"Teacher Lu Ming is right. This is not a supernatural event, nor is it a mysterious death."A voice came from behind everyone. Lu Ming turned around in surprise and saw a female student with short and neat hair standing behind them. She said,"Hiroaki Hosaka died because of bad luck. He accidentally missed a step on the stairs and rolled down and hit a fatal part. So, what you heard is just a rumor."

"Hey, it's you, Sister Shumei." Xiaolan obviously knew this girl and said in surprise:"I didn't expect to see you here"

"Hello, Xiaolan." Tsukamoto Sumi nodded and greeted Xiaolan. Then, she looked at Lu Ming and said,"Teacher Lu Ming, I am Tsukamoto Sumi from the third grade. Please give me your guidance."

""Hey? Do you know me?" Lu Ming pointed at himself in surprise.

Tsukamoto Sumi smiled softly:"Teacher Lu Ming is very popular in school, of course I know him, but it's a pity that I can't attend Teacher Lu Ming's class."

"Thank you." Lu Ming smiled and said,"By the way, what do you think about this matter, Sumei?"

Tsukamoto Sumei shook her head and walked into the warehouse and said,"Actually, I also heard it from other classmates. According to them, this should be caused by the sound of the wind. Look."

Tsukamoto Sumei pointed to the skylight on the warehouse and said,"The lock of the skylight is broken and there is no way to close it. When the wind blows in from outside, it will make a sound that makes people think someone is crying, but... Teacher Lu Ming's speculation just now is not unreasonable. Perhaps, as Teacher Lu Ming said, it was originally a classmate who knew Hoban Eiaki who was crying here."

"It seems that Sumei knows a lot about what happened to Hoban Eiaki." Lu Ming looked at Tsukamoto Sumei and asked,"Do you know each other?"

Tsukamoto Sumei nodded and said,"To be honest, Hoban and I are classmates. I am also very sorry that Hoban had such an accident."

"So that's it." Lu Ming suddenly realized.


Suddenly, there was a sound of rain outside. Yuanzi walked out of the warehouse and looked at the rain outside, which was getting heavier and heavier. She was annoyed and said,"Oh no, I forgot to bring an umbrella when I went out.""

"Me too." Xiaolan said beside her:"If the rain doesn't stop, how are we going to get back?"

"It's okay, I'll take you back later." Lu Ming said:"But now, let's find a place to avoid the rain."

"Why don't we go to the library of Hanhen?" Tsukamoto Sumi suggested,"It's just right, I want to go to the library to read a book."

Lu Ming naturally had no objection. Xiaolan and Sonoko also agreed to go there after a quiet discussion.

The group walked towards the library.

When passing by the classroom, a boy with a crew cut happened to come out of the classroom. Tsukamoto Sumi stopped and looked at the boy and said,"Huh? Seko Kunifu? Where have you been? I've been looking for you for a long time."

"Well, I had a stomachache, so I asked for leave this afternoon."The boy named Shigu Guofan said,"So I have been resting in the health room. By the way, is there anything you can talk to me about?"

"There is nothing important to say. Tsukamoto Susumi said,"I'll talk to you another day."

"In that case, I'll leave first." Seko Kuniharu left the crowd:"I'm going to take a rest and then go home."

Watching him walk into the health room, Sonoko asked Tsukamoto Susumi:"Sister Susumi, is that senior just now also a classmate of Hoban Eiaki?"

Hoban Eiaki shook his head:"No, they are not classmates, but I heard that he and Hoban Eiaki are friends who grew up together, and the relationship between the two is also very good."

The three of them came to the library as they talked. Although it was already time to go home from school, there were still many high school students here who stayed here and read books seriously.

"In fact, a very strange thing happened in this library."Tsukamoto Kazumi said:"It was in the morning, a classmate found a few books thrown on the ground, and these books were the books that Hideaki Hosaka had borrowed before his death."

"And it was four days in a row, four days in a row." Sonoko had also heard about this, and she shouted,"I think it must be that Hosaka Eiaki feels sorry that he can't read these books anymore, so he……"

""Yuanzi." Lu Ming interrupted Yuanzi and pointed at the students who were looking at them and looking at them, saying,"You are disturbing other students who are reading. Keep your voice down."

Yuanzi spitted her head in embarrassment.

After Lu Ming apologized to those students, the students turned their eyes away from them, lowered their heads, and read their books again.

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