After hanging up the phone with Gin, Lu Ming put his hands behind his head. The sleepiness that had come to him was gone.

Shirley had escaped from the organization just like in the original plot. She might collapse at the door of Dr. Agasa's house tonight. She officially appeared on this stage under the alias of Huiyuan Ai.

"It seems that I have to find a time to meet her." Lu Ming whispered to himself:"At least I have to help Miyano Akemi complete the task she asked me to do before she left."


There seemed to be a lot of phone calls tonight. Not long after I hung up the phone with Gin, another phone call came in.

The caller had no name on it. It was an unfamiliar number.

""Hello, how are you?" Lu Ming answered the phone and greeted the other party in a normal tone.

First, a sweet laugh came from the phone, which was charming and seductive.

"Fenjiu, long time no see."

Lu Ming was startled. He never expected that the person who called him was Belmode, who was far away in the United States.

"Senior." Lu Ming spoke with a bit of respect:"It's rare for you to call me, do you have any instructions?"

Vermouth's voice was a little lazy, she chuckled:"Do I have to have instructions before I can call you? Fenjiu, senior is very sad."

Lu Ming had a headache. Vermouth and Gin were both high-level officials in the organization, but their styles of doing things were very different. Gin was used to getting straight to the point, but Vermouth liked to beat around the bush with you, so that you couldn't guess what her purpose was in looking for you.

But this time, Vermouth seemed to have something to tell Lu Ming. After teasing him a few words, she went straight to the point:"I have almost dealt with the affairs in the United States, and I will return to Japan in the next two days."

"Huh? You're coming back in the next two days?" Lu Ming asked in surprise

"Any questions?"

"Just ten minutes ago, Gin called me, but he didn't mention that you would be back in the next two days."

"Gin?" Vermouth sneered,"What does he want from you?"

"He said that there was an order from above for us to cooperate with a member of the organization to assassinate a congressman. In addition, Shirley escaped from the organization."

"Shirley escaped?" Vermouth was obviously stunned when she heard the news, and then she laughed:"I didn't expect that Gin would have such a shameful day, Fenjiu"

"Senior, please tell me"

"Since this is an organizational mission, you should cooperate with Gin and the others. Also, you don't need to tell him about my return. Since that guy has always been dissatisfied with my solitary behavior, I don't need to report my recent situation to him."

Lu Ming nodded:"I understand."

"That's all. It should be nighttime in Tokyo now. I won't disturb your rest. I'll contact you when I return to Japan."

"OK, senior."

After hanging up the phone with Vermouth, Lu Ming gently rubbed his temples. The consecutive calls between Gin and Vermouth made him understand one thing, the dark storm is coming, the collision between red and black is about to begin, and this time, his camp is on the black side.

Two days later.

In a karaoke shop not far from the Beido Hotel, Lu Ming was sitting on the sofa in the box and yawning boredly. On the TV screen, Yoko Okino's music MV was playing.

He was waiting for Gin, but it had been more than ten minutes since the time they had agreed.

So when Gin walked into the box with vodka, he said dissatisfiedly:"Gin, do you know that not keeping time is a very annoying thing."

"There was a little accident." Gin sat down opposite Lu Ming and said,"For safety reasons, Vodka and I took a detour before coming here."

Lu Ming raised his eyebrows:"Accident? What happened?"

Gin smiled coldly:"Someone actually installed a bug and a tracker on my car."

Lu Ming laughed:"How dare someone install such things on your car"

"But I think I probably know who did this." Gin took out a plastic bag from his arms, and inside was a brown hair. He said grimly:"This is the hair I found in the car. It smells like a betrayer."

"You mean Shirley?" Lu Ming frowned slightly:"Could it be just a coincidence?"

"No, it must be her." Gin said very confidently

"Well, even if it’s Shirley, what are you going to do next?"

"Arrest her, of course." Gin lit a cigarette, took a deep puff, and then gently blew out a smoke ring:"People who betray the organization cannot live in this world."

"However, we still don't know where Shirley is."

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