After seeing off Shiho Miyano, Lu Ming put on his coat and walked towards the wine cellar again. Although he was not sure whether Pisco would appear there now, since he had locked Shiho Miyano in the wine cellar, Lu Ming was sure that he would go there.

In order to cover up the smell of Shiho Miyano on his coat, Lu Ming found a bottle of white wine and poured it on his clothes. The strong smell of wine covered up the faint fragrance of Shiho Miyano. Even Gin could not find the trick on the clothes. When he arrived at the wine cellar, Lu Ming heard Gin's cold voice coming from inside as soon as he reached the door:"Pisco, you are old, why didn't you get rid of the photographer immediately and destroy the film?"

Pisco didn't seem to understand what happened, but Gin's appearance gave him a bad premonition. Lu Ming could hear his panic and fear from the tone of his voice:"What are you talking about, what photographer?"

"It seems that our senior in the organization still doesn't understand what mistake he made." Lu Ming pushed the door open and walked in, looking at Pisco:"You may not know that your shooting action was accidentally photographed by a photographer. Senior, you will be on the headlines tomorrow."

This senior was called very ironically. Pisco's face changed drastically. He certainly knew what this meant. According to the organization's caution, he would never survive in this world.

"No, no, if you kill me, you will never find Shirley again, and I have the clues now." Perhaps he felt that he could still save her, Pisco quickly brought out the bargaining chips that were in his favor:"And I have worked hard for 'that person' for so many years, you are not qualified to kill me."

Gin sneered,"I'm sorry, it was 'that person' who gave me a direct order to get rid of you. As for Shirley, I will find the traitor in my own way. Pisco, you rely on the power of the organization to have the situation you have today, and now it's time to wake up from this dream."

Pisco's eyes were full of fear, and the black muzzle in his pupils was like a black dragon, about to devour him.


With a gunshot, Pisco fell to the ground. This old man who had dedicated half his life to the organization was ultimately unable to live out the last part of his life in peace.

Lu Ming felt sorry for him, but he would not pity him.

"What should we do next?" Lu Ming asked, looking at Gin who had put away his gun.

Gin glanced at Pisco on the ground and walked around him:"This commotion seems to be a bit too big. The police should soon notice Pisco's identity. It's not safe here, let's retreat."

After saying that, he seemed to smell something and looked at Lu Ming suspiciously:"Why do you smell like alcohol?"

Lu Ming pointed to his clothes:"I just ran into a reckless guy who spilled alcohol on my clothes."

Gin nodded, and left the wine cellar without paying too much attention.

Gin's Porsche was parked in a remote alley near the Beihu Hotel.

Vodka was still the driver, and Gin was sitting in the co-pilot with a cigarette in his mouth. Lu Ming, who was sitting in the back seat, saw that the car was not starting for a long time, and asked curiously:"Are you still waiting for someone?"

As soon as the voice fell, the car door was opened from the outside, accompanied by a faint fragrance, and Vermouth got into the car, put her hand on Lu Ming's shoulder and said:"Wow, it's been a long time since I saw you, Fenjiu."

After not seeing each other for a year, Vermouth still has the same beautiful face, so beautiful that it is breathtaking. Lu Ming smiled and said,"Senior, welcome back."

Gin turned around and looked at the couple behind him, raised his eyebrows and said,"Fenjiu, did you know that Vermouth was coming back?"

"Yes." Lu Ming nodded in acknowledgment.

Gin snorted coldly and turned his head away again.

Vermouth didn't care about Gin's dissatisfaction at all, and didn't even mean to explain to Gin. She looked at Lu Ming with a smile and said,"I am very satisfied with your performance this year. You are worthy of being the person I, Vermouth, have chosen."

Lu Ming smiled lightly,"Senior, you are too kind."

"It seems that some people didn't catch the prey they were supposed to catch." Vermouth hinted at something, and everyone could hear that she was mocking Gin.

Gin snorted again:"Not catching the prey doesn't mean the prey has disappeared. Sooner or later, I will let her know the fate of the betrayer."

"You'd better wait until you catch her before saying this." Vermouth turned her face to the window and said lightly.

The atmosphere in the car seemed to become depressed because of Vermouth's words.

Vodka, who was driving, laughed dryly and resolved the embarrassment, saying:"How long do you plan to stay in the country this time?"

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