Life returned to its former tranquility.

In the past week, Lu Ming only went back and forth between school and home.

"What are you looking at? You are laughing so happily."

It was another weekend morning. Yoko Okino put on an apron and placed the prepared breakfast on the dining table. She took off her apron and looked at Lu Ming who was reading a newspaper and laughing. She said,"Stop looking at it and eat your breakfast first."

After she confessed to Lu Ming, she became more and more like a wife.

""Do you still remember Kaito Kidd?" Lu Ming put down the newspaper and asked Yoko Okino with a smile. Yoko

Okino nodded:"Of course I remember, why? Which consortium has he sent a warning letter to steal jewelry?"

"This time he did not take the initiative to provoke."Facing Okino Yoko's doubts, Lu Ming said:"Sonoko's uncle, Suzuki Jirokichi, who is also the consultant of the Suzuki Group, I don't know what's wrong with him. He actually challenged Kaito Kidd to steal his jewelry, Blue Miracle"

"But Kaito Kidd shouldn't come." Okino Yoko sat down next to Lu Ming:"Since Mr. Suzuki Jirokichi dared to send out the challenge, it means that he must have made all the preparations. How could Kaito Kidd be so stupid as to fall into the trap."

Lu Ming smiled and shook his head:"Yoko, you guessed wrong this time. I heard that Kaito Kidd has sent a text message to Suzuki Jirokichi, saying that he will keep the appointment and explore the local terrain at 8 o'clock tomorrow night."

Okino Yoko opened her mouth:"No way, this Kaito Kidd, is he so confident in himself?"

"If he didn't even have this confidence, he wouldn't be called Kaito Kidd." Lu Ming stuffed a piece of bread into his mouth:"By the way, how long do you plan to stay at home after you come back from filming this time?"

"The filming has been completed." Yoko Okino said with a smile:"My agent said that I can take some time off, so I can have a good rest at home."

Lu Ming nodded:"So, for a long time, I can eat the loving breakfast of a big star."

Yoko Okino rolled her eyes at Lu Ming and started to eat breakfast with him.

After breakfast, Yoko Okino cleaned up the leftovers on the table and was about to go back when she suddenly thought of something. She slapped her forehead lightly, took out a letter from her pocket and handed it to Lu Ming, saying:"This is what I found at your door when I came here just now. I forgot to give it to you. It should be for you."

""Letter?" Lu Ming was stunned. In this day and age, there are still people writing letters to themselves. Wouldn't it be more convenient and more secretive to send a text message? Who is so interesting?

Puzzled, Lu Ming took the letter from Okino Yoko, opened the envelope and took out the letter paper inside.

The content of the letter was very simple, with only one sentence: See you at the gate of Teitan High School at 12 noon.

This seemed to be a date letter. If there was no picture under the text, Lu Ming would have thought so.

The picture was a cartoon head of Kaito Kidd, which meant that the letter was sent by Kaito Kidd.

"Who sent the letter?" Seeing Lu Ming in deep thought, Chong Ye Yangzi asked curiously.

"It's nothing, it's just a friend I haven't seen for a long time." Lu Ming responded and said with a smile:"He is in Tokyo now, so he invited me to meet him."

"Since it's a friend I haven't seen for a long time, I should go meet him." Okino Yoko didn't doubt him, but just tilted her head and asked,"It can't be a girl, right?"

"Of course not." Lu Ming shook his head:"If you don't believe me, I'll go out and send you a photo of the two of us."

"No need." Yoko Okino smiled and helped Lu Ming tidy up his messy collar:"It doesn't matter if it's a girl, as long as you have me in your heart, I won't mind."

Lu Ming smiled slightly, stroked Yoko Okino's delicate face, and said:"Wait for me to come back to eat together in the evening"

""Yeah." Okino Yoko nodded vigorously.

Ten minutes before noon, Lu Ming drove to Teitan High School.

Under a big locust tree at the school gate, a young man wearing a duck hat stood under the tree, looking left and right, as if waiting for someone.

Today, Kaito Kidd was not disguised at all, and he didn't need to disguise himself. He showed his true face and stood there looking left and right, waiting for Lu Ming's arrival.

"Get in the car."

Lu Ming drove the car to his side, rolled down the window, and said to Kaito Kidd.

"I said, how did you recognize me? I don't remember you seeing me like this." Kaito Kidd asked Lu Ming with a puzzled look after getting in the car.

Lu Ming curled his lips and acted disdainfully:"I can imagine what you would look like after taking off your hat, cloak and goggles. Coincidentally, the you I imagined is exactly what you look like now. Under the seemingly delicate appearance, you actually hide a treacherous heart."

Kaito Kidd:"……"

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