For young people, staying in a closed space all the time is always a little uncomfortable, so when Yuanzi suggested that everyone go out to play together, it immediately got the approval of all the young people.

"Hey, Teacher Lu Ming, aren't you going with us?"When Yuanzi heard that Lu Ming wanted to rest here, she couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"I'm a little tired." Lu Ming said with a smile:"You all go out and play together, I'll rest here for a while, Hattori, you are the only boy here besides Conan, you have to take good care of them."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lu Ming." Hattori Heiji said carelessly:"Osaka is my territory, I will never let Xiaolan and the others have any accidents."

This is not Hattori Heiji's big mouth. With his status, he may not be able to guarantee this in other places, but in Osaka, he is definitely capable of saying this.

After Kogoro's repeated instructions, several people left the president's office together. In an instant, only Suzuki Shiro, Kogoro, and Lu Ming were left in the room.

"Whether the Egg of Memories can be protected this time depends on you two." Suzuki Shiro took a sip of strong tea and said to the two.

Kogoro patted his chest and assured confidently:"President Suzuki, please rest assured, as long as Kaito Kidd is willing to come, I, the famous detective Kogoro, will definitely capture him on the spot."

"Okay, then I'll leave everything to Mr. Maori." Suzuki Shiro said with satisfaction:"Since we already have Kaito Kidd coming at three o'clock tomorrow morning, why don't we go have a quick meal first."

"That's really great." Kogoro said with a smile. Although Suzuki Shiro said it was a simple meal, for such a rich man, even a simple meal would be comparable to some high-end restaurants.

"President, it's almost time."

Nakamori Ginji, who had gone out to deal with something earlier, walked into the president's office again and said to Suzuki Shiro.

Suzuki Shiro nodded and thanked him,"Then I'll trouble you."

"Are you going to move the Egg of Memory to the exhibition room?" Seeing Nakamori Ginji carefully picking up the box containing the Egg of Memory, Lu Ming asked

"What was let go was just a fake.


"In the past, we always put things in the place where Kidd said they would be, just like an idiot, so he succeeded."So this time, we plan to make it impossible for him to find the egg," explained Ginji Nakamori."

"I see." Kogoro clapped his hands and said,"This is a very good idea. So, where are you going to put it?"

Nakamori Ginji shook his head and said,"I will never tell you this. Only my two subordinates and I know where to put this egg. Of course,……"

Nakamori Ginji stepped forward and pulled the faces of his two subordinates. In an instant, their faces turned red.

"You see, these two are definitely not Kidd in disguise."

"Really?" Kogoro got up from the sofa, quickly grabbed Nakamori Ginji's face, and pulled it hard to both sides:"What about you, are you pretending to be Kidd?"

"You bastard, how could I be Kidd in disguise?"Ginji Nakamori felt that Kogoro was taking revenge on him, so he pulled Kogoro's face in the name of verification.

In an instant, the scene seemed to be out of control. What no one noticed was that outside the window, a white dove quietly landed on the windowsill, silently watching everything that happened inside. Under its feet, there was a wiretap tied to it.


It was completely dark, and under the hospitality of Suzuki Shiro, the three of them were enjoying a delicious dinner in a quiet place.

Lu Ming actually wanted to ask Kogoro how the matter with Kisaki Eri was going, but such obscure questions were better asked one-on-one when there were no outsiders around, so he gave up the idea.

The three of them had a pleasant conversation, and the topics they talked about were varied, but there was one question that had to be raised in front of Lu Ming, which was the performance of their precious daughter in school.

Poor parents, although Kogoro made inevitable mistakes in his feelings for Kisaki Eri, he still put Xiaolan in the most important position.

Lu Ming was naturally very satisfied with the performance of the two students, and when Kogoro and Suzuki Shiro asked, he praised them again and again, which made the two parents, while relieved, constantly toasted Lu Ming to thank him.


Just then, there was a sound of fireworks rising into the sky outside, exploding into bright and colorful fireworks in the night sky.

"What beautiful fireworks!" Suzuki Shiro held a wine glass in his hand, looking at the fireworks that kept blooming in the night sky, and said:"I don't know whose family is having a happy event, it's so lively"

"Yes." Kogoro nodded:"But this is a good deal for us. It is also a special experience to enjoy the beautiful night view while drinking. Hahahaha……"

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