A remote abandoned warehouse, with no pedestrians around. A car was parked there quietly, as if waiting for someone.

"Fenjiu, that woman won't not come, will she?" Having waited here for a while, the target has not appeared yet, and Vodka couldn't help showing impatience.

Lu Ming had a calm face, and there was no sign of anxiety on his face. He said lightly:"Don't worry, Vodka, she will definitely come. For her sister, even if she knows this will be a trap, she will definitely come." As soon as the voice fell, a red car drove from a distance, from far to near, and stopped fifty meters in front of him. Miyano Akemi got out of the car, she looked around, and shouted:"Where are you, come out quickly"

"Let's go, she's here."

Lu Ming and Vodka got out of the car and walked in front of Miyano Akemi from the dark. Lu Ming looked at her with a faint smile and said,"Thank you for your hard work, Miyano Akemi." Miyano Akemi had no expression on her face. She stared at Lu Ming and asked,"Can I ask a question? Why did you kill those two people?"

"This is not the organization's usual style, you should know that." Lu Ming shrugged indifferently. The two gangsters who died last night were the masterpieces of himself and Vodka:"Okay, stop talking nonsense and give us the money."

"The money is not with me now." Miyano Akemi said:"I hid the money somewhere else."

"What did you say?"Vodka looked at Miyano Akemi angrily.

Miyano Akemi didn't care about Vodka's attitude at all, her eyes stayed on Lu Ming:"Where is my sister? Where is my sister now? You bring her here first, this is what we agreed."

Lu Ming shook his head:"I'm afraid this is very difficult. You know, your sister is one of the few top-notch people in the organization, and the organization still needs her service."

"So you guys lied to me from the beginning, right?" Miyano Akemi looked at Lu Ming angrily,"You didn't intend to hand over my sister from the beginning."

"But didn't you still do what we said in the end?" Lu Ming took out a pistol from his arms, pointed it at Miyano Akemi's chest, and said with a sharp look,"Tell me, where is the money? This is your last chance."

"You are too naive."At the same time, Miyano Akemi also took out a gun, pointed at Lu Ming and said:"Kill me, and you will never know where the money is."

Lu Ming looked at Miyano Akemi sarcastically:"I think you are the naive one. We already knew that you would put the money in the safe, and I also said that this is your last chance. Miyano Akemi, goodbye forever."

After saying that, Lu Ming pulled the trigger of the gun without hesitation.

With a"bang", Miyano Akemi fell to the ground.

"What a stupid woman." Lu Ming squatted down, fumbled for a key from her, threw it to Vodka and said,"This should be the key to the safe, let's go."

"Hehe, I didn't expect this woman to have a trick up her sleeve."Vodka chuckled and turned to drive the car.

With the key to the safe, it was only a matter of time before he got the money. When the car was heading to the destination, Lu Ming's cell phone suddenly rang.

Lu Ming picked up the phone:"Hello, it's Yuanzi... um... OK, I'll be there soon, bye"

"Whose phone is it?" Vodka asked casually.

"He is one of my students." Lu Ming put away his phone and looked at Vodka:"I have something to deal with. Is it okay for you to get the money yourself?"

Vodka nodded:"No problem, I will contact you after I get the money."

"OK, that's it." Lu Ming pointed to an intersection ahead and said,"Just park it in front of me, I'll take a taxi there myself."

Vodka nodded and stopped the car at the intersection ahead.

"Pay attention to the surroundings when you withdraw money, and call me if you have any questions."After getting out of the car, Lu Ming reminded Vodka again.

Vodka said he understood and drove away.

After watching Vodka leave, Lu Ming walked across the street, where a car he had prepared was parked.

The phone call was naturally fake, in order to confuse Vodka and let him leave alone, while he drove to complete the rest of the task.

Lu Ming began to feel fortunate that Gin was not around for this mission, otherwise Lu Ming would never dare to do this. Gin was too vigilant and was very sensitive to anything slightly abnormal. But Vodka was not... Similarly, for him, it was normal for Lu Ming to get off the car to deal with something after receiving a call from a student.

He drove back to the abandoned warehouse and came to the place where Miyano Akemi fell. Looking at the blood on the ground and the woman who had closed her eyes, Lu Ming sighed softly, picked her up, put her in the back seat of his car, and drove her away quickly.

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