Seeing Yuanzi's insistence, Lu Ming didn't say anything more. After all, they were best friends who grew up together. Even if he went home, he would always think about Xiaolan's situation. Instead of waiting at home, it would be better to stay here and watch over her quietly.

Half an hour later, Kogoro, Kisaki Eri, and Conan came in from outside. Looking at the sleeping Xiaolan, there was pity in their eyes.

""Lu Ming, can I talk to you?" asked Eri Kisaki to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming nodded, stood up from the chair and said,"Everyone must be hungry after working for so long. Lawyer Kisaki and I will go buy some midnight snacks for everyone."

Looking at Lu Ming and Eri Kisaki walking out of the ward one after another, Kogoro had a complicated expression on his face. After sighing in his heart, he turned his attention to his daughter on the bed again.

Even in the hot summer, after late at night, it will still give people a chilly feeling. The cold wind blows, making people shiver.

"Put it on, be careful not to catch a cold." Seeing that Fei Yingli was only wearing a small off-shoulder dress, Lu Ming took off his coat and put it on Fei Yingli.

"Thank you." Fei Yingli did not refuse, she grabbed the collar of her coat with both hands and smiled at Lu Ming.

""Did you learn anything from talking to Inspector Megure for so long?" Lu Ming asked her. Fei

Yingli sighed:"Although it is still just a guess, if the murderer is really one of those people as Inspector Megure said, then it is really a tricky matter."

"Is the murderer related to the police?" Lu Ming asked.

Fei Yingli looked at him in surprise, then nodded.

"No matter what, now that it has happened, our top priority is to help Xiaolan recover her memory." Lu Ming said,"As for who the murderer is, let's leave it to the police for the time being."

Feiying nodded, stopped and looked at Lu Ming:"Although I don't know why Xiaolan only remembers you, for me, it is already a very fortunate thing. Lu Ming, I really beg you, whether Xiaolan can recover her memory, maybe all the hope lies in you."

Lu Ming nodded:"Don't worry, Xiaolan is my student, I will naturally do my best to help her recover her memory"

"Thank you."

This was the second time Fei Yingli thanked Lu Ming tonight. Lu Ming smiled and said,"Given our relationship, it's strange to say thank you so many times."

Fei Yingli didn't know what she was thinking of. Her pretty face suddenly turned red. After glaring at Lu Ming, she walked forward, leaving Lu Ming alone. He scratched his head in confusion, not understanding what he had said just now. After buying a midnight snack and returning���After a busy night, everyone was really hungry. In order not to disturb Xiaolan's sleep, Lu Ming and Fei Yingli stayed in the ward to look after Xiaolan, while the others took supper to the meeting room next door.

There was no conversation that night.

The next day, the sun rose from the east sky on time, and the sunlight shone through the window into the ward, making people feel warm.

Xiaolan's eyes slowly opened at this time, just like a newborn baby, looking at everything around blankly.

"Xiaolan, are you awake?"Hina Eri was sitting on the bed and saw Xiaolan open her eyes and said happily.

Xiaolan nodded.

"How about it, have you remembered who I am?" Fei Yingli looked at Xiaolan expectantly, hoping to hear the word"Mom" from her.

However, she was disappointed after all. Xiaolan shook her head blankly and said softly:"I'm sorry, I still can't remember who you are."

A trace of regret flashed across Fei Yingli's face, but soon she smiled again and said:"It doesn't matter, we can take it slowly, Xiaolan, you must be hungry, you want to eat something, mom will buy it for you."

""Thank you." Xiaolan said very politely, her eyes scanning the crowd around her. After seeing Lu Ming, she finally smiled and said,"Teacher Lu Ming."

Fei Yingli was very tactful and walked away from the bedside, giving her seat to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming sat on it, looked at Xiaolan with a smile, and said,"You look much better than yesterday. Xiaolan, do you feel uncomfortable anywhere?"

Xiaolan shook her head:"It's just that I still can't remember the past."

"It’s okay, we’ll think about it slowly." Lu Ming comforted her and said,"You must be hungry, what do you want to eat? I’ll buy it for you."

"I want to drink porridge." Compared to her politeness to Fei Yingli, Xiaolan behaved much more normally when facing Lu Ming.

"Okay." Lu Ming nodded and said,"Teacher will buy it for you right away. You lie down for a while and the teacher will be back soon."

"Come back soon."

Xiaolan seemed to be still unfamiliar and uncomfortable with the people around her.

Lu Ming smiled and touched Xiaolan's forehead:"Teacher will be back soon. If you have any problems, tell the people here. They are all your relatives and friends. They will not hurt you."

""Yes, I understand." Xiaolan nodded obediently.

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