A long time passed, but Sonoko and the others still hadn't come back.

Huihara seemed to have a bad idea:"Is there anything wrong with them?""

"With Conan, the god of death, around, it's hard to imagine that nothing will happen."Lu Ming confirmed her thoughts:"But the one who got into trouble should be someone else. They should have encountered a murder case."

"Murder case." Huiyuan picked up a bow tie from the bed:"Kudo's voice changer is still with me."

""Tsk tsk." Lu Ming smacked his lips, looking gloating:"This is really a tragedy. Without this voice changer, I wonder how he can solve the case. He doesn't want to do it himself, does Xiaolan also exist there?"

"Don't laugh at him here." Huiyuan jumped down from the bed with a voice changer:"Come with me to take a look outside, not for others, but for your two students, you have to protect them."

This was the truth. Lu Ming nodded and followed Huiyuan out of the hotel.

On the beach not far away, there was a place with lights, which formed a sharp contrast with the darkness in other places. Without thinking too much, you knew that something happened there.

Lu Ming and Huiyuan walked towards there. Just as they walked a few dozen meters away, they saw a figure running towards them quickly.

""Get out of my way!" The figure shouted at Lu Ming and Huiyuan from a distance.

The red shirt and fierce eyes, Lu Ming looked carefully, it was Mr. Shimojo Noboru, looking at him, it seemed that the case had been solved?

"Damn it, I told you to go away, didn't you hear me?"

Seeing that the two were unmoved, Xiajo Deng angrily took out the knife in his hand and stabbed Lu Ming

"Be careful."The accident came too suddenly, and Huiyuan's face changed drastically.

Lu Ming frowned slightly, and when Shimojo Noboru stabbed him with the knife, he reached out and grabbed his wrist, twisting it hard. Shimojo Noboru let out a terrible scream, and the knife fell to the ground.

"He is really an ungrateful fellow." Lu Ming said sarcastically, exerting force on his feet and sweeping across, knocking Shimojo Deng to the ground.

""Teacher Lu Ming, are you okay? Are you hurt?"

Xiaolan and Yuanzi ran over in a hurry and asked Lu Ming anxiously.

Lu Ming smiled lightly:"I'm fine. By the way, what happened to this guy? He was fine just now."

"Mr. Aramaki is dead." Sonoko explained,"He was killed by this guy called Shimojo Noboru."

"Oh?" Lu Ming raised his eyebrows:"Was it Yuanzi who solved the case?"

Yuanzi scratched his head embarrassedly:"How could I be so powerful? It was Dr. Agasa who discovered that he was the murderer."

"It turned out to be Dr. Agasa." Lu Ming suddenly realized. It seems that Conan has come up with other ways to bring the murderer to justice without a voice changer.

"But the kick you made just now was so cool." Yuanzi looked at Lu Ming with admiration:"Teacher, can you teach me that move just now?"

This was a small matter, Lu Ming smiled and nodded:"Of course, when you go back, I will teach you some small grappling techniques, so that if you encounter a pervert in the future, you can teach him a lesson."

""Yes, thank you, teacher." Yuanzi nodded vigorously.

"Sir, I am really sorry for what happened just now." A man came over and introduced himself to Lu Ming:"I am Officer Henggou here, may I ask who you are?"

"He is Xiaolan and I's teacher, Mr. Lu Ming." Yuanzi took the initiative to introduce to Officer Yokomizo:"The teacher came to Izu with us, but he was just resting in a room."

"So that's how it is." Officer Yokogawa nodded and said,"Thanks to Teacher Lu Ming's help, otherwise the murderer might have escaped and done something crazy. If that happened, it would be troublesome."

"It's just a small matter." Lu Ming smiled gently, then looked at Yuanzi and Xiaolan and said:"Since the case has been solved, it's almost time for us to go back."

The two women nodded, and after saying hello to Dr. Agasa, they said goodbye to Officer Yokomizo and returned to the hotel.

In general, this trip was quite satisfactory. If the full score is 100, then Lu Ming can give 90 points. The missing 10 points are because he met Conan, the god of death, which was not perfect.


Back in the city, he continued to feel the torment brought by the scorching heat.

The air conditioning in the room was turned on very low, and Lu Ming leaned on the sofa, drinking a cold drink.

The mobile phone on the coffee table rang at this time.

Lu Ming picked up the phone, and when he saw the caller's name displayed on the screen, he was surprised.

Kissing Eri.

This woman, who Lu Ming never thought would take the initiative to call him, actually called him.

After coming to this world, Lu Ming's first and second times were given to this woman, but even so, the relationship between the two was only above friends, not even as good as the relationship between Lu Ming and Inspector Megure.

This woman would call him, it seems that she must have run into big trouble.

Lu Ming thought so in his heart, and put the phone to his ear after answering the call.

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