Conan's Science Manga Artist Kudo Yuuji

Chapter 642 Finally connected

"Okay, everyone is leaving."

The three Nogami men fiddled with the ground floor for more than an hour before returning to the command room. The ground floor was quiet for a while, and a figure popped out from the innermost layer, stretching his body constantly.

"Oh my god, I don't even dare to take a big breath."

With a long sigh of relief, Machiko took out the organization's backup controller from behind, followed the process described in the conference room before the operation, installed the black device in the designated position, and then pressed the power button.

"The next step is to go back to the room just now and wait for Naomi to be alone..."

The elevator door opened, and looking at Kazuka Nogami alone with her arms crossed inside, Machiko's expression changed from doubt, horror, panic, despair, to calmness, and finally revealed a weird smile.

"Where are they?"

"I said I had a stomachache and sent them back." Nogami and Xiang looked Machiko up and down: "You are Mao Lilan's classmate, why are you here."

"Explain! I will explain, but before that, could you please put away the pistol and handcuffs?"

Nogami Kazuka was selected by her personally. She was sure that if she tried to fool her here, the other party would give her a bullet without hesitation.

"Nogami, actually..."

Machiko trembled: "I was sent by Chief Nan to perform a special mission."


Machiko began to walk, but she controlled the distance very well, ensuring that the distance between herself and Nogami would not exceed three meters, and at the same time, she moved her body as much as possible to cover up the stiffness she felt when she was talking.

"As Japanese police, how can we allow international police to obtain surveillance rights? However, cooperating with the ocean buoy work is a request made by the United States to Japan, and it is difficult for the chief to openly resist."

Machiko became more and more enthusiastic as she talked, and felt that this was quite reasonable.

"My mission is to destroy the ocean buoy and provide a reason for you to garrison in."

Looking at Nogami's suspicious eyes, Machiko hummed: "It seems they didn't tell you anything."

"Wait a moment."

Machiko's expression stiffened slightly the moment Nogami took out the satellite phone, and then immediately returned to normal.

"Secretary, it's me..."

After hanging up the phone, Nogami looked at Machiko calmly.

"I admit, maybe what I just said is slightly different from the actual situation, but..."

"Let's go."

"I really didn't... huh?"

Machiko blinked and found that Nogami had made room for the empty seat next to her. He hesitated and carefully observed Nogami's expression.

[Mr. Amuro, helped me hide it? 】

That's right, Toru Amuro must know about the organized operation.

"What are you going to do next?"

"After the system is connected, kidnap Naomi out."

While the elevator was going up, Nogami held on to the elevator wall. She combined the tasks mentioned by herself and Machiko, and found that they could be connected.

"The mission I originally knew was to hand over monitoring rights, and another point was to lead my subordinates to control the ocean buoy at the right time."

Nokami looked at Machiko: "I didn't understand what the right time meant before, but now I finally understand."

[But I’m just talking nonsense. I can’t possibly be right in my nonsense, right? 】

After Machiko finished complaining in her heart, she suddenly frowned again.

No, it's not impossible.

Their mission was given by Bermod. According to Vodka, the so-called intrusion operation was a plan that Bermod had reported together with Gin after inquiring about the large buoy and the cross-age system from Minami Masamune at the Metropolitan Police Department. The gin arrangement from beginning to end was made based on the information given by Bellmode.

It's entirely possible that the old man sitting in the office made a plan with his mother. The old man used his invasion as an excuse for the police department to intervene in the base, thereby transferring surveillance rights from the local area to Tokyo in the name of American coercion.

[But what are the benefits of Miss Chris? The old man will not allow this cross-age system to be obtained by people other than the Japanese police...]

"What are you thinking about?" Nogami Kazuka saw Machiko shaking her head.

"It's nothing. I'm on the 18th floor and there's surveillance above."

Machiko ran out as quickly as the elevator opened. Nogami, who was standing in the elevator, lowered his eyes and understood.

"It turns out there are accomplices."

"Sister, you really are not worried at all."

Vodka walked in from outside the conference room holding a cup of noodles in his left hand, and a heated and ready-to-eat sausage in his right hand.

"When this cross-age system is obtained, the organization can search every member. I don't believe those rats can't dig them out."

After uttering words, Vodka sighed: "Brother, he has been working hard for the rats of the organization to have enough food and restless sleep. Sister, do you think they can succeed?"

"Hmm, huh?"

Vodka looked at the sausage that disappeared from his hand and the small stick that appeared in Belmode's hand. He opened his mouth to say something, but the still warm noodle cup in his hand still gave him some comfort and at least some food.


The sound of the instrument shocked both of them, and they ate Vodka's favorite sausage in two bites. Belmod opened the computer on the table and saw the control system that had turned green, and hurriedly called Vodka.

"The system is already connected, Vodka, hurry up and bring up the system interface of the ocean buoy."


Vodka took the computer from Vermouth, transferred it from the organization's connector to the Ocean Buoy system, and then projected the screen onto the conference room's screen.

"It's not possible to operate it yet. We can only watch the people over there operate it. When the lady brings the woman who developed the system over here, we can control it directly from here."

Vodka just smiled, but turned around and saw the Ocean Buoy's test system on the screen calling up the test photos.

"Miyano Shiho?!"

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