Vermouth's plan was simple. She disguised herself as Dr. Shinde and took Huibara, who was suffering from a cold, out of her home under the pretext of taking her to see a doctor. Then she found a deserted place, revealed her identity and killed her.

In order for the plan to proceed smoothly and to prevent anyone from ruining her plan, Vermouth brought Lu Ming and Calvados to cover her, making the plan look even more seamless.

Vermouth's car was equipped with a tracker, so Lu Ming could know Vermouth's current location accurately.

"Calvados, Fenjiu." Just as Lu Ming was about to drive to catch up with Vermouth, Vermouth's voice came from the headset:"The target has been taken away by the FBI, pay attention to the surrounding situation"


"Got it."

Calvados and Lu Ming said at the same time.

Lu Ming drove and continued to follow Belmode's car.

Because it was night, there were not many cars on the road. With the road smooth, Lu Ming soon found Belmode's car.

"Senior, I have caught up with you." Through the headset, Lu Ming reported his situation to Belmode.

"Keep a distance of about 300 meters from me and pay attention to the surrounding situation."Belmaud said:"Since the FBI took the target away in advance, our plan should have been leaked."

"I understand." Lu Ming nodded and slowed down the car.

Lu Ming didn't know where Calvados was now, but from the conversation between him and Vermouth through the headset, he knew that he should be near Vermouth.

"Attention, the target car has stopped." A few minutes later, Vermouth's voice came from the headset again:"Fenjiu, Calvados, pay attention to concealment, the action begins!"


"Got it."

Lu Ming parked the car nearby, picked up his equipment box from the back seat, and after getting out of the car, he quickly scanned the surrounding environment, found a relatively tall abandoned building, and ran towards it. From the rooftop of the building, the situation below was clearly visible. Judy and Belmode, who had disguised herself as a new doctor, had also come out of the car and started their confrontation.

Lu Ming set up a sniper rifle and used the scope to observe the situation around him.

No other FBI members were found around, which meant that the three of them did not enter the FBI's encirclement. Belmode should have noticed something and came here in advance, using Judy's The identities of the two men confused the FBI members who were lying in ambush here.

Shuichi Akai was not found, but Calvados. Lu Ming saw him holding a gun, his eyes all focused on Vermouth who was not far away.

Lu Ming did not dare to be careless at all. This was his first confrontation with the FBI in the true sense. Even if he strengthened his body, even if he had the ability to predict the future, as long as he made a slight mistake, he would still end up dead.

The conversation between Vermouth and Judy fell clearly into Lu Ming's ears.

Everything was as he knew.

The FBI already knew that Dr.

Arata was Vermouth.

Through eavesdropping, Judy also learned that Vermouth was going to take Huibara away, so she took Huibara away in advance and led Vermouth here, preparing to capture her together with her companions who were lying in ambush here.

It seemed that things had completely leaned towards the FBI's side, but after Calvados shot and wounded Judy, the situation was reshuffled.

Vermouth picked up the pistol on the ground and told Judy with a smug look on her face that she had actually known that she was being monitored by the FBI and that this would be a trap, so she disguised herself as Judy a few hours ago and used her voice to tell her companions to evacuate.

Judy Judy covered her wound and looked at Vermouth with a painful expression. She was naturally very unwilling to accept this. She had finally found an opportunity and could have captured the woman in front of her, but who knew that she would fail at the last moment.

Vermouth would naturally not let Judy go. This woman hated her to the core, so naturally she had to get rid of her as soon as possible. When she pointed the gun at Judy's head and put her index finger on the trigger, ready to say goodbye to this woman, a football flew out of the car without warning and directly knocked the pistol out of Vermouth's hand.

Under Vermouth's surprised gaze, the car door opened, and Huibara jumped out of the car, looking directly at Vermouth.

"You, you are... No way."

Vermouth looked at Huiyuan and had already guessed the true identity of the child in front of her. She had thought about everything, but she didn't expect that from the beginning, she had not found the target correctly.

"That’s right, I’m not Huiyuan at all."‘Huiyuan sneered and took off his disguise. Although the face was still so childish, it was clearly a boy's face.

"Cool, cool boy?"

Judy, who was lying on the ground, looked at Conan in surprise.

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