The setting sun in the mountains exudes a soft light, not strong, not dazzling, dyeing the blue ocean into a dazzling crimson.

At Yokohama Port, a luxurious cruise ship is anchored at the shore, like a giant, dazzling under the setting sun.

Inside the cruise ship, guests attending the party come and go, dressed in gorgeous clothes, with expensive luxury goods on their hands and necks. It can be seen that they are a group of people of status.

In the main banquet hall, Sonoko's father, Shiro Suzuki, who is also the chairman of the Suzuki Group, is thanking the guests for coming:"Our Suzuki Group is now in its sixtieth anniversary. I would like to sincerely thank you all for your support and encouragement to our group. Tonight, I hope everyone will forget about that thief and enjoy this elegant and grand event."

"It really is worthy of being the Suzuki Group, with all the big shots coming." Yoko Okino, who came to the banquet with Lu Ming, sighed as she looked around at the people who could only be seen on TV or in newspapers on weekdays.

Lu Ming smiled softly beside her and said,"You can be considered a big shot, right? As long as you take off your sunglasses, I believe that the young people here will come around and show their courtesy to you."

Yoko Okino adjusted her sunglasses, fearing that she would really be recognized. It would be fine if she was recognized, but it would be difficult to explain Lu Ming's identity to the public. The two are just friends? This is the truth, but who would believe it?

By then, the rumors about the two of them will be overwhelming, which will inevitably affect their normal lives.

"So what is this thing?" Okino Yoko shook the box in her hand. It was a small gift given to everyone by the receptionist when they boarded the ship. They said they would use it later.

""You haven't opened it yet?" Lu Ming asked

"I did open it and saw that there was a jewel inside, but it must be a fake."

Lu Ming smiled and said,"Of course it's a fake. This jewel is called Dark Star, and it's exactly what Kaito Kidd wants to take tonight."

"So that's how it is. The reason why the Suzuki Group distributed the 'Dark Star' to each guest was to confuse Kaito Kidd?"

Lu Ming nodded:"That should be it."

The two's words were soon confirmed. After Suzuki Shiro thanked the guests, his wife Suzuki Tomoko came to his side and said:"Before that, I want to tell you an idea I thought of. When I got on the ship, I asked the reception staff to give everyone present a small box. Now please open this box."

"To be honest, this is just a small challenge I made to that stupid thief."When everyone opened the box and saw what was inside, Suzuki Tomoko continued,"Yes, the 'jewelry' in the box is the heirloom of our Suzuki family, and it is also the main target of Kaito Kid tonight, the Dark Star."

"Of course, there is only one genuine pearl, and I am the only one who knows who I gave it to.

" Suzuki Tomoko looked at the guests below with pride:"As for what others hold, they are just imitations.

Okay, now please pin this pearl on your chest so that Kaito Kidd can see the pearls you are wearing.

If he is really capable, then let him secretly look at it, but the prerequisite for success is that within three hours of the ship being at sea, our Kaito Kidd must determine which one is the real one.


The guests laughed. There were hundreds of guests present, which means there were hundreds of dark stars in total. No one would think that Kaito Kidd would be so capable as to find the only real one among hundreds of identical jewels.

""Yes, put them on me." Okino Yoko took the pearls out of the box and handed them to Lu Ming.

Lu Ming rolled his eyes in annoyance and said,"Miss Yoko, your delicate hands are not just for show, are they?""

"It's not convenient to wear it yourself." Okino Yoko stuffed the pearl into Lu Ming's hand and then touched her chest.

Lu Ming had no choice but to help Okino Yoko put the pearl on. His fingers accidentally brushed across the high peak. Okino Yoko blushed slightly, but didn't say much.

"Okay, now it's my turn to help you put it on." Okino Yoko took Lu Ming's box, took out the pearls inside, and carefully pinned them on Lu Ming's chest. She smiled and said,"I have to say that Mrs. Suzuki's method is really unthinkable for ordinary people. Even if that Kaito Kidd is powerful, he can't do anything about it."

Lu Ming shook his head:"People often make mistakes, that is, they overestimate themselves and underestimate their opponents."

Okino Yoko tilted her head and blinked her eyes. She felt that Lu Ming had something to say. Just when she was about to ask more clearly, an excited voice interrupted her.

"Teacher Lu Ming."

Yunoko, Xiaolan, Kogoro, and Conan were walking towards Lu Ming.

"It's Yuanzi." Lu Ming said with a smile, and then nodded to Xiaolan and Kogoro and said hello.

"Teacher, I must catch Kidd this time... Hey, who is this?"

As she spoke, Yuanzi noticed Okino Yoko beside Lu Ming. Although she couldn't see her face clearly because of the sunglasses, the unique temperament she exuded still made Yuanzi feel a sense of crisis at the first moment.

Love rival? Or is she Teacher Lu Ming's girlfriend? That shouldn't be the case. She has never heard of Teacher Lu Ming having a girlfriend.

"Let me introduce you, this is her." Lu Ming pointed at Yoko Okino and was about to introduce Yoko Okino's identity in a low-key manner when he glanced and found that Kogoro was staring at Yoko Okino with excitement. He looked like he was so excited that he didn't know which way to go when he suddenly found out that he had won the first prize in the lottery when he was penniless.

Lu Ming had to admire Kogoro's love for Yoko Okino. He could recognize his idol immediately when Yoko Okino was dressed like this. He was definitely the number one fan among the true fans.

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