Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 484: Kaito Kuroba: Aga Tatsu ~

After seeing the person's face clearly, Xinfan's face suddenly sank.

"Why are you again?" He asked coldly, and quickly put away the pistol at the same time.

The somewhat embarrassed guy in front of him was no one else, and it turned out to be Kuroba Kuaito who had just "encountered" during the day today. However, at this time, his dress is more fashionable, and to be precise, it should be Kai Pi Kidd.

Kuroba Kuaito was crying without tears by Xinfan's question, he turned over and jumped into the apartment while the window opened.

"What do you mean by me again? I didn't take the initiative to look for you today during the day." Kuroba quizzed his lips and retorted, "Why, you are only allowed to stop me at the school gate, and I am not allowed to come to your house as a guest?"

Xinfan closed the window, turned around and sat on the sofa, looking indifferent: "Of course you are the guest, but I am afraid that normal people will not pick this time to visit, right?"

"You found it." Kuroba took off his cloak and said confidently, "My hang gliding wing is malfunctioning, so I need you to cover me. By the way, friendly reminder, Officer Zhongsen should have rushed here. coming."

Xinfan looked up lazily, "Why?"

"Of course I can be fooled by you! You won't forget what you did to me more than ten hours ago?" Kuroba said sadly, "Although she is a beauty, she is not what I can Acceptable. It took me a lot of effort to get rid of her with great difficulty!"

"What kind of beauty?" Someone from Xin Fanxue pretended to be stupid. "Today I obviously saw you being entangled by your classmates. I lent you the car for your own good."


It is rare for Kuroba to bow down to someone in reversing right and wrong.

From now on he would like to call Asano Nobuhiro the strongest.

But he ridiculed Kidd, how could he have nothing to say for this reason?

"Cough cough." Kuroba Kototo cleared his throat, "that woman should be Chrissy Wynyard? I heard that she is a very good actress, and she hasn't had an affair since her debut. You said that if I reveal today's things For the paparazzi..."

Nobuhiro wanted to say what Kris Wynyard's affairs had to do with Belmode, but the woman's dangerous expression unconsciously appeared in his mind.

Belmode is too dangerous, so it's better for him to stay away.

Therefore, Xinfan had to say generously: "Well, I will take you in at most for one night. At dawn, no matter whether the police give up or not, you have to get rid of me."

Kuroba Katoto laughed with satisfaction. He even had to say, "Oh, Mr. Asano, don't be so angry and hurt your body."

Xinfan really wanted to pack him up and send him to the third house of Zhongsen Yinzhang overnight, so that Zhongsen Yinzo and Aoko Nakasen could take a good look at the virtues of their future son-in-law and husband.

However, impulse is undesirable, and it is best not to make a decision at night.


The horn of the police car quickly reached Xinfan's ears, and it became louder and louder.

In just a few minutes, the downstairs of the apartment was surrounded by police cars.

Xinfan saw the following situation from the window, and said to Kuroba Katoto, who had just washed his face and was about to go to bed: "The police should conduct door-to-door investigations. You can hide in the bedroom first. They can’t get in without a search. Coming."

"Understood!" Kuroba happily held the new pajamas that Xinfangang had bought and hadn't worn, and got into the master bedroom. Obviously, he planned to occupy Xinfan's bed in the next step.

Xinfan's temples twitched abruptly, he grabbed Kuroba Kuato by the shoulders, and said coldly: "Tonight you are sleeping on the sofa. So, if I find you messing with things in the bedroom, you know the consequences."

"Tsk." Kuroba slapped his lips quickly, "Do you know that you look terrible like this?"

"Really? Thank you for the compliment." Xinfan indifferently ignored Kuroba Kato's expression, and sat on the sofa waiting for the police to come.

"I'm not complimenting you, but if this makes you happy, it doesn't matter." Kuroba Kuato shook his head, entered the bedroom, and closed the door.

Xinfan watched the door of the master bedroom close in front of him, and his headache suddenly became more painful.

Kuroba Fight is definitely a big trouble!

Fifteen minutes later, someone knocked on the door of the apartment.

Xin Fan did not move.

The man continued to knock on the door, knocking dozens of times.

"Who, what's the matter?"

Hearing the sound, the policeman who knocked on the door thought it was open, but when he took a closer look, he found that the sound was only the screen on the door.

"Hello, we are the police officers of the Second Division of the Criminal Division of the Metropolitan Police Department. The thief Kidd may be hiding in this apartment building, so we need to investigate house by house. Is it convenient for you now?" The police have a very good attitude. To ask.

"Okay, I will open the door for you now."

Along with Xinfan's words, there were some rustling voices, as if he had just gotten up.

The police officer said that the facilities of the high-end apartment were unique, and waited patiently.

After dozens of seconds, the door opened, revealing Asano Nobuhira with sleepy eyes.

"Mr. Asano, hello." The police officer greeted immediately based on the list of residents to be visited from the management.

Xinfan nodded casually, as a response: "It's really hard for you to track Kidd so late."

"No hard work, no hard work." The police officer said quickly, "It's our duty to track Kidd. Then can I ask, did you hear any strange movement just now, or saw someone else?"

"I'm very sorry, I slept more soundly just now, and I didn't hear anything."

"That's it." The police officer asked while recording in the manual, "If we can, we still hope to be able to enter the room for investigation. Is it convenient for you now?"

" Thank you for your cooperation, then we will..." The officer subconsciously repeated the words in the procedure, and then he was stunned for an instant, and even began to suspect that there was a problem with his hearing. No, inconvenient?"

To be honest, he has searched several houses, and this is the first time he has encountered an inconvenient situation.

Xinfan leaned languidly on the door, his expression calm and calm, but he didn't let it go: "Sorry, I care more about privacy, so some unexpected people have entered my house."

"Uh... well." Although the police officer can't say anything due to the protection of citizens' privacy, in fact, he has already put a big red mark on Asano Nobuhira in his heart.

Very suspicious.

At this moment, a beautiful voice suddenly sounded: "Anada, who are you talking to at this late hour?"

Xinfan and the police officer looked into the apartment at the same time, one expression was difficult to say, the other was shocked.

Because there was a graceful figure shining on the curtains of the living room at the moment, and looking at the shadow, she didn't seem to be dressed yet.

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