After sending Xiaolan away, Lu Ming recalled the subsequent developments of the incident. After making sure that the subsequent plot would not affect him, he cleaned the teacup on the coffee table and prepared to take a nap.


But the ringing of the phone once again ruined his plan.

Lu Ming grabbed the phone and put it to his ear without even looking at the caller's number, saying,"Hello? Who is this?""

"Is it Fenjiu?"A gentle voice came from the phone.

Lu Ming frowned slightly. The only people who could call him by the code name Fenjiu were people from the organization. But among the women in the organization, except for his direct superior, Vermouth, he had almost no contact with other women.

Lu Ming said in a deep voice:"It's me, who are you?"

"I am Akemi Miyano"

"It's you." Lu Ming relaxed and sat down on the sofa:"What do you want to talk to me about?"

"The plan is almost ready to be implemented."Miyano Akemi said:"But I need your cooperation"

"You should go to the Qin Bar." Lu Ming crossed his legs and lay on the sofa:"You found the wrong person."

"I looked for Gin, and he said that he had handed this matter over to you, and he also gave me your number."

Lu Ming cursed in his heart. Although he agreed to let Gin participate in this matter, it was just a participation. But Gin, without his knowledge, directly threw the matter to him?

Should he thank him for his trust in him? Or should he curse him for throwing a trouble to him?

Lu Ming maintained his emotions, pondered for a moment and said:"I will give you a reply later on this matter, but Miyano Akemi, since you have prepared a plan, I hope that this action will be seamless and there will be no mistakes."

"You can rest assured about this. Even if the police find clues, they will only suspect me and will not have any connection with the organization."

"That's good."

After hanging up the phone with Miyano Akemi, Lu Ming thought about it and decided to call Gin. He had to know what Gin was thinking about this matter.

As if he had known that Lu Ming would call him, Gin picked up the phone as soon as Lu Ming dialed the number.

"Gin, what's going on?" Lu Ming got straight to the point and said,"Why did you just throw the matter of Miyano Akemi to me? This is different from what we agreed on before." Gin's voice still sounded so low. He smiled and said,"Fenjiu, you can't do this?"

Lu Ming frowned and said,"This is not the key point. The key point is that I want to know the reason behind it."

"The reason is that I will not be in Japan for the next period of time."Gin said:"'That person' asked me to be responsible for smuggling together. The value is about 800 million US dollars. In comparison, the 1 billion yen of Miyano Akemi is not so important. Fenjiu, with your strength, this matter is definitely not a difficult task for you. I will let Vodka assist you at that time. You must not let me down."

Lu Ming narrowed his eyes.

Gin asked Vodka to assist him, in order to make things smoother, or to supervise him. Lu Ming couldn't say now, but one thing was certain, Gin didn't deliberately make trouble for him. The incident happened suddenly, so he gave him full authority to handle the matter.

"I understand. I'll take care of it."Lu Ming finally agreed. There were some things he had to do. He couldn't let Gin doubt his"loyalty" to the organization, at least not yet.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Ming sent a message to Miyano Akemi and arranged a time to meet with her to discuss the details of the action.

He also knew that when he accepted this matter in full, Miyano Akemi's life would be completely in his hands. At that time, he would take a pistol and personally end Miyano Akemi's life, and as her sister, Miyano Shiho would regard him as a lifelong enemy.

To be honest, Lu Ming didn't want to see this transfer of hatred.

He had plans to betray the organization, and after Miyano Shiho betrayed the organization, as long as he could convince her, there was a great chance that He could make her his ally, but all this was on the premise that he had not killed Miyano Akemi.

At the moment, all the plans were disrupted by Gin's withdrawal. Lu Ming frowned and wanted to come up with a solution that would satisfy both parties.

Killing Miyano Akemi by himself was ultimately a bad idea. Once he really did it, then for his own safety, Lu Ming might also get rid of Miyano Shiho.

At that time, the two beauties would be gone. Although he didn't want to see it, people were sometimes so selfish that they had to do things they didn't want to do in order to survive.

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