"Oh? Mr. Maori already knows where Kaito Kid will appear?" Lu Ming looked at Kogoro and asked with interest.

Speaking of this matter, Kogoro felt a little complacent.

He coughed twice and said his thoughts:"In fact, the waves mentioned in the notice refer to the ocean, and when we mention the ocean, we will think of the wilderness.

The famous stars on the wilderness are called Star in English, which means the idol star who will hold a live concert at the nearby Beika Public Hall starting tomorrow...

So Kaito Kid will definitely appear near the Beika Public Hall when the live concert ends at nine o'clock in the evening.


What is serious nonsense? Kogoro perfectly explained it to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming was stunned after listening to Kogoro's thoughts. He opened his mouth and finally saved his face and said,"Mao, what Mr. Maori said does make some sense."

"So, Kaito Kid will definitely appear near the Beika Court tomorrow?" Sonoko was very excited. With the analysis of the famous detective and the approval of her teacher, this matter was most likely correct.

"Maybe."Lu Ming didn't want to take the blame, and said vaguely:"After all, it's the analysis of a famous detective."

The subtext is that I agree with what Maori Kogoro said, but I can't guarantee that what he said is right.

But Yuanzi didn't have this awareness. Based on her confidence in the two of them, she was already looking forward to a direct contact with Kaito Kid.


The afternoon passed quietly, and the night wiped out the last ray of sunset. The night fell slowly like a velvet curtain in a theater. In the night sky, the moon was dim, the stars were sparse, and the whole earth seemed to have fallen asleep.

"Mission trigger: Meet Kaito Kidd and gain his favor"

"Mission Reward: 100 points"

"Mission failed: The host cannot gain the favor of Kaito Kidd"

"Oh my god."

Lu Ming howled in the room. He quickly put on his clothes and hurried to the parking lot under the apartment building. He opened the car door, got into the driver's seat, started the car, and did a series of actions in one go. He drove towards the red dot marked with Kaito Kidd in the GPS in his mind.

This was the first time Lu Ming received a task issued by the system so late at night, and it was also the first time he received a task with a penalty. This made him feel surprised, but he did not dare to be careless at all.

If the task failed, he would no longer be able to gain the favor of Kaito Kidd. In other words, as long as he gained the favor of Kaito Kidd, Lu Ming has a 100% favorable impression of Kaito Kidd, then is it possible that he will stand on his side? If so, then it is definitely great news for him.

The car was driving fast on the deserted road, getting closer and closer to the target red dot.

A hundred meters ahead, a man in a police uniform was running towards Lu Ming's car.

Lu Ming narrowed his eyes, and the target had appeared. He braked and stopped the car in front of Kaito Kidd, then rolled down the window, showed a smile, and said to Kaito Kidd:"Mr. Policeman, do you need me to give you a ride?" Kaito Kidd was stunned. He didn't expect to meet a kind-hearted person at this time and place.’

"Get in the car, Mr. Policeman." When Kaito Kidd was still hesitating, Lu Ming used his harmless smile to relax Kaito Kidd's vigilance:"You should be on a mission, I admire you policemen the most. If it wasn't for some reasons, maybe we would have been in the same team."

""Thank you, Mr. Driver."

Not sensing any danger from Lu Ming, Kaito Kid finally felt relieved. The police were still searching for him, so he had better leave immediately.

Seeing Kaito Kid get into his car, Lu Ming smiled, turned the car around, and drove slowly back the way he had just come.

""What mission are you on, Mr. Policeman?" Lu Ming asked casually,"I see it's quite lively up ahead."

"It was Kaito Kidd who caused the chaos."Kaito Kidd chuckled, seeming to be very satisfied with his masterpiece:"But now it seems that since Kaito Kidd has already run away, there shouldn't be any gains."

"Really? Not necessarily." Lu Ming found a secluded corner and stopped the car. Under the surprised gaze of Kaito Kidd, he looked at him with a smile and said,"Since Kaito Kidd has already run away, then who are you?"

"Me? I'm just an ordinary policeman on duty."

"So, Mr. Policeman, can you let me tell whether this face of yours is real or fake?"

Kaito Kidd fell silent. How could he not understand that the person he met was not a"kind driver" at all, but another trouble after the police?

"Who are you?" Kaito Kidd looked at Lu Ming and asked,"It shouldn't be a coincidence that you met me."

Lu Ming smiled faintly and said,"You are right. I did come to find you on purpose. However, it may be different from what you think. I came to find you just to see what the legendary thief looks like."

Lu Ming was helpless. If it weren't for the system's task, he would be dreaming at home.

Kaito Kidd looked at Lu Ming with a strange look on his face, wondering whether Lu Ming's words were credible.

"You really aren't here to arrest me?"


"No other purpose?"


"Why do I keep running into strange things tonight?" Kaito Kidd muttered,"First I met an unusual elementary school detective, and now I meet an old driver who is hard to figure out. It seems that I have to choose an auspicious day for the next action."

Lu Ming looked at him with a smile,"It seems that you have gained a lot today."

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