Conan's Strongest Inspector

Chapter 262 Solving the case like a god, making a sensation in Japan! 【1】

Sorry, the update is late today, because I have to watch the animation research plot, so the writing of this book is very slow and not easy, I hope everyone can support it! Today I try to be 5 more. come on!

A set of Russian appeared.

Mu Mu said lightly: "[Memory]! This is the real name of the egg of resurrection. This egg of resurrection is a gift from Tsar Nicholas II to his wife and children. He ordered your great-grandfather, known as the magic of the end of the century. Teacher, put all the precious memories of him and his family in these two resurrected eggs. Only in this case will the precious photos of your great-grandmother's family reappear in the world and leave the most precious to future generations. Precious~memories!"


Xiao Ran, Kazuha, Ko-goro were shocked...

"Miss Kasaka Natsumi, her great-grandmother, is..."

"That's right."

Mu Mu said lightly: "Ms. Kasaka Natsumi, she is of noble birth and is not an ordinary woman. Her great-grandmother, the woman lying in the coffin, is actually none other than the royal family of Tsarist Russia - Nicholas II's. The third daughter, Princess Maria. After the Russian Revolution, the Tsar's family was brutally murdered, but the third daughter, Princess Maria, was the only one who disappeared without a trace. In fact, she was a craftsman who followed the Russian royal family, that is, Kasaka Natsumi's great-grandfather. Back in Japan. The two bought the mountain, built the castle, got married and had children, using the jewelry that Maria brought back. Your great-grandfather crafted this set of eggs to commemorate your great-grandmother, the Tsar's family. , as a souvenir for you."

Mu Mu successfully solved all the mysteries of this [Memories], and moved Kasaka Natsumi, the blood princess of the tsar, with tears in her eyes, her hands clasped in fists, her eyes full of little stars...

"My great-grandmother was so beautiful when she was young."

She looked at a picture of Princess Maria.

"Yes, Miss Kasaka Natsumi, you are the royal blood of the Russian Tsar."

Mu Mu looked upright and said gently, "Are you satisfied with this last egg?"


Kasaka Natsumi nodded again and again, with hot tears in her beautiful eyes: "I know, I finally know my background and the precious inheritance left by my ancestors. I am so happy."

She gently rested her head on Mu Mu's shoulder.

Mu Mu→_→.

Received a prompt: "You solved the mystery of Kasaka Natsumi's life experience and saved her life. She has +50 favorability to you!"

"Officer Mu Mu, can you date me?"

Kasaka Natsumi couldn't help but said to Mu Mu.

"Okay, Miss Xia Mei!"

Mu Mu said lightly.


Kasaka Natsumi blushed: "I'm in this castle, waiting for Officer Mu Mu to come."

Mu Mu nodded and walked out handsomely.

Mu Mu returns to the Metropolitan Police Department with the serial killer, Pu Si Qinglan.

The reporters who heard the news in front of the Metropolitan Police Department, frantically surrounded, shot and fired at Mu Mu, who was catching the serial killer Shi Kaobing.

The family members of the victims, Suzuki Tomoko, Sonoko and Ayako, stood at the gate of the Metropolitan Police Department, all wearing black skirts, and personally greeted Mu Mu, who had avenged Shirou Suzuki, arrested the criminals, and returned with honor.

Tomoko Suzuki personally presented a plaque made of pure gold "solving cases like a god" to Mu Mu police officer.

In the end, Suzuki Tomoko couldn't help herself, choked into Mu Mu's arms, and thanked Mu Mu for the police's correct resolution of the case, so that her deceased husband could rest in peace.

Suzuki Tomoko is so grateful, even Suzuki Sonoko and Ayako have also thrown into Mu Mu's arms one after another.

The surrounding lights flashed into one.

(Suzuki Shiro's Wronged Soul: MMP! Only ghosts can rest their eyes! The one who harmed me was this Mu Mu!)

The family members of several other victims, Han Chuanlong, Gan Jiangyi, and Sergey, also expressed their sincerest gratitude to Mu Mu Police.

The next day, the front-page headlines of major newspapers basically published reports that Mu Mu arrested Shi Kaobing and quickly detected the murder of the owner of Japan’s first chaebol, Suzuki, and distributed Mu Mu in the Metropolitan Police. At the door of the Department, it is bright and bright, and a large photo of the surviving wife Suzuki Tomoko and Sonoko Ayako throwing their arms together.


"Suzuki Shirou was murdered, solve the case quickly!"

"Mu Mu is the first detective in Japan!"

"The panic caused by the serial killer Shi Kaobing was quickly quelled."

"How can such a good vigilant not be promoted vigorously?"

Even the big man in the Japanese police world, the chief of the White Horse Police Department, personally called Mu Mu to express his admiration and appreciation for Mu Mu's ability to solve the case quickly.

He said that Mu Mu's active performance, as well as continuous meritorious deeds, will sooner or later be able to go further and be promoted to a higher position. However, the Chief of Police in White Horse also cryptically stated that because Mu Mu's promotion was too fast and there were objections among the senior members of the Metropolitan Police Department, he could not be promoted this time.


Mu Mu keenly grasped this last sentence.

He is kind to the police chief of White Horse. He definitely wants to promote himself, but someone can actually restrain this big guy from reusing his own ideas?

who is it?

Must be the top of the Metropolitan Police Department.

Mu Mu has already made up his mind.

Most likely, is it Toshiro Odakiri?

The top officer of the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department is afraid that he will ride a rocket all the way up and threaten his status, right?

Mu Mu smiled coldly.

How dare this guy stand in front of him?

Then don't blame yourself for being ruthless.

The last person to do this was Shirou Suzuki, and now this corpse stinks...

Hehe, how will your fate be better?

Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department, top level.

"Oh shit!"

Toshiro Odakiri was furious and reported Mu Mu at a large scale. He got the newspaper that the Suzuki Foundation was grateful for, and threw it on the table.

Mrs. Suzuki, the chaebol lady, was hugged by him left and right, hugged in her arms, and she looked very grateful.

"Damn it! I can't make you so proud!"

Toshiro Odakiri said viciously. .

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