Conan's Science Manga Artist Kudo Yuuji

Chapter 401: Talking bad about yourself

Taiwan Novel Network→🆃🆆🅺♦🅽.🅲♦🅼

"This is called a pre-dinner drink. Drinking it before going to bed can improve your sleep."

Picking up the goblet in his hand, Belmode shook the wine in the glass and was very satisfied with the meal Yuji ordered. Although she didn’t know if this kid ordered French food in England on purpose, Chris vaguely remembered that Yuji loved French food. Looking up at the young man eating and drinking, Belmode shook his head.

【I guess I like everything as long as it’s delicious...】

"Hey, please be more careful. The noise of eating is so loud, it will affect others."

Conan pushed his brother's arm and noticed that he had taken away the leg of lamb on his plate. He didn't care about the eyes of others, he reached out and snatched it back, opened his mouth wide and took a bite.

"That's it. You've been running around all morning. Why do you care so much about other people's opinions?" Yuji wiped his hands with a wet wipe and then wiped them with Conan's head.

"Just like those who eat sushi with their hands in Japanese sushi restaurants, and those who eat with chopsticks in Chinese restaurants, the worst thing is for people who think they are superior to others."

Eyes peeking at the wine at Belmod's elbow, Yuji licked his lips with his tongue, wanting to take a sip.

"If it's a banquet, forget it. Since it's a normal meal now, the children can just drink the grape juice."

After hearing what Chris said, Yuji immediately retorted: "Miss Chris, I am fifteen years old now. I am no longer a child, I am a mature adult!"

"Really?" After taking a sip of wine, Belmod raised his eyebrows: "Then, my dear son, when did you become an adult?"

This ambiguous question made the three minors present feel a little uncomfortable. Except for Yuji, Conan and Sera Masumi all blushed.

"Really, this thick skin really looks like an adult."

After finishing the meal, Chris pulled Yuji and Conan at the same time and stopped at the door of the hotel.

"Although I don't know who this child is, I can only ask her to take a taxi back." Chris held the boys on both sides in her arms and looked at Sera Masumi: "I still want to take them to play. ”

After Sera Masumi disappeared in the taxi, Conan struggled to break free from the arms of this "evil" woman.

"What the hell are you doing in England?"

Staring at Chris warily, Conan raised his hand and aimed the sight at her white neck. His pupils moved to the button on the side of the watch, only to find that the ejection mechanism had been removed by Belmod at some point.

"Next time, you can ask the inventor, Dr., to integrate the ejection mechanism and the watch."

Chris stretched out her right hand and shook the small box about the size of her thumb.

"But if they are put together, a magazine needs to be added outside." Belmod squatted on the ground, rubbed Conan's head with his hands, and pulled his mouth to both sides.

"I said, why don't you just use a gun instead? Look at how well Yuji uses it."

With a snort, Conan saw his brother and the woman walking towards the east, and followed them: "I'm a primary school student, what's the point of using a gun?"

[Besides, Holmes’s usual weapon is not a gun. 】

After walking for almost ten minutes, the two of them followed Chris and saw their destination, a hotel decorated in an antique style, which seemed to have a history of several decades. There was also a receptionist at the door of the hotel, who bowed to the three of them. salute.

Entering the hotel suite, while Chris turned on the light and changed her shoes, Brother Kudo glanced around the room. There were several pairs of men's leather shoes in the corner, and there were also a gray suit jacket and a pair of overalls on the hanger.

Sitting down on the sofa in the suite, he saw the British magazine on the table. Yuji, who was familiar with Chris, directly reached out to pick it up and read it without reminding Conan who was still observing the room.

[Belmod walked towards the bed? 】

When he found that Belmode walked directly to the bed and started to take off his clothes, Conan hurriedly closed his eyes, but he always felt a scent wafting over him. He swallowed, not daring to breathe.

[Is this guy Yuji already used to it? He kept his head down as soon as he entered the door. Did he already know that this woman would take off her clothes? 】

"Okay, you can relax."

There was a rustling sound in front of him. Yuji put down the magazine and slumped down: "There are the remains of sandwiches and cheese on the table, as well as boys' leather shoes in the corner and overalls on the hanger... Is it Calvados? "

"You think I'd let him in my room?"

Nodding, Yuji rubbed his nose: "I thought so too, so Mr. Amuro is here too?"

"He was just sent out by me to inquire about information and check out locations."

Chris was wearing a tight-fitting black leather jacket, and her hair was tied into a ponytail with three steel teeth. Although she looked very thin, Yuji, who knew her approximate body size, guessed at just one glance that there was still a fatal pad underneath. Ceramic bulletproof vest.

Bending down to tighten the laces of his combat boots, Belmod kicked the table. A clicking sound came from the middle, and a gap opened in the middle of the table. With Conan's shocked expression, he opened it. The desktop is like a box filled with guns and ammunition.

"You...what are you going to do! Why are there so many weapons?!"

Seeing Belmode's face change from a smile, Conan jumped up from the sofa, his whole body tensed up, as if he was going to fight Chrissy.

"Sit down first."

Yuji pulled Conan back to the sofa, then took a revolver from the box and opened the magazine to check.

"With so many weapons, Ms. Chris, you are not going to kidnap the British Prime Minister, are you?" Yuji grabbed a handful from the bullet box and loaded bullets one by one.

"If you really think so, I advise you to give up this idea as soon as possible. Even if you and Mr. Amuro go together, it is impossible."

"You don't need to tell us about this kind of thing, and we won't do it."

Rolling her eyes, knowing that Yuji was joking, Chris also took out her usual pistol from the box and started loading bullets.

【Being able to put weapons in this room so easily shows that this hotel is also the organization's property, but how could Vermouth, the head of the United States, come to the UK? Where is the original head of the UK? 】

After loading the bullets and buckling the magazine, Yuji stuffed the pistol into his arms: "If you don't tell me, Conan will be anxious to death. Miss Chris, please tell me the specific mission first, otherwise I don't know what to do next."

"Yuji!" Conan stretched out his hand and pinched his brother's waist: "Are you going to help them kill people?!"

"It may not be killing. Look, there are also shock bombs and signal isolators under the weapons. These equipment are not only lethal, but also stun."

The boy grabbed a half-fist-sized shock bomb from under the gun, and compared it with the one made by Hiroki in his arms. He couldn't help but sigh that it was worth raising this brother.

【If I raise a brother who only knows how to cause trouble for me all day, my head will be in pain. 】

"Ah cut!"

Tilting his head and sneezing, Yuji blinked his eyes: "Strange, did someone say something bad about me?"

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