Eri Kisaki didn't expect to meet Lu Ming in this place.

A year ago, because of a drunken incident, she had a physical friendship with the man in front of her. Although it was an accident, this incident has always been her lingering misfortune, and she numb herself with busy work. Just when she was about to forget about this incident, today's encounter made the scene of that night in the past reappear in her mind.

Lu Ming didn't expect to meet Eri Kisaki here again.

After that night, he entered a new identity and thought that his communication with Eri Kisaki would end here in this life. Unfortunately, Japan is so small that you can run into old friends from a year ago by walking into any store.

As for that night, Lu Ming couldn't explain it clearly, and it took too long. It even felt like a dream.

"What are you doing here?"

Fei Yingli asked expressionlessly. Except for the surprise she showed when she first saw Lu Ming, she had always been in a cold state. It was not indifference, but a kind of aloofness that kept people at a distance.

"Waiting for others."

Lu Ming also replied calmly.


After saying"oh", the two stopped talking.

Although the two were less than three meters apart, everyone knew that even if it was only three meters, they could not cross it. This short three-meter distance was full of thorns.

The two had their own thoughts. One drank the drink slowly, and the other looked at the information in his hand absent-mindedly. It was as if they were competing secretly. No one wanted to leave before the other.

A few minutes later……


An unexpected scream broke the silence in the store. The sound came from the direction of the bathroom.

At the same time, the voice of the system in Lu Ming's mind also sounded:"Task triggered, find the murderer of the case, task reward, 50 points."


Lu Ming thought to himself, but he quickly stood up from his seat and ran to the bathroom.

Fei Yingli, who stood up almost at the same time, arrived earlier than him and was looking at the situation inside seriously. In the toilet cubicle, a pool of scarlet blood was flowing out from the gap at the bottom. A man with a ponytail next to him collapsed on the ground because of fright. His face was pale and his whole body was trembling.

Lu Ming stepped forward and wanted to push open the door of the toilet, but found that the door seemed to be blocked by something.

After thinking about it, Lu Ming took a few steps back, kicked hard with his feet, grabbed the top of the cubicle with both hands, and looked down from above.

In the toilet, a woman fell to the ground against the door, blood splattered, and her dilated pupils were open in death, which made people gasp. The things in her bag were scattered all over the ground, as if someone had turned it over and thrown it on the ground.

After seeing the situation inside clearly, Lu Ming jumped down.

Fei Yingli stepped forward and asked,"What's it like in there?"

Lu Ming shook his head and sighed regretfully:"She's dead, she died miserably, call the police."

Hibiki Eri nodded silently and took out her cell phone.

The police arrived very quickly, cordoned off the scene immediately, and moved the body out of the toilet.

Then, the identity of the victim was also investigated. The deceased, Himeno Yayoi, was 24 years old. The cause of death was a knife stabbed into the heart. At the same time, there was a mark of strangulation on the neck of the deceased.

Officer Megure squatted down and looked at the body, analyzing:"From the spraying of her blood, it seems that the murderer strangled the victim's neck first, and after she died, he stabbed the knife into the heart, pulled it out, and bled to death.

I think he should have wanted to steal the victim's money, but he had the idea of killing after being seen.

This can be proved by the open window of the toilet.

In my opinion, the murderer had been waiting for his prey outside the window.

After killing the victim, he robbed the property, and then fled through the window in a panic.

If this is the case……"

Officer Megure stood up and ordered his men,"The criminal must still be outside. Go around and ask around immediately."

"Wait a minute, Inspector Megure."

The voice of Eri Kisaki stopped Inspector Megure's action.

Inspector Megure said, looked at Eri Kisaki, then blinked and shouted:"You, aren't you Attorney Kisaki? Why are you here?"

"I just happened to be here." Hibiki Eri said with a smile:"I didn't expect you to be the chief of police." Inspector Megure chuckled and returned to the topic:"By the way, what did you mean by asking me to wait a moment?"

Hibiki Eri pointed to the windowsill of the toilet:"Inspector Megure, didn't you notice that the windowsill of the toilet is very clean?"

"The windowsill of the toilet is clean? Isn't this normal?"Inspector Megure hasn't reacted yet.

Lu Ming walked out of the crowd. He didn't forget the task assigned to him by the system. The limelight must not be taken by Eri Kisaki alone.

He explained:"Judging from the amount of bleeding of the victim, the murderer must have blood on his body. If he escaped from the window, there must be blood on the windowsill. Am I right, Lawyer Kisaki?"

""Lu, Teacher Lu Ming, why are you here too?"

Officer Megure looked at Lu Ming in amazement. What was going on today? Familiar people came one after another.

Lu Ming smiled and said,"Just like Lawyer Hime, I just happened to be here."

Hime Eri didn't expect that Officer Megure also knew Lu Ming, and even called Lu Ming teacher. She raised her eyebrows and blushed and asked Officer Megure,"Officer Megure, do you know him?"

"Yes."Inspector Megure nodded:"Last night, I teamed up with brother Maori to solve a case. The murder happened next door to Mr. Lu Ming's residence. Oh, by the way, if I remember correctly, Mr. Lu Ming is also Xiaolan's Chinese teacher."

Chinese, Chinese teacher?

Hibiki looked at Lu Ming in a daze. She never thought that this man would have such a relationship with her daughter. Does he know that he is Xiaolan's mother?

What would Xiaolan think if she knew that her mother had a one-night stand with her teacher?

Hibiki felt very confused and didn't even notice that Inspector Megure kept calling her name.

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