"Just watch, Kaito Kid's wonderful performance is about to begin."Kaito Kid smiled confidently, followed the safety rope, and slowly landed on the roof of the building. After fiddling with it for a while, he used the pulley prepared in advance to slide his body along the steel wire connecting the two buildings to the center.

Then, Lu Ming saw Kaito Kid fumble with a smoke bomb from his arms and trigger the fuse. When the smoke dissipated, Kaito Kid, dressed in a white cloak, officially appeared in front of the crowd.

Everything was as Lu Ming and Kaito Kid had expected. When Kaito Kid violated scientific principles and stood on the roof of the building, Lu Ming saw Kaito Kid's body. In the dark sky, the crowd below suddenly became excited.

Lu Ming drove the helicopter to the sky above where Kaito Kidd was, and slowly pulled up the thin steel wire hooked on Kaito Kidd. At the same time, he recovered the steel wire connecting the two buildings. After doing all this, Lu Ming breathed a sigh of relief. Next, he only needed to cooperate with Kaito Kidd to walk a few steps in the air to make the crowd watching the excitement below excited and stunned, then the mission would be completed.

The helicopter slowly flew forward, and his body was hung by the helicopter. Kaito Kidd put his hands in his trouser pockets, raised his foot, and began to take his first step.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, who would believe that a person can walk in the air regardless of gravity.

Looking at Kaito Kidd walking step by step towards the"Blue Miracle", the people below finally reacted after being stunned and surprised. They took out their cameras that they had prepared long ago and took pictures of Kaito Kidd in the air. In tomorrow's morning newspaper, everything that happened tonight will undoubtedly be the headline.

With the help of Lu Ming, Kaito Kidd is getting closer and closer to the"Blue Miracle", ten meters, five meters... When everyone is wondering whether Kaito Kidd will take the gem openly in front of everyone, the"Blue Miracle" slowly retracts at this time. It seems that Suzuki Jirokichi cannot guarantee whether Kaito Kidd will take the gem directly.

Kaito Kidd stopped, sneered, and said:"Tonight's performance ends here. We will continue to meet at the same place at twelve o'clock tomorrow night."

After that, there was a bang, and a cloud of smoke appeared in the air again. After the smoke dispersed, Kaito Kidd had disappeared into the air.

"How was it, was my performance just now great?"

Kaito Kidd, who had been pulled back into the helicopter cabin by Lu Ming, looked at Lu Ming and asked with a smile.

Lu Ming nodded:"It has indeed caused a sensation among the people below, and the photo of you standing in the air will definitely be posted in the most eye-catching position in the newspaper tomorrow morning. But Kidd, I want to ask you a question, if the blue miracle had not been put away at that time, and you stood in front of it, would you take it away directly?"

Kaito Kidd smiled faintly:"If I can't even abide by my own agreement, then there is really no difference between me and an ordinary thief."

Lu Ming nodded, he understood what Kaito Kidd meant

"But, the little devil did show up after all." Kaito Kid said:"He was in the crowd, his eyes were fixed on me, I think, he must be wondering where I would disappear from."

"In addition, Conan and Officer Nakamori also checked the two buildings."Lu Ming said:"Although nothing has been found yet, I think there must be traces left on the steel cables at both ends of the wire. With Conan's brain, it's only a matter of time before he figured out your method of walking in the air."

"After all, it is impossible for a person to stand in the air."Phantom Thief Kidd didn't care about this at all, and said with an open-minded look:"As long as it is magic, there will be loopholes that can be discovered. If that kid really discovered my tricks, I wouldn't be surprised, but, so what... Tomorrow, I won't appear in the air. No matter how smart he is, he won't think so quickly that everything I did today is just a sleight of hand for tomorrow's action, hahahaha……"

Seeing Kaito Kidd's smug look, Lu Ming shook his head. However, he had to admit that in this matter, Kaito Kidd's meticulous thinking and perfect action made Lu Ming admire him very much.


The next morning, when Lu Ming picked up the newspaper, the first thing he saw was the photo of Kaito Kidd standing in the air in the middle of the newspaper. Lu Ming smiled faintly and put the newspaper aside. He didn't need to read the following report, as he could roughly guess the content.

"I heard that Kaito Kidd walked in the air last night." Okino Yoko poured a bowl of rice in front of Lu Ming, her brows full of curiosity:"I don't know how he did it."

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