Conan's Science Manga Artist Kudo Yuuji

Chapter 331 Science or not science, that is the question

“This dress looks great!”

Lying on the display cabinet glass of a roadside store, Anna blinked and turned to look at Yuzuki and Kaori who were shopping with her.


"Really, we have bought a lot today."

Covering the plaid hat on her head, Kaori raised the dozen bags in her hands and reminded: "Three hundred thousand yen have been spent today!"

"Yeah, there's no need to buy so much at once..." Yue Yue also felt a little tired, so she and her best friend stepped forward and grabbed Anna's shoulders, dragging her forward.

"Let me go, this is abuse. The master said, I can buy whatever I want today." Seeing the flames seeming to come out of the girls' heads, Anna, who was originally stubborn, closed her mouth and pointed to Kudo's home opposite. pet shop.

"Instead of buying clothes, how about buying cans..."

"Aren't you already a human, and you still want to buy canned cats?!" Yuzuki raised her eyebrows in surprise, tilting her head and placing the back of her hand on Anna's forehead.

"Not for me, but for those two stupid dogs."

Patting the girl's hand down, Anna raised her head proudly. Anna pulled Yuzuki and Kaori across the street and walked into the pet store. As soon as she entered the door, she noticed a familiar figure holding brown dog food in her hand and eating it happily. Click.

"Mr. Kudo, this is dog food. Although humans can also eat it, it is still..."

The waitress looked embarrassed. This boy was a regular visitor to the store. He was very generous every time he came. He thought he was an acquaintance. She still wanted to persuade him: "If you want to eat snacks, it's better to go to the supermarket and buy some. It's better than eating." Good dog food.”

"You don't understand this." Unaware that the three girls of his family were watching everything at the door, Yuji grabbed a little bit of dog food from the plate in front of him and rubbed it on the waiter's face.

"This yellow bag contains a lot of calcium powder, so it is more suitable for larger dogs." After the boy said that, he stuffed the dog food powder in his hand into his mouth and revealed the red package of dog food: " The ones in red bags are oilier than others, so dogs that are too fat can’t eat them.”

"So that's it..." Nodding, the waiter subconsciously spread out the notebook on the table. Just as he was about to record this person's tasting experience, he realized something was wrong.

[I want to persuade him not to eat dog food...]

"The most important thing is." Yuji grabbed a bag of dog food directly from the shelf: "This thing is much more expensive than potato chips."

After all, he makes a lot of money. Although he won't feed his dog wagyu or something like those rich people do, dog food needs to be good and expensive.

Recalling that when he went to Suzuki's house to deliver the animation script, he saw the chef Yuko hired for Lupine and the whole wagyu he bought specially, and the young man mumbled.

"In order to treat my dog, I opened a pet hospital and hired a body manager for the dog. Is it really necessary?"

"What?" The waiter didn't hear clearly. From the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the three girls who had been standing at the door. Then he realized and trotted over.

"I'm so sorry! I was just talking here and didn't see the three of you!"

"Someone is here again." The boy grabbed a handful of dog food again, leaned against the counter, picked up one with his right hand and put it in his mouth, while turning his head to look at the girls at home.


After buying a bag of dog food, the four people left the pet store and walked to the right side of the road.

"The master is so kind. He bought Anna a lot of things!" Holding Yuji's arm, Anna squinted her eyes and looked extremely happy. If she still had her tail and ears, she would be very lively at the moment.

"Obviously we brought her here, why are we just thanking Yuuji!" Yuzuki snorted angrily, remembering the embarrassment of bumping into Yuuji eating dog food, and laughed again.

"By the way, didn't Yuji go for a walk? Why are you here in Ginza?"

Kaori found the boy parked on the side of the road, looking ahead furtively, and pulled her best friend over to him.

"Ah... I met Officer Matsuda in the cemetery, went to a grave with them, and then came to Ginza to play."

【What is he talking about? 】x2

The girls behind them all rolled their eyes and communicated using secret codes that only they understood.

[They must have been worried about us, so they came here secretly. 】

"That's the kid who's been at home these days! There's also a kid dressed like a stupid dog." Anna looked farthest away and spotted the five little ones in front of the cinema at a glance.


"Conan, when you go to Gunma County this time, are there any big and exciting cases?"

"No, it's just a matter of going and coming back. There's nothing exciting about it."

In Conan's mind, the fact that Uncle Maori almost drove off the cliff was not worth talking about. If there was anything that could make his accident-torn nerves beat again, I'm afraid...

"I'm really bored. How could someone fly an armed helicopter to shoot down the Tokyo Tower?"

The children were standing in front of a movie poster, planning to vote on what movie to watch today.

"It is indeed Gomera." Genta pointed to the huge poster on the left: "My dad said this is a new movie this year. It is a big movie jointly produced by Toto Animation Production Company and Shara, called Shin Gomera. "

To put it simply, it is a reboot, reshooting the origin story of Gomera. The only difference is that the plot has been changed from the original version.

"The general plot of the movie has been released by the production company a long time ago, and we almost know exactly what the story is about." Haibara Ai took out her mobile phone from her jacket pocket and opened the browser's favorites page.

"Because of Japan's massive discharge of nuclear contaminated water, the creatures in the Pacific Ocean mutated rapidly, and finally a super-large monster named Godzilla was born, which can spit lasers from its mouth. The monster led a group of birds and beasts named Zoga, which were mutated from Antarctic penguins, to attack humans, and finally completely destroyed Japan and disappeared from the sea level."

Nodding, Xiao Ai showed an interested smile on her face: "It sounds like a good movie, unlike those bad movies..."

"Then let's watch this?" Mitsuhiko pinched his chin and pointed to the largest poster in the middle of the theater: "But today is also the day when the latest Edogawa III movie is released."

"You can watch this kind of bad movie anytime, I think I'd better watch Godzilla." Conan said to the blue suit Shiba Inu in the center position on the poster: "Let's go, let's buy tickets."

After deciding to watch Godzilla, Conan stuffed banknotes into the ticket machine and asked the little ones to buy popcorn and Coke, and waited for the machine to spit out tickets alone.

"Brother Yuuji!" x3

As soon as they arrived at the sales counter, the four children noticed Kudo Yuuji, who was hugged by a strange girl, and Yuzuki and Kaori, who were standing on the side with things in their hands.

"What's wrong, Ai, your face suddenly turned so pale?" Ayumi supported Ai and found that the girl kept turning her head away and didn't look at the strange big sister.

"What's wrong with that big sister?"

"Nothing, I just feel unwell..."

Ai recalled that in the middle of the night, when she got up to go to the bathroom, she saw the three cats that were originally lying on Yuuji's bed turned into three naked girls after a flash of red light.

[Impossible, how could there be such an unscientific thing. 】

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