Conan's Science Manga Artist Kudo Yuuji

Chapter 273: Fu Gao's self-narration and Conan's judgment

Going up the mountain along the stone slab road, Yuuji and Conan passed a horse-headed Guanyin temple halfway up the mountain, and finally saw another torii at the end of the mountain road.

"In this place, there are roads to the mountain in the East Village, South Village and North Village." Conan also found the torii on the east and south sides, and quickly deduced.

Passing through the torii on the mountain, the two brothers stepped on the crackling jade sand and found that the building on the mountain was not just the Himejin Hall. Connected to it, there is also a tower and three forked rooms at the end of the tower.

"Ichimori is indeed worthy of being the patriarch. The main entrance of this temple faces north."

Yuuji looked at the locked lattice door and did not intend to pick the lock, because he might be beaten if he was discovered.

"The well mentioned in the information should be this one."

Conan returned to a shed not far from the North Torii and looked at the wellhead covered with a stone plate. The edge of the well was a little green, and some moss-like plants grew on it, which felt very slippery.

"We have to wait for Jiduo Fugao to tell us what happened in person. The information is not complete."

Pulling Conan's hand again, the two brothers walked through the front of the temple, walked from the southern torii onto the stone slab shrine road, and walked down the mountain.

"I heard from the old policeman that the Sanmori family has no son, so if Ichimori Chojuro of the Ichimori family died, they might have a chance, right?"

Yuji recalled the gossip he heard from the laundry woman by the river. The eldest son of the Nimori family seemed to have a congenital heart disease. He was excluded from the heir by the Ichimori and Nimori families before the Thirteenth Night Ceremony.

"So the most likely person to have committed the crime ten years ago was the Nimori family."

The two brothers first suspected the second son, and then wondered. Would a boy in his early teens really kill someone for such a thing?

Back at the police station, Xiaolan had already prepared lunch. After a simple meal, the two went to the river again to meet Jiduo Fugao.

"You are here."

Lying on the rocks by the river, Jiduo Fugao pulled up a piece of rag under his body, pulled it up a lot to the shore, and laid it flat again.

"Please tell us what happened ten years ago."

Nodding, Jiduo Fugao looked around, and began to speak slowly after finding no one.

"On the night of the thirteenth night of the ceremony, I was waiting for Master Changshoulang in his room. After being called out by the master, he never came back, so I went out and secretly came to the backyard."

He seemed to recall what happened that day, which was a bit complicated.

"It was already dark at that time. I saw Master Changshoulang walking up the mountain along the Shinto. When the master, the concubines, the young ladies, and the servants of the family were waiting in the sacrificial hall and had no time to pay attention to me, I quietly followed Master Changshoulang behind the light."

Jiduo Fugao touched his head embarrassedly, as if he was talking about something shameful.

"When Master Chojuro was washing himself in front of the well, I hid behind a tree not far away, and didn't open my eyes until he walked into the temple."

"Opened my eyes?"

Hearing the doubt, Yuji couldn't help but interrupt Jiduofugao's narration: "Did you keep your eyes closed when he was bathing?"

He immediately explained: "Since I can remember, Master Chojuro doesn't allow others to disturb him when he is bathing. I wanted to wipe his back several times, but was sternly rejected."

That Chojuro is shy? No, at this point, it's not just shy, Xiaolan has bathed Conan.

Kujian aware of what his brother was thinking, Conan coughed twice, and asked with a childish face: "Brother Jiduo, since you closed your eyes, how did you know that Master Chojuro entered the temple?"

"Because I heard the sound, the sound of stepping on the jade sand." Jiduofugao brought the topic back to that night.

"I wanted to go down the mountain directly, but at that time a person wearing women's clothes and kimono came up with a lantern. What scared me the most was that she had no head."

The hand that was taking notes stopped again, and Yuji and Conan squinted and looked at Jiduo Fugao, saying in unison.

"You were not asleep at that time, were you?"

Did you really see the headless woman?

"No!" Dissatisfied with the suspicion of the two, Jiduo Fugao snorted: "I remember very clearly that the woman also went to the well to take a bath. At that time, I was so scared that I accidentally stepped on a branch and fainted. When I woke up, there was no one at the well."

That means she fell asleep...

Staring at Jiduo Fugao speechlessly, Conan rolled his eyes.

"So you went down the mountain?" Yuji rubbed his nose, picked up a stone from his butt and threw it into the river.

"No, Miss Fei Nvshi also went up the mountain, so I had to squat behind the tree and watched her walk into the temple after she finished her bath."

Ji Duofu Gao hesitated for a moment, first assured the two that he was absolutely not mistaken, and then swore: "Miss Fei Nvshi must have gone in with a lantern. I watched her lantern float from the temple into the tower, walk along the bottom of the tower to the top of the tower, and finally go out at the top of the tower."

When Yi Shou Fei Nvshi was found again, it was when Yi Shou Chang Shoulang came out of the temple and saw the body in the well with his servants.

"Miss Fei Nvshi's head seemed to have fallen to the bottom, and her legs were exposed. Before I could take a closer look, Master Chang Shoulang wrote a note and sent me down the mountain to tell the master and others about Miss Fei Nvshi's death."

"What was written on the note?"

Could it be that Yi Shou Chang Shoulang killed his sister, and then used code words to disguise himself as a ghost with his family?

But isn't this just taking off your pants to fart? Why do such a dangerous thing in such a big ceremony...

"It says: The concubine died in the well. I asked Xiaofu to send you a letter. This is not a joke."

"Is Xiaofu the nickname of Brother Jiduo?"

Turning his head to look at Conan, Jiduo Fugao nodded: "This is what the young master usually calls me. The master and the others know it, but never use it."

Master Yishou quickly led people up the mountain. When he fished out his daughter's body, for the sake of the deceased daughter's chastity, he asked the group to hold their legs and close their eyes. When everyone opened their eyes again, the body was wrapped in a shroud.

"They fished out a lot of hair in the well. When they went down the mountain and returned home, the master collapsed on the ground and said that the concubine's body had no head."

The time for rest was almost up. Jiduo Fugao stood up with the stone on the ground. He patted the non-existent ash behind his butt and talked about the end of the matter ten years ago.

The next day, Master Ichimori couldn't wait to burn the body of the concubine. Just when he was keeping an eye on the concubine for the sake of the Lord Tanshou and didn't pay attention to Chojuro, the family saw the missing head of the concubine in Chojuro's room.

Watching the boy pick up the rag and leave the river, the Kudo brothers also walked downstream to the police station.

"What strange places did you find?" Yuji took advantage of no one and whispered to Conan's ear.

"The headless woman, if I'm not wrong, it may be true."

Staring at the elder brother in surprise, the boy blinked: "Do you really believe that Tanshou exists?"

The glasses were glowing slightly, and Conan said silently: "I just think that the headless woman must be someone pretending, not just a dream of Jiduo Axe Gao."

There is another chapter to be released in the afternoon

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