Conan's Science Manga Artist Kudo Yuuji

Chapter 169 The transfer student in Xiaolan's class

"Xiaolan, good morning!"

On the way to school, Yuanzi got out of the family car, asked the driver to drive back and walked with his best friend.

"Good morning, Sonoko."

Holding a bag in her hand, Xiaolan looked at Yuanzi's dark circles and poked her face helplessly.

"You stayed up late again last night."

Yuanzi opened his mouth wide and yawned. He raised his head and paid attention to the clouds in the sky. It took him half a minute to understand what Xiaolan was talking about.

It seems she is really sleepy...

"I played a game with Teacher Judy last night, and there was a limited item that I couldn't get out..." Yuanzi leaned on her best friend's shoulder and let Xiaolan help her walk: "Really, if you ask me, I'd better just buy that one Let the online game company buy it.”

"What kind of game prop is it?" Xiaolan hugged Yuanzi's hand and took her bag.

"It's a game prop linked to Edogawa III." Sonoko opened her bag and took out a small card with a line of code on it.

"As long as you buy the latest Edogawa III single volume, you will get this card as a gift. Enter the code and you will enter a special copy. If you defeat the boss, there is a 5% chance of getting a red bow-tie equipment."

The eldest lady turned the card over and put it in front of Xiaolan: "Counting accessories and equipment, the effect is that after equipping it, there is a 10% chance of triggering the passive.

When the equipment emits the voice "There is only one truth", the enemy will kneel on the ground, cry and repent, and cannot move for five seconds. "

After walking into the hall of Didan High School and changing his shoes, Yuanzi realized that Xiaolan, who didn't play games, didn't understand, so he explained directly: "It's just a five-second stun skill..."

"So that's it..."

She still knew about dizziness. Yuji sometimes brought his computer to the Mori Detective Agency to play games and told them about it.

"That's right, I got good news from Teacher Judy!" Stepping on the stairs, Sonoko suddenly woke up: "The original Teacher Shirai took a leave of absence due to pregnancy, and now Teacher Judy has become our homeroom teacher."

"That's good news!" Xiaolan also became happy: "In the game arcade before, Teacher Judy was a very interesting person..."

After greeting the classmates in the class, the two girls found their seats.

"Xiaolan, look, that's the new doctor's car!" Yuanzi sat on the window table behind Xiaolan and pointed at a white car in the parking lot of Didan High School.

"A girl got out of the new doctor's car..."

All the boys were glued to the glass window at this moment, looking at the super beautiful girl with blond hair wearing a girl's uniform and walking towards the teaching building after saying a few words to Doctor Shinde.

“So cute!”

"Don't stop me, I'm going to confess!"

"Asshole, didn't you just fail to confess your love to third-year senior Shimaizumi yesterday?"

"You can't control a man's feelings!"

The girls collectively stared at the brazen boy over there. After the bell rang, they returned to their seats and took out their English textbooks from their schoolbags.

The classroom was silent, and everyone was looking at the podium in silence, except for Yuanzi who was lying on the table and sleeping soundly, while Xiaolan was looking at her mobile phone in the hole in the table.

Today is a day off for Tedan Elementary School. Dr. Ari will take Shinichi and the others to a circus performance, and Akiko and Hiroki will also go.

It's great, you don't have to go to class...

The seventeen-year-old girl looked at the photo sent by Shinichi, with envy almost bursting out of her eyes.

The next second she received another photo, which showed Conan holding a mobile phone pendant and a sentence.

【Do you like this? 】


Turning off the phone, Xiaolan held her chin, and her ears suddenly heard the sound of running.

Thump thump thump thump…

It was the collision of high heels and the floor of the teaching building. As soon as I heard it, I knew it was Teacher Judy. Could she have overslept?

The sliding door of the classroom was suddenly opened, and the students looked at Teacher Judy, who had a head full of messy hair and had not been combed at all, and walked into the classroom breathing heavily.

", there are still thirty seconds until five minutes..."

Teacher Judy's dark circles were hidden by her glasses, but all the boys in the class could see that she looked like she was about to die suddenly, and it was obvious that she stayed up late playing games.

"Teacher, are you okay?"

The monitor stood up, moved the chair under his butt to the podium, asked Teacher Judy to sit down first, and then poured her a glass of water.

"Ah...there is a limited item that I can't get out..."

After meeting Xiaolan and Yuanzi in the game arcade, within a day, everyone in the class knew that this sexy teacher was a hopeless game addict.

He quit his job and came to Japan just to play games. This is the most ridiculous reason the young people at Teidan High School have ever heard.

Of course, they couldn't possibly know that Judy was the FBI and came to Japan just to track down the organization.

Originally, Judy had no intention of being so obsessed, but partly to maintain her personality in front of her classmates, and partly because Japanese online games were really good, she still couldn't hold it back.

"Then...turn the textbook 20."

Everyone silently stared at the English teacher who was pecking at the rice on the podium, ignoring her and preparing to start self-study.


A knock on the door sounded from the front. Teacher Judy and Sonoko both raised their heads and looked at the principal who opened the classrooms with confused expressions.

As a middle-aged man, his hair is somewhat sparse, but there are still three unyielding hairs on his head. Teacher Nogami bent down and sent a blond girl into the classroom like a licking dog.

"Classmates, this is Kurosawa who transferred from the United States. From today on, she is your classmate."

The principal turned to Kurosawa as soon as she finished talking to everyone, hoping that she could say a few words.

"What's the matter? Your eyes make me uncomfortable."

The faceless girl carried her bag and her eyes fell on Xiaolan who was sitting by the window in the second to last row. She still didn't smile.

"Well, can you please introduce yourself..."

This girl is the little ancestor sent by the Karasuma Group. It's not polite.

The principal took out a comb from his pocket and combed his hair in the speechless eyes of everyone in the second grade B class.

"My name is Kurosawa Machiko, seventeen years old."

The girl closed her mouth after saying her name and age, and her dark green pupils looked at the teacher who was sleeping on the podium.

"Teacher Judy, Teacher Judy!"

The monitor called the teacher's name in a low voice, but after being seen by the principal, he coughed twice and turned his head away.

"Kurosawa, don't worry. Teacher Judy is the best English teacher in Teitan High School. She is so tired because she has to prepare course design every night!"

The principal stood up and proudly stretched out his hand to Teacher Judy: "So don't worry about coming to our school. Teitan High School must be your best choice!"

Your mother's high financial support will definitely give you the best teaching experience. Speaking of which, the last time it gave so much money was the Suzuki Foundation two years ago...

Kurosawa Machiko nodded, and walked to the empty seat in this class in full view of everyone, that is, the seat of Kudo Shinichi.

Looking at the Sherlock Holmes collection and various mystery novels on the table, the girl hung her schoolbag on the right, took out a book and started reading.

As for the class, the teacher is sleeping so much that he is drooling, what class is there...

There is another chapter to be sent at noon.

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