In a flash, another month has passed, and Xiaolan still has no impression of Kudo Shinichi. It seems that the invisible thread between the two has been cut. On a quiet night, Lu Ming sat on the sofa, crossed his legs, sipping red wine and watching TV. The biggest news today is that Princess Mira from the Kingdom of Vesbania came to Japan and attended the dinner at the Sakura Hotel tonight.

Looking at Princess Mira's face on the TV screen that is almost exactly the same as Xiaolan's, Lu Ming smiled. Although there are many people with similar faces in the world, it is still very novel to see them in person.

"Teacher Lu Ming, Teacher Lu Ming, are you home?"

A knock on the door sounded at this time, and Xiaolan's urgent voice came from outside the door.

Lu Ming was slightly stunned, wondering what Xiaolan wanted to talk to him about so late at night. He got up and opened the door, and saw Xiaolan and a girl walking in.

The two girls seemed to have run all the way here, looking out of breath.

""Xiaolan, what's the matter with you looking for the teacher so late at night?" Lu Ming looked at Xiaolan and asked, glancing at the girl she brought with her, who was wearing very gorgeous clothes. After seeing her appearance, Lu Ming was stunned again and asked in surprise:"Princess Mila?"


"So that's how it is. You met Princess Mira on the road, and saw that she was being chased by a bad guy, so you beat the man down, and then ran to me with the princess?" Lu Ming put two glasses of juice in front of the two girls. After listening to Xiaolan's narration, he finally understood why the two of them appeared here.

Xiaolan nodded:"Because this place happens to be close to where Teacher Lu Ming lives, I brought the princess here. I hope it won't cause trouble for the teacher."

"There won't be any trouble." Lu Ming shook his head:"But Xiaolan, haven't you ever thought about whether the man you knocked down could be the princess's bodyguard or someone else? If the princess escapes from the banquet, it will definitely cause a commotion. In this case, it is normal for the bodyguard to want to take the princess back after finding her outside. Of course, in order to avoid going back, the princess will naturally not tell you that the man is her bodyguard."

Xiaolan felt that Lu Ming's analysis made a lot of sense. Indeed, she didn't think so much at the time. Seeing a man pulling a girl, she subconsciously took action.

She looked at Princess Mira who was sitting next to her and asked:"Princess, was that really the one just now?"

"Yes, he is indeed my bodyguard."At this point, Princess Mira no longer concealed it and admitted openly:"I hated that kind of banquet, so I used a little trick to escape from it."

"But, you are a princess, it is not good to do this."

Mira snorted:"What's good about being a princess? I'm tired of those banquets." Xiaolan looked at her in surprise. She was born in a commoner family and could not understand what Mira said:"But being a princess is every girl's dream since childhood."

"Then, why don't you be the princess?" Mira's beautiful eyes suddenly turned, and she approached Xiaolan and said,"Anyway, we look exactly the same. As long as you wear my clothes, no one will be able to recognize you."


Before Xiaolan could react, Princess Mira had already made a decision for her:"Well, handsome guy, can I borrow your room for a while?"

""Okay." Lu Ming nodded and pointed to his bedroom.

""Thank you." Princess Mira thanked him and pulled Xiaolan, who had not yet fully reacted, into Lu Ming's bedroom.

Ten minutes later, the two girls, who had changed their clothes, walked out of the room.

Facing two identical faces, Lu Ming was a little dazed. He pointed at Xiaolan, who was wearing a princess dress, and asked,"Now, are you Xiaolan?"

Xiaolan nodded shyly and asked softly,"Teacher Lu Ming, do you look good?"

"It looks good, but what are you going to do next? Xiaolan, are you going to attend the banquet on behalf of Princess Mila?"Lu Ming asked.

Xiaolan sighed:"At this point, it seems that this is the only way... But will it reveal Lu's identity?"

"Lu is bound to be exposed. You two have nothing in common except your looks." Lu Ming took out his cell phone, thought for a while, and said,"I'd better call Officer Megure and ask him to come and pick up Princess Mira."

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