Conan's Science Manga Artist Kudo Yuuji

Chapter 452 The boy's misunderstanding

The old man definitely saw it.

Putting his hands next to his trouser legs, Yuuji felt that his face under the mask was dripping with sweat. He moved a few steps forward and stood right under the central air conditioner, his expression blank for a moment.

"You have removed the director of the Traffic Bureau and the Director of the Security Bureau. Do you have anyone to arrange for them?"

When he thought that the room was full of his own people, Mr. Yoshioka became a little arrogant, but he didn't expect to be scolded by the old man opposite.

"You haven't even gotten my appointment yet, and you're already concerned about the appointment and dismissal of various ministries!"

Minami Masamune, who walked back and forth around the room several times and finally put his right hand in the desk drawer, turned red and hit Tetsuo Yoshioka with a brush.


Startled, he caught a glimpse of Minami Masamune pulling out a black box from under the table. Mr. Yoshioka shook his head and lowered his head in embarrassment.

"I really don't know how someone like you could become a member of parliament. You are useless at all."

"I'm so sorry!"

Nan Zhengzong raised his head and glanced at Yoshioka opposite him, seeing him clasping his hands and shaking them, with the corners of his mouth raised slightly.

"Okay, there are no other listening devices in the house."

Taking out a familiar flashing pen from his pocket and placing it on the table, Mr. Nan crossed his legs and was sure that it was Kudo Yuuji in front of him.

"Just follow Grandpa in a down-to-earth manner. The order has been issued anyway."

He put a folder in front of him and pushed it toward Mr. Yoshioka, then poured two cups of tea and drank his own cup.

"Deputy Chief of the Police Department?!"

Opening the folder, he saw a position that was beyond Kudo Yuji's imagination. He swallowed, and the young man pretending to be middle-aged remembered Megure Thirteen who had just become a police officer after a lifetime of work. For the first time, he felt what it meant to be a guanxi householder. benefit.

"Don't get me wrong. Although the position of deputy chief is yours, I have no intention of handing over my power to you. I will not leave Tokyo until my retirement."

Although the deputy director of the police department has only the chief of the police department above his head, which is lower than one person and higher than ten thousand people in the Japanese police system, there is a very strange thing about this position, that is, there is no clear authority.

To put it simply, if the Chief of the Police Department is away on business, or is not in Tokyo due to special circumstances, the Deputy Chief of the Police Department can temporarily act for the Chief of the Police Department and perform his duties. Other than that, there is no way to issue orders beyond the level. This is a typical example. scapegoat.

"Then what do I do?"

Yuji's inexplicable ambition just because of his high position was slapped to the ground by the old man. He walked to the table and sat down, slowly picking up the tea cup.

"Well, help me run errands and help me receive other police headquarters chiefs who will return to Tokyo to report on their duties later."

"Isn't this all chores?"

Yuji held his chin, the middle-aged man's expression showed the dissatisfaction of a young man, which made Minami Masamune laugh.

"Otherwise, you are asked to take over some of the power and responsibilities to deal with those old men who have been in the officialdom for many years? Do you believe that if I hadn't brought you along, as soon as the meeting ended, you would have said a few words to them, and we would have You’ll be fooled around.”

"No...that's not the father also taught me how to deal with superiors..."

Although he was still arrogant, Yuji knew that the old man was right. When he just chatted with Suzuki Jirokichi for a few words on the way back to Japan, he felt as if he had no clothes on, let alone these people who talked every day. An old man of eighteen years.

"Oh, how about you make a bet with the old man?"

Nan Zhengzong's eyes seemed to be shining. He tapped the table with his fingers and said with a half-smile: "You go out now, and then go to the offices of the two directors of the Criminal Bureau and the Intelligence and Security Bureau to sit for a while. If you bring them back, you can come with me." If you call us, the old man will give you the security bureau and the traffic bureau."

The stakes are not heavy. Not to mention the Transportation Bureau, if the Security Bureau gets it, the Public Security Division, the Security Division, and the International Intelligence and Foreign Affairs Division can all be in hand...

"What if it's different?"

Yuji's heart was moved. He straightened up and looked at Minami Masamune, ignoring the smile on the old man's face.

"Then you go into Nan Nan's house and become a son-in-law." Mr. Nan played with the tea cup.

"Then I've decided!"

Yuji put his hand fist to his mouth and coughed twice. In Minami Masamune's surprised expression, he sternly rejected the old man's temptation.

"I think it would be nice to have a meeting for you."

"Yeah, okay."

Minami Masamune did not feel contempt for the young man's retreat. Instead, he patted him on the shoulder: "As expected of Kudo Yusaku's son, face is the most unworthy thing. With you like this, I feel that there is hope to see him in the future. The way you sit in this position."

Not as Tetsuo Yoshioka, but as Yuji Kudo, he sat on the chair of the Commissioner of the National Police Agency.

"Then you have to think highly of me. I just want to draw a comic and stay at home."

Yuji straightened his clothes and breathed a sigh of relief after finding nothing wrong in the full-length mirror in the office.

"That's fine, as long as you make your own decision and don't regret it, we elders can't say anything except blessings."

Nan Zhengzong stood up, his expression changed from the amiable old man just now to an irritable old man.

"By the way, you have to clock in regularly from tomorrow on. The office is next to mine. Tidy it up yourself and clean up all the mess."

"Ah... Then I can't sleep in?!"

Yuji looked at Mr. Nan who didn't allow him to refuse, and his face, which had just returned to normal, suddenly collapsed, which looked very funny.

It's decided. Tomorrow, I will let the new employee order a soft bed from the furniture store and put it in the office, so that he can catch up on his sleep.

"Also, I can't get used to the cafeteria of the Metropolitan Police Department. You can bring your lunch box."

"Eh? The food in the Metropolitan Police Department is actually quite good. Officer Megure told me about the government-funded meal subsidy. It's not a small amount."

"Nonsense!" Mr. Nan grabbed the crutches and slapped Yuji on the butt, snorting unhappily: "You kidnapped my granddaughter, and you don't allow her to cook for me?!"

What? After all this trouble, he is just a proud old man who wants to eat his granddaughter's food. It's really hard to tell whether he is cute or not.

"Okay, okay, I got it."

Walking to the door, Yuji seemed to remember something, turned around and lowered his head, and asked quietly: "Old man, who helped you investigate those things in the meeting just now? The two directors of the Criminal Bureau and the Intelligence Security Bureau?"

Why does it feel that this painter is so familiar with the police? I haven't heard Kaori say that her grandfather has held a high position.

"You kid, are you really stupid or just pretending to be stupid?"

Minami Masamune smacked his lips speechlessly, tapped the boy's head with the end of his cane, and said: "What do you think I was doing when Ooka was the prime minister? Painting at home behind closed doors?!"

"Isn't it?!"

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