Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 435: The day before yesterday was last winter

"Conan's Toast, Don't Eat Fine Wine (

"Flaws are not counted." Xinfan said, "It's just that you don't act like a waiter in some details, not to mention that Martini is already explicit, right? I'm not so stupid that I can't even guess this."

Vodka frowned, always feeling that Mezcal seemed to be a metaphor.

"Well, in fact, I just watched someone staring at the singer and couldn't move his eyes, so I teased him a little bit." Belmode turned around, planning to leave here and continue to play her waiter.

The gin took out a cigarette from the cigarette case again and lit it: "Did you find what I asked you to find?"

Belmode paused slightly. She didn't look back, but said: "No, it should be said that even the Lord hasn't seen it yet."

"Ah? You already know who the master is, so let us know somehow." Vodka said.

Gin snorted coldly: "No, it's not the first day you know that woman, she won't easily tell us the result of the investigation."


After hearing Belmode's classic line, Xinfan narrowed his eyes and looked up at Belmode.

Coincidentally, Belmode also happened to look at him.

With eyes facing each other, both sides saw the answer they wanted from the other's eyes.

Belmode's smile widened.

"Will you make a martini tonight, gin?" she asked suddenly.

Gin frowned and said, "Didn't you just be happy with Mezcal's eyebrows?"

"Ah, it's boring to be with Mezcal." Belmode walked around behind Gin and leaned on the back of his chair. "He only touches my skin with a cold instrument, and you... …"

Belmode didn't say the rest, but Xinfan was full.

Very good, this is tricking the dog to kill.

Xinfan lifted the Martini in front of him, drank it, and said, "I will continue to follow up with Reiko Kikuchi. Let's call."

After all, he got up to leave.

Belmoder was so boneless that the focus of her whole person was on the gin chair, but she still gave Xinfan a look generously, and asked with a smile: "Aren't you afraid of me poisoning me in the wine?"

"Poison in a martini?" Shinhan chuckles, "Then why are you not afraid that I will smear poison on your skin?"

Belmode licked his lips: "I welcome you to do this."


Winter comes quickly.

The sun was still shining the day before, but the temperature dropped sharply on the second day, dripping into ice.

Xinfan opened the closet, looked at the mixed summer and winter clothes, frowned deeply.

"It's time for breakfast, brother." Huihara held a large can of milk and pushed open Xinfan's bedroom door. "I'm going to Dr. Ari's in a while, so you..."

I saw the man who had always been exquisitely dressed and well-behaved, and even stopped to tidy up his shirt when he wrinkled his shirt. Today, she even saw him wearing only pajamas, and his hair was still messy, and he obviously didn't wash it.

Huihara was stunned, and asked, "Aren't you going to the music classroom and office today?"

Otherwise, how to explain the situation that the three poles in the day have not been cleaned up.

"The winter clothes I often wear were washed the day before, so I shouldn't dry them. The rest..." The rest has been hanging in the closet for a long time, so obviously I can't take it out and wear it directly.

Hui Yuan Ai glanced at the closet, and suddenly curled his lips: "Brother is also true, how can you mix the clothes of the four seasons? In winter, you should fold up the summer clothes."


Xinfan really wanted Hui Yuanai to write him a report on the feasibility of such a thing in the world of Ke Xue.

Do you want him to tidy up the closet every day? But the problem is that he doesn't know what the season is tomorrow.

Huiyuan Ai thought for a while and then questioned: "And how could your clothes be washed the day before yesterday? I remember that they were washed at the end of last winter, right?"

Faithful and speechless: "..."

It was last winter, but also the day before yesterday...

Hui Yuanai moved a high stool over, climbed up and down to help him look for the clothes put away "last winter", and it didn't take long for him to find the winter clothes Xinfan often wears.

"I just remember it here." Aihara Hui smiled a little smugly, "After all, I put it away for you."

No matter what, Shinfan successfully changed into winter clothes. The winter in Japan is not warm at all, and he can be more comfortable with thick clothes.

It would be better if Hui Yuanai could not help him tidy up his summer clothes so diligently.

After all, it might be summer again tomorrow.


Tokyo·Yonehuacho·Mori Detective Agency

"Oh, Asano, you are here at last!" Mouri Kogoro said excitedly when he saw Nobuhira, "I have a client who needs to trouble you to visit. I have something wrong on my side and I can't get away."

"As your agent, this is a matter of course." It's just that Xinfan has some Do you have any urgent matters to deal with? "

Isn't this famous Moori Kogoro always panicking when he is at school in Conan?

"Uh, that..." There was a sense of unnaturalness on Kogoro Mouri's face, "Ms. Yamada asked me to investigate her husband's affair. She recently got some clues, maybe we can catch an incident today."

"Oh?" Nobuhira asked curiously. "Did Mrs. Yamada finally know who her husband cheated on?"

"That's not true. In fact, Mr. Yamada hasn't been home for many days."

Xinfan's eyelids throbbed violently, and he felt that this description was familiar. Could this be another deliberate homicide case involving Tanaka Kikue?

"Did Mrs. Yamada call the police?" he asked.

Kogoro Mouri looked very strange: "Why call the police? Usually, Mr. Yamada still goes to work in the company, and their husband and wife are just separated."

Xinshige breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, he was almost completely wiped out by Tanaka Yakue's variable.

Shinhan thought for a while and guessed: "Since Mr. Yamada cheated, he should be a very carefree or lustful person. Maybe he will live in which custom shop at night. Did you and Mrs. Yamada consider going to Yoshihara to find it? "

"I haven't considered this." Mouri Kogoro said, "because everyone who met Yamada and his wife said that Mr. Yamada is a very good man, and he has no messy hobbies and habits. But speaking of it, Xiaolan has been in charge recently. Tight, I haven't been to such a place for many days, I really miss it a bit."

Xinfan laughed in his heart: You also know that going to the custom shop is a messy hobby...

He considered for a while, and asked: "Speaking of Custom Store, do you know Ying Xueyu?"

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