The more Lu Ming thought about it, the more frightened he became. Just as he was about to say something to defend himself, a sharp pain suddenly swept through his head.

At the same time, in the depths of his mind, fragments of memories that did not belong to him rushed in from all directions, like a fragmented puzzle, which was reconnected piece by piece to form a complete memory network.


Lu Ming covered his head in pain. The pain was so severe that he wanted to take his head off.


Lu Ming's look at this time fell into Fei Yingli's eyes, and he was as ridiculous as a clown.

Acting crazy and stupid, this is Fei Yingli's understanding.

Watching coldly, with an undisguised sarcasm on her face, Fei Yingli said:"Mr.

Lu Ming, there is nothing for us to talk about now.

Article 236 of the Criminal Law stipulates that anyone who rapes a woman by violence, coercion or other means shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years.

In serious cases, the maximum penalty is death penalty.

You raped my body when I was unconscious.


Lu Ming, I will make you repent for your crime in prison for the rest of your life.


The fragments of memory have been assembled. The exploding pain came suddenly and went away quickly. The extra memory out of thin air made Lu Ming a little confused. Before he could figure out why he had this phenomenon, Fei Yingli had left him and seemed to be leaving the room

"Mission trigger: Prevent Eri Kisaki from suing, mission points, 100"


As if it was an instinctive reaction, the two words"wait" came out of Lu Ming's mouth.

Fei Yingli, who had already put her hand on the door handle, heard Lu Ming calling her, frowned, turned around, a trace of annoyance appeared on her face, and asked:"Mr. Lu Ming, do you have anything else to say?"

"Of course I have something to say."

Lu Ming decided to put aside the incomprehensible things and solve the problem at hand first.

Fei Yingli said that he raped her, but the memory in his mind told him that the two of them simply had sex after drinking. No one could blame anyone. Lu Ming even felt a little wronged. He was a virgin, which was very precious in this day and age. This woman not only did not hold him in her arms and comfort him, but also wanted to send him to prison.

It is true that women are the most vicious.

""Lawyer Fei, you said I raped you, but can you tell me where you got the word rape from?"

Fei Yingli was standing on the floor and Lu Ming was lying on the bed. One of them was higher than the other, which meant that Lu Ming had to look up to meet Fei Yingli's eyes.

In a sense, looking up represents a compromise and a submission. Lu Ming didn't want to lose to Fei Yingli in momentum, so he lifted the quilt and wanted to negotiate with Fei Yingli on the same level.

The cold wind brought by lifting the quilt made Lu Ming feel cold in his lower body. He looked down and realized that he was still naked.

Damn it! He actually forgot about this.

Lu Ming was a little embarrassed. After a brief moment of confusion, he looked up and said to Fei Yingli,"Well, Lawyer Fei, could you please turn around?"

Fei Yingli spat. Even though she was very angry with Lu Ming in her heart, she turned around in shame and anger after seeing the strong body unique to men.

Picking up the clothes that he had thrown on the floor when he was crazy last night, Lu Ming quickly put them on, then walked to Fei Yingli and said,"Okay, we can have a good talk next."

"Let's have a good talk? Humph." Hibiki turned around, her cold and beautiful eyes filled with blazing anger:"What do you think there is to talk about between us?"

"Of course." Lu Ming said as a matter of course:"Because, I didn't rape you at all"

"What did you say?"

"Listen to me finish my words."

Seeing that Fei Yingli was about to lose control, Lu Ming hurriedly continued:"Last night, were we drinking together?"

Fei Yingli snorted, which was considered as tacit agreement

"But you weren't the only one who got drunk. You and I don't remember what happened afterwards." Lu Ming pointed at himself and Fei Yingli, and then at the bed where the traces of their lovemaking were left:"I don't know why we slept together, and I don't know why we did that. It was a complete accident."

Fei Yingli glared:"You mean, I'm to blame for this?"

"No, that's not what I meant." Lu Ming shook his head:"We are both responsible for this matter, but Lawyer Fei, I cannot admit the crime of rape. At most, we can only be considered to have sex under the influence of alcohol. Therefore, even if you take me to court, your meaningless argument will not be accepted by the judge."

"you……"Fei Yingli glared at Lu Ming.

As an excellent lawyer, she knew that Lu Ming's words were not exaggerated at all. If this lawsuit really went to court, her chances of winning could only be described as slim.

Although drunken sex and rape have the same result, the process is very different. One is voluntary and the other is voluntary. The reason why Fei Yingli was so angry and wanted to sue Lu Ming in court was completely a woman's instinctive self-protection.

Seeing that Fei Yingli was finally not so impulsive, Lu Ming breathed a sigh of relief. Thinking of his virginity being lost without knowing it, he said sullenly,"Come to think of it, I suffered a loss in this matter."

Fei Yingli frowned, and before she could speak, Lu Ming said seriously,"Isn't it? I'm still a virgin, Lawyer Fei, you've made a fortune."

Fei Yingli stared at Lu Ming hatefully. She could no longer describe this man in words. After gritting her teeth, she finally blurted out,"Mr. Lu Ming, I hope we will never meet again in this life."

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