Conan’s Toast Does Not Eat Fine Wine

Chapter 883: The police won't work this time

   Hiroki wanted to pretend to be stupid, but his survival consciousness still made him obediently transmit the audio of the call to Shinhan's headset.

   The left channel is the voice of Kusuda Ludao. From the voice, you can hear how uneasy he was talking to Gin: "Gin, I suspect that the Japanese police are planning to transfer Kiel to another place."

   "Reason." The cold voice of gin wine came from the right channel.

Nantian Ludao swallowed his saliva and said nervously, "I saw a nurse pushing a car to the morgue just now in the inpatient department. There was a person lying in the car, covered with a white cloth, and his face was invisible. I saw it with my own eyes. When the nurse cart comes out of the general ward, there..."

   "Say the point!" Gin's patience is gradually disappearing.

   Xinfan smacked his lips, he suddenly found that the gin he usually got along with was so cute, at least he would wait politely for Mezcal to finish talking. Hey, when can Qin Daozha get rid of this bad temper?

   "The important point is that I suspect that the person lying on the cart is Keele."


Listening to the gin, Ludao Nantian quickly added and explained: "Although I haven't found evidence yet, I think this possibility is very high. First, the nurses came out of the cart from the general ward, where most of them The treatment area was all patients with gastroenteritis. Not to mention death. There were very few patients who became critically ill, but she pushed a corpse. Second, only the medical staff pushed the car during the whole process. I did not see the patient. Family, this is very unusual. Third, from the ward to the morgue, the nurse was very vigilant throughout the whole process. I was almost spotted by her several times..."

   Xinfan was listening with gusto, but Hiroki suddenly interrupted and said, "Brother Jingguang, that wretched elder brother is calling the beautiful silver-haired girl again. Do you need a live broadcast?"

   "Need!!" Xin Fan decisively abandoned Nantian Ludao's reasoning classroom.

   Hiroki immediately picked up the call between Kusuda Ludao and Gin.

   Hiroki rarely does this kind of open monitoring, let alone the target is a man with countless uncertainties like Gin. If it weren't for Gin's rare failure to answer Mezcal's call this time, Xinshige didn't need Hiroki to monitor him.

   "Wait!" Xinfan suddenly paused Hongshu's black box operation. He greeted Hongshu's suspicious expression on the screen, and said, "So Gin is not skipping work, he just doesn't want to answer my call, right?"

   Hiroki was silent.

  Jinjiu Do you want to answer Mezcal’s phone call, doesn’t Jing Guang have a B number in his mind?

   Hearing Xinfan sighed helplessly: "Oh, the toolmen have hardened wings, and they are becoming more and more out of control one by one."

   Hiroki: "……"

  He sincerely hopes that he will not be included in "one by one".

   "The gin, the corpse is being transported on a funeral car." In the headset, Ludao Nantian was reporting to the gin seriously, "but the corpse is still covered with a white cloth. I can't confirm the identity."

   This time, I was still serious about the gin wine that Nantian Ludao had no evidence before. He bluntly said: "I want to know the location and movement of the funeral car."

   "I see, I will install the location transmitter on the funeral car. I will send you the link later."

   "Hmm." Gin answered faintly, and the phone hung up.

Xinfan shook his head and said, "This session of the police is not good. The interval between the front and back is less than five minutes. They actually transferred the corpse that was just put in the freezer by funeral van. Since the funeral is going to be held today, according to common sense, the hospital simply There is no need to send the body to the morgue, even if it is sent there, there is no need to enter the freezer."

   Hongshu was a little confused: "Brother Jingguang, didn't you make this transfer plan?"

   Why does he listen more and more wrongly?

   "I made it." Xin Fan said innocently, "but the decision maker is only responsible for making the plan, and the executor should learn to adapt in time. Alas, this session of the police is still not good, not good."

   Hiroki: "……"

  Is older brother Keikotsu's face made of the walls of Osaka Castle? He doesn't even blush when he says these things?

   "I'm gone, it's boring here." Xin Fan said as he stood up and walked out of the hospital.

   Hiroki was forced to follow him, and vomited fiercely in his heart.

   Xinfan didn't know what was going on, and suddenly sneezed out of thin air.

  A young nurse greeted me immediately: "Ah, Mr. Watanabe, you have another medical examination today. You may have a cold when you sneeze. Do you need me to triage for you?"

   "No need, no need." Xinfan quickly refused, but he still has important things on his body and is very busy.

   But at this moment, a familiar voice broke in: "Brother Watanabe, why are you in the hospital?"

   Xinfan became stiff, and he subconsciously wanted to run away, but fortunately, his reason finally defeated his instinct, forcing him to look back, with a kind smile on his face.

   Well, very well, Conan is still here, and their plan still inevitably increases the instability.

   "Ah, you are a kid from Edogawa Conan." Shinshige smirked Watanabe's business style, "What's wrong, is Conan sick?"

   Conan pulled the sleeves of the people around him and said with a smile: "No, I came to the hospital with this big brother to find someone."

   "Looking for someone?" Shinhan narrowed his eyes and looked at the person next to Conan.

   Good fellow, Conan has already hooked up with Eiyu Hondō. Obviously Conan had confirmed that Mizuno Reina was not Hondō Eiyu's sister before, but now he still appears here with Hondō Eiyu. Xinfan had to doubt that Conan might have guessed the Is this the power of the protagonist's halo?

   Alas, when will he get rid of the supporting role and Bai Yueguang's mortal principle, successfully plunder the protagonist's halo, and become the chosen son of heaven?

   Thinking of this, Xinfan shook his head disappointedly.

   For twenty-nine years, he has never felt the influence of the great will of the world, and even after thinking about it, he did not become the author's own son. Since you don't have this life, you can't force it, and everything is more practical on your own.

   Conan saw Watanabe smiling for a while, lost for a while, shaking his head for a while, and relieved for a while. He swears that the expression on his face must be more exciting than Watanabe.

   Conan took a deep breath, trying to make his voice look simple and naive: "Brother Watanabe, do you know that there is a woman who had a car accident in this hospital?"

   Xin Fan Yan Yan almost didn't scare Conan out of a heart attack.

   Conan knew that Watanabe was a member of the organization, right? Conan also knows that Shinichi Kudo cannot be found alive by the organization, right? Then how dare he say such things in front of Watanabe?

   Even if he doesn't want to live anymore, what about Eiyu Hondō? His father worked so hard to get his life in. Is it because he wanted his son to be battered by death? !



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