Chapter 9 Edogawa… III!

A year passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, Yuji was promoted to the second grade. Unfortunately, Usami Yuzuki was not assigned to the same class as him. With Yuji's encouragement, the little girl successfully shined in a music class, and her friends did not isolate her because of this.

"Classmates, Tanabata is coming soon! Let's write wishes together this year and tie them on bamboo!" Teacher Yonehara walked into the classroom holding a pile of bamboo.

Teitan Elementary School uses bamboo to decorate the classroom every July. The teacher will ask students to write their wishes on paper and then make a wish together.

Yuji thought for a long time and wrote down the word "manga artist".

The boy in his previous life always wanted to be a manga artist, but his wish finally failed under the general environment. On the one hand, it was social reasons, and on the other hand, it was family reasons.

"Kudo-san wants to be a manga artist? It's a great ideal!"

Usami's voice suddenly came from behind, scaring the boy. It seems that since Yuji complained that Mr. Yonehara's bright red sweater was ugly last year, Usami no longer wears brightly colored clothes. Today, she wore a light floral dress with a pair of white leather shoes, looking lively and cute.

"Didn't you write down your wish to become a singer? Do you have the note with you? Let me see it."

Usami Yuzuki put her note behind her back, looking quite shy.

"No, Kudo-san, you can't just peek at a girl's secrets."

The time for school is coming soon, and Yuji walks to the fourth grade classroom with his schoolbag. This semester, not only he and Usami, but Shinichi and Xiaolan are also assigned to different classes.

"Oh, it's Yuji-sama! Kudo! Your brother is here to see you!" A tall boy found Yuji at the door and shouted to the corner of the last row in the classroom.

Is that kid here again? Besides, why do you call him Yuji-sama, but only call me Kudo? I really want to go to middle school quickly and stay away from him!

"Let's go, brother, you don't have to clean today, right?" Yuuji stood in front of the classroom, and saw Xiaolan and Sonoko sweeping the floor next door. He smiled knowingly, then pulled Shinichi up and snatched his brother's chair.

"Ah, I'm so tired, climbing the stairs is really hard. I want to go home with Xiaolan and the others, so please help clean up."

"I really can't do anything about you, so I'll just help them reluctantly, who told you to go with them!"

Shinichi walked to the next door like a robot, but then remembered that there were only two brooms in a classroom, so he turned back to borrow the cleaning tools for his class.

"Don't show such a weird smile!"

After cleaning, the four children walked on the road, and Shinichi, Xiaolan and Sonoko tacitly protected Yuuji in the middle.

Suddenly, a boy who looked like Genta rushed to them and shouted at Xiaolan: "Mouri, your mother ran away from home, she won't come, right? Your father only drinks and plays mahjong, no wonder your mother ran away from home!"

Sonoko wanted to argue with him, but the boy ran away in a flash.

"Daisuke, this bastard, really pissed me off!"

Xiaolan also persuaded her bestie: "It's okay, he said it's all true anyway."

Sonoko pointed at Shinichi and asked: "Hey! Why didn't you say a word? Damn, he actually walked away."

After the four people separated, Yuji looked at his brother who was walking silently.

Let Shinichi do this, he doesn't know much about the seniors. You can't beat up the boy named Daisuke because of these few words.

After all, what do children know? What really makes Maori Ran sad is not because the other party is telling the truth.

There is no way to solve the problem of the Maori family. Even if you bully the other party a hundred times, Xiaolan will still be sad.

"Are kids nowadays so excessive? How can you joke about such things?" Dr. Agasa was rarely angry.

"That's right, so you're talking about a fourth-grade kid..."

"Hey, Yuuji, you seem to be in the second grade, right?"

Dr. Agasa smiled bitterly and took out a cream cake from the refrigerator to treat Yuuji. Shinichi locked himself in his room after school and didn't come out, so this cake was all for Yuuji.

Because the doctor can't eat...

"It's too much, it's obviously the cake I bought?"

"No, no, the doctor is too fat, and this kind of high-calorie food must be eaten less. Who told you to only eat the things that are most likely to make you fat all day long?" Yuuji cut a small portion from the cake plate and put the rest back in the refrigerator: "If you don't live a healthy life quickly, your body will not be able to bear it!"

"What wish did Yuuji write on the bamboo shoot? Do you also want to be a detective like Shinichi?" Dr. Agasa put a glass of milk in front of the boy.

Until the second year, Agasa's house was where Yuuji replenished his coffee. But after being discovered by Yukiko, even the professor replaced the coffee he served with milk, and the boy completely lost his coffee...

Yuuji frowned and drank the milk, looking at the sunset outside the window with an indifferent expression: "Cartoonist, it's a good wish, right?"

"It's strange, you don't want to be a detective? I think your reasoning ability is very strong."

"Then how about this! How about being a detective cartoonist?"

How about drawing Detective Conan in this world? Just kidding...

But this did give Yuji an inspiration. He has just learned reasoning with his father for three years. He can't draw those very complicated reasoning stories yet. Why not try adventure stories with reasoning elements? As for drawing skills, he has been practicing. It is estimated that he can start to try to create his own comics in two years.

Let's start thinking about what kind of comics he wants to draw. First of all, the characters! Well, the characters are the easiest to conceive. Come to a young adventure group, fill it with a vase, a tall boy, a three-no girl and a rich wallet. Ah, and prepare a mascot!

What about the content? They always use reasoning to go on adventures, but they are always involved in various events and can finally get out of danger.

He wrote a lot of it, and when Yuji put down his pen and started to look at his draft...

Isn't this Charles IX!

It's just a conception, but it's just the same conception. Aren't the Adventure Tigers and Charles IX the same theme? This world doesn't have it yet. Isn't it enough for him to just think of a story template and fill it in!

Anyway, it's not a copy, just a borrowed idea, and he's drawing a comic, so he's the original author!

So it's decided, with the goal of serialization, the name of the comic will be Edogawa III.

The protagonist is defined as a Shiba Inu wearing a blue suit, gray shorts, a red bow around his neck that can translate dog barking into human language, and plain glasses! He is the core member of the boy's adventure team... No, the core dog!

What a perfect design... Edogawa III!

Yuuji raised his settings with shaking hands.

Maybe I'm a genius in drawing comics...

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