi Wataru do? Can he still successfully catch up to Officer Sato?

Yuji stretched himself and planned to go back to the living room to continue working on the manuscript.

After a few minutes, the bathroom door opened. Toru Amuro stared at the place where Kudo Yuji was standing just now, lost in thought, and suddenly smiled.

He truly deserves to be Kudo Yusaku’s son.

A young man's voice came from the distant living room, with a hint of laziness and coquettishness.

"Mr. Amuro~Please clean the studio!"

"Okay~ wrap it up on me!"

Yuji watched the news being broadcast on TV Tokyo. The reporter was reporting on the danger just now at Aipido Shopping Mall and the contribution of the police to this. In short, Matsuda Jinpei should be famous.

On TV, Officer Matsuda was being surrounded by police officers from the third department. Everyone was trying to separate the young man who had just made a meritorious service from Sato Miwako.

It seems that Matsuda Jinpei did not send the confession message, otherwise Officer Sato would probably have fallen into the arms of the curly-haired man by this time.

Takagi, you still have some hope. Speaking of which, I seem to have forgotten something...

"He actually forgot me in the Metropolitan Police Department! It's too much, isn't it, Xiaolan."

On the way to school, Xinyi approached Mao Lilan and tried his best to complain to Xiaolan, but he didn't know that his words sounded like asking for comfort in the garden.

The girl with the hairband showed a look of despair. She prayed to God, hoping that she could meet her own Prince Charming before the end of her second year of secondary school.

She would never want to know that her destiny would not appear until three years later. She will have to eat dog food for three whole years!

The three middle school students all set the goal of entering Didan High School, but not all students from Didan Middle School can successfully enter Didan High School. This requires a test, and even Yuanzi cannot avoid it.

Japan does have so-called happy learning, but schools like Didan are not within the scope of happy learning. In other words, if you choose to study happily, you can only go to places with the worst teaching quality.

In Beihua Town, Teitan High School ranks first, and the others are basically just ordinary schools. So in order to be admitted to Teitan High School, the three of them only have the last half year to relax.

"The recent "Edogawa III" is getting better and better. I heard from the juniors who have just entered junior high school from elementary school that almost every child is watching it! I heard that there will be an animation!"

Sonoko suddenly saw a magazine on the shelf outside a roadside bookstore, so she took out three coins from her wallet and bought a copy.

"What's so good about this kind of thing! I can't see any profound reasoning in it. It's just something for children. Reasoning still needs to be read Sherlock Holmes."

Ran took the magazine handed by Sonoko and flipped through it twice. Although she bought this issue yesterday, she still found it very interesting. So she didn't agree with Shinichi's statement.

"But even someone like me who is not interested in reasoning likes to watch it. And more children around the world have fallen in love with reasoning because of "Edogawa III". It was said on TV that the sales of Sherlock Holmes have also increased. I think Mr. Fujimine is really amazing. It would be great if I could get his autograph."

Shinichi was very unhappy with Xiaolan's admiration, even though the other party was his younger brother. He asked awkwardly: "Which one do you like, Xiaolan, detective or cartoonist?"

"How can such things be comparable?"

"If you must say, please, I'm curious." Shinichi looked at Xiaolan's face eagerly.

"Huh?...If you have to say, it's still...detective."

Shinichi and Xiaolan blushed, they turned their heads, but forgot that Sonoko was still behind them.

God, please let them stay away from me. Sonoko covered her face and cried out in pain.

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