
Peering out from behind the steel guard plate, Conan looked up and secretly glimpsed the armed helicopter spraying white liquid on the entire Tokyo Tower, and breathed a sigh of relief.

[At least it's safe for the time being. ]

Mizutani Hirosuke beside him had fainted, and Motokami Kazuki, who was originally shot dead by Ireland, is now probably Motokami Kazuki-chan.

"The most urgent thing is to find a way to escape from here!"

Although he didn't know why Gin and the others threw these liquids, Conan was sure of one thing. According to the nature of the organization, the tower would not be able to stay today and would definitely be blown up.

"Buzz buzz buzz..."

Suddenly, the sound of a mechanical motor rotating came from his ears. Conan turned his head sharply and saw a drone with the Whitebeard logo flying in from the back of the tower, and tears filled his eyes.

"Ah! I will never say that you can only invent some junk again, Doctor!"

He immediately ran over and took down the backpack hooked under the drone, confirmed that it was indeed the parachute used to chase Kidd before, and put it on his back after checking that there was no problem.

"Wait! In order to be able to shuttle freely among the high-rise buildings in Tokyo, the parachute made by the doctor for me is shrunk. It would be very difficult to carry an adult..."

He turned his head to look at Mizutani Hirosuke lying on the ground and walked over slowly.

"Mr. Mizutani has woken up, probably when the drone came up just now."

Hearing Conan's words, Mizutani Hirosuke slowly opened his eyes and stared at him with complicated eyes. Originally, he thought that Nanako's death was his fault, and planned to cooperate with Ben Shanghe Shu to avenge and volunteer to be killed, but now... he doesn't want to die.

"You must be thinking now, if you take the parachute on my back, even if you haven't learned how to use it, it's better than waiting to die here."

Conan looked down at the shoes that were broken by Ireland: "And it seems that I have no way to resist."

"Who are you!"

A trace of fear surged in Mizutani Kousuke's heart. He had already given up the idea of ​​taking the parachute. Such a person could get equipment help in this situation. Even if he landed successfully, he would not live beyond tomorrow.

"Primary school student... How could he have such intelligence!"

"You asked who I am?"

Conan adjusted his glasses. Under the wind blowing in from the hole in the Tokyo Tower, his hair spread with the wind. His glasses flashed white light, and the wise eyes behind them were revealed again.

"Edogawa Conan! Just a primary school student detective."

The exhibition hall fell silent, and the sound of liquid flowing down could be clearly heard. When Conan was still thinking about how to take both people down, there was a sudden sound from the backpack straps.

"Ahem, microphone test, 1, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1."

"Yuji!" Conan immediately pulled the strap to his mouth, and finally found the communication device on the top of the strap: "The signal here is broken, and the phone can't be dialed."

"I know, isn't it? Someone sent you something."

At the Maori Detective Agency, watching the Nichimi TV station broadcasting the current situation of the Tokyo Tower on TV, Yuji glanced at the childish godmother who was using the claws of the Godzilla doll to hit the building block helicopter and making a "bang, snap" sound in her mouth, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Remember to jump from the east side of the tower. The helicopter is in the upper corner of the east, which is their blind spot. The TV station and the mobile force are all in the west. I specially chose a black parachute so that you won't be photographed."

"But the east side is full of office areas, and many of them are on the tenth or twentieth floors..."

Conan's eyes lit up: "Is that so? They are relatively high, and it will be easier to descend from a low height. Two people should be enough, but I'm afraid Mr. Mizutani will have to be wronged."

Looking at Conan's confident expression, Mizutani Kousuke suddenly felt cold all over.


Putting the ramen bowl back into the box, Subaru Okiya turned the box over and pulled the other side to reveal the black parts inside.

"Let me see, is there only one bullet?"

After assembling the gun, Subaru Okiya pointed the muzzle at the tail of the helicopter in the sky and took out a lollipop from his pocket. Because he can't smoke in the restaurant, he now uses lollipops instead.

"Wind speed, distance and visual deviation, we need to correct it slightly to the left." After aiming completely, Subaru Okiya pressed the bullet into the gun and waited quietly for Conan to fly out of the tower.

The armed helicopter moved again, descending along the Tokyo Tower, and after confirming that the liquid had completely flowed down, it climbed again. Taking advantage of the blind spot where the helicopter could not see the position below, Conan and Mizutani Kosuke, who was stripped down to his pants, jumped in front of the glass and fell to the east.

"Hey! Don't pull my pants, they will get loose!"

After kicking Mizutani, Conan suddenly pulled the backpack ring when he fell 30 meters, and the black parachute suddenly burst out of the backpack, and the two flew along the gap between the high-rise buildings.

There was a passable road below, and Mizutani Kosuke secretly opened his eyes and took a look. He saw a red road composed of car lights, his face turned pale, and he almost fainted.

"Wake up!"

Raising his hand and slapping him in the face, Conan yelled in Mizutani's ear: "If you let go now, you'll be dead!"

On the helicopter, Gin pushed Chianti away, drove Cohen to his previous position, and sat directly behind Vodka. His hand was on the last button, and just as he was about to press it, the whole helicopter suddenly shook.

"What's going on!"

Vodka glanced at the monitor and shouted in disbelief: "We were hit, big brother!"

While the helicopter was still above the Tokyo Tower, Gin immediately pressed the black button on his left hand. As an iron box fell, the helicopter with black smoke also swayed left and right and fell towards the distant river.

"Who did it!"

In front of the Tokyo Tower, Oe was furious when he saw the helicopter being hit. He looked around and found that the mobile troops he brought were also looking at the sky in surprise, frowning.

"Administrator! A black box fell from the helicopter!"

Just a few seconds after a policeman reminded him, Oe had not seen the appearance of the box clearly, and the black iron box aimed at a steel bar and pierced it through.

The purple liquid dripped down along the steel bar, mixed with white and blue explosive liquid. In the eyes of Maori Kogoro and others, they only felt a white before their eyes, and then came the violent roar of the explosion.

"Boom boom boom..."

The wind pressure caused by the explosion shattered the glass of the buildings around the tower, and swept away all the mobile police holding blast shields at the front. Without the protection of the blast shields, the broken stones hit several policemen and directly opened holes in their bodies.

"Come on! Ambulance! Call an ambulance!"

"Hey! Kono, don't sleep! Don't you have a three-year-old daughter at home?"

The whole scene was filled with wailing.

Getting up from the ground, Maori Kogoro saw that before the explosion, Oe had just blocked a young man in his twenties in front of him, and he rushed up and knocked him down with a punch.

"You bastard!"

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