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"Do you feel desperate?" Lu Ming looked down at Kuramoto Yoji and said,"I thought everyone's plans were under my control, but I never thought that it would end up like this."

"Lu, Mr. Lu Ming, what happened?"

Yuanzi and Xiaolan also ran into the villa, saw Kuramoto Yoji lying on the ground, and saw Makino Jun in Lu Ming's arms. They vaguely guessed something and said,"Could it be that Mr. Kuramoto……"

Lu Ming nodded:"Fortunately we arrived in time, otherwise Miss Makino would have been raped by this man."

"What." For a girl, raping a girl is even more hateful than killing her. Xiaolan gnashed her teeth in anger, pulled up Jun Makino who was lying on the ground, and slapped him in the face:"I didn't expect you to be this kind of person. You killed Miss Renko and Mr. Heaven, and you even want to defile Miss Makino. Aren't you two very good friends?"


Kuramoto Yoji knew that he had no hope of escape, and he spat on the ground, his face becoming extremely distorted:"What friend? Renzi denied me again and again, humiliated me, I wanted to kill her a long time ago, and Tiantang, in order to please Renzi, actually joined in and mocked me."

"What about me?" Makino Jun looked at Kuramoto Yoji and said angrily:"Why do you treat me like this? Is it because I rejected your pursuit?"

Kuramoto Yoji had a ferocious look on his face:"I dare to kill people, so what else do I have to be afraid of when I do other things?"

"This guy has gone crazy." Lu Ming said:"Yuanzi, go find a rope. If we don't tie this guy up, who knows what crazy actions he will do if we are not careful."

"OK, I'll go find it right away." Yuanzi nodded and left the living room.

"Okay, it's all right now." Lu Ming patted Jun Makino's shoulder again and comforted him,"With me here, this guy won't do anything to you."

Jun Makino came out of Lu Ming's arms. Facing the threat of Kuramoto Yoji, fear overcame everything. Now that the dust has settled, Kuramoto Yoji has also been reminded that he has been leaning on Lu Ming's arms for so long, and a trace of shame appeared on his face. Looking at Lu Ming, he said with great gratitude,"Thank you, sir. If it weren't for you today, I can't imagine what the consequences would be for me."

"If you want to thank someone, you should thank Xiaolan and Sonoko."Lu Ming pointed at Xiaolan and said,"If they hadn't been worried about you and had to come back to see you, perhaps, as you said, everything that happened today would be a nightmare for your whole life."

Makino Jun thanked Xiaolan again, and Sonoko also found the rope and handed it to Lu Ming.

Knowing that he had no way to escape, Kuramoto Yoji did not resist and let Lu Ming tie him up, but he was still curious and asked Lu Ming,"Don't you want to ask me how I killed them?"

Lu Ming tied a knot and clapped his hands, saying,"The police may ask you these questions, but for me, I have no interest in them. You should think about it carefully. After you die, will Miss Renko and Mr. Tiantang let go of your ghost?"

Kuramoto Yoji sneered,"There are no ghosts in this world.

The so-called supernatural events are all man-made.

Do you think the original owner of this villa, his brother, and his wife really committed suicide? When we bought this villa, the younger brother accidentally told about his affair with his sister-in-law.

You may not know that if you take away a few books from the bookshelf in one of the rooms of this villa, a secret passage will appear.

I found a rope in the secret passage.

I think that the elder brother must have discovered that his younger brother and his wife were having an affair, so he took action.

Later, he felt guilty and committed suicide by jumping off the building.

As for the legend of monsters, they are just bluffs.


Lu Ming sat down next to him and said,"You can see this clearly. It's a pity that your luck doesn't seem to be very good this time. If we hadn't come, you might have succeeded."

"That's right." Kuramoto Yoji raised his head and sighed:"This is all God's will. If you didn't come here, there would be two results.……"

As the two chatted casually, the sound of police car sirens came from outside. Led by Suzuki Ayako, the police walked into the villa.

"Sister, the murderer has been caught by Teacher Lu Ming." Yuanzi said to her sister excitedly,"Fortunately we came in time, otherwise Miss Makino would have been defiled by this murderer."

Suzuki Ayako was also a little surprised. She didn't expect that the matter was more serious than she thought. She glanced at Kuramoto Yoji who was handcuffed by the police, and was extremely glad that this big bad guy had been caught.

"I think you didn't want to kill Mr. Paradise at first." When Kuramoto Yoji was taken away, Lu Ming suddenly said:"Otherwise, you wouldn't have disguised Miss Renzi's suicide."

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