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"In that case, why not go and ask Prosecutor Kujo what she is really thinking? What do you think?"

"That's fine, Lu Ming, why don't you come with me?"

Lu Ming nodded and said,"Okay, then I'll go with you."

The two of them called the waiter and were about to pay and leave when Fei Yingli's cell phone suddenly rang. She took out the phone and said,

"It's Ms. Kuriyama. What's up so late?... What did you say? Mr. Takeuchi committed suicide by jumping off the building?"

Hibiki Eri's face changed:"Okay, I'll be there right away. Is Prosecutor Kujo there too? Okay, I got it."

Hibiki Eri hung up the phone and said to Lu Ming anxiously:"What just happened, Mr. Takeuchi committed suicide by jumping off the building"

"It seems that this incident is not as simple as a car accident."Lu Ming said:"Let's go, let's go to Mr. Takeuchi's house first. No matter what, let's understand the situation first."

Kisaragi nodded, and the two left the coffee shop and quickly came to the downstairs of Mr. Takeuchi's apartment.

Because of the case, the downstairs was already full of people who came to join in the fun. It was drizzling in the sky at some point, as if to bid a final farewell to Mr. Takeuchi who committed suicide.

Lu Ming took out a spare umbrella from the car, opened it, and walked side by side with Kisaragi.


Ms. Kuriyama, who arrived earlier, ran towards Kisaki Eri when she saw her. When she saw Lu Ming beside Kisaki Eri, she nodded and greeted him, then reported the situation to Kisaki Eri:"Mr. Takeuchi committed suicide by jumping from the sixth floor of his home. He died on the spot."

""Is it possible that it was murder?" Lu Ming asked.

Miss Kuriyama shook her head:"It's basically impossible, because Mr. Takeuchi left a suicide note, and there are eyewitnesses."

"Eyewitnesses? Who?"

"Nine prosecutors"

"What? Is it her?"When she heard the name, Hibiki asked,"Where is she now?" Ms. Kuriyama pointed in a direction. When the media arrived here, they began to ask if Prosecutor Kujo had killed Mr. Takeuchi. Even his wife was full of criticism for Prosecutor Kujo. She said that it was because of Prosecutor Kujo that her husband committed suicide."

"How could this happen?"Hiki Eri still can't believe that Mr. Takeuchi committed suicide by jumping off a building:"He was finally released from the detention center, how could he commit suicide?"

"It seems that this matter is not as simple as it seems on the surface. First, there was the car accident, and now there is the suicide. I am afraid that in both cases, the murderer is behind the scenes."Lu Ming said:"Now that things have come to this, I think we should talk to Prosecutor Kujo first." Fei

Yingli nodded, and when she saw Prosecutor Kujo walked out of the media without saying a word, she quickly walked up and said,"Prosecutor Kujo, are you okay?"

Prosecutor Kujo glanced at Fei Yingli, then nodded, but from the expression on her face, her heart should be full of pain and complexity.

"Then I'll send him back. It just so happens that there are some things I want to discuss with you. Mr. Takeuchi's suicide is too strange. There may be other reasons."

Prosecutor Kujo looked at Kisaki Eri in surprise, pursed her lips, as if she was making a decision.

""Then I'll trouble you, Attorney Fei." She finally nodded and followed Fei Yingli into Lu Ming's car.

On the road late at night, Lu Ming was driving on the road. The rain was much lighter than before.

In the back seat, Fei Yingli and Prosecutor Jiujo sat side by side. She took out a few tissues and handed them to Prosecutor Jiujo. Prosecutor Jiujo thanked her and took the tissues to wipe her shoulders that were wet by the rain.

"Then I'll ask directly."Hiki Eri looked at Prosecutor Kujo and asked,"Why did you suddenly go to Mr. Takeuchi's house?"

"This evening, he called me out of the blue."He said he wanted to explain the truth to me and asked me to go to his home," recalled Prosecutor Kujo."

"Is the truth he told about what happened between him and his wife, or about a previous case involving him?"

"You, you also know about that?" Prosecutor Kujo looked at Kisaki Eri in surprise.

Kisaki Eri shook her head:"I don't know the details yet, can you tell me about it?"


" Prosecutor Kujo nodded and said,"Five years ago, I was a member of the Special Investigation Department.

At that time, there was a case of illegal shoddy work by Takeuchi Construction.

I thought it might develop into a bribery case involving politicians, so I was seconded to other units.

Later, because the key person, the director of the design firm, committed suicide, the case was left unresolved.

One of the director's subordinates was Mr.


If his testimony was used as a breakthrough point, the matter might have been solved, but he suddenly overturned his testimony and had to give up the case.


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