""Knock, knock, knock."

When Lu Ming was helping Xiaolan to relieve her worries, there was a sudden knock on the door, and Yuanzi’s voice came from outside:"Xiaolan, is Teacher Lu Ming there with you?"

"It's the garden." Xiaolan said. After Lu Ming's words, Xiaolan seemed to feel better. She stood up from the bed and said,"I'll go open the door first."

""Okay." Lu Ming nodded and stood up from his chair.

"Teacher Lu Ming, what are you and Xiaolan talking about?" After opening the door, Sonoko came in from outside, followed by the beautiful Natsumi Kosaka and Masato Nishino.

Sonoko walked in front of Lu Ming with a sour tone.

She originally wanted to tell Lu Ming something in private, but she didn't expect that Xiaolan took the lead and pulled Lu Ming away.

Moreover, after such a long time, neither of them came out of the room.

Sonoko used the excuse of coming to play with Xiaolan, and brought Natsumi Kosaka and Masato Nishino to Xiaolan's room.

Lu Ming smiled and said,"We didn't talk about anything, just some trivial things in life. If Sonoko wants, the teacher can also find time to chat with Sonoko."

""Yes, I feel like every time I talk to the teacher, I learn a lot from him." Yuanzi said with a smile, and the sour feeling in her heart was swept away.

""So Mr. Lu Ming is Miss Sonoko's teacher." Natsumi Kosaka, who was standing next to her, said in surprise when she heard Sonoko address Lu Ming like that.

When she first met Lu Ming, Natsumi Kosaka thought that he was Suzuki Shiro's assistant or secretary, and she also thought that he was Suzuki Sonoko's boyfriend, but she never thought that he would be a teacher. After all, the strength of the Suzuki Group was there, and the guests invited were all celebrities with status and position in society. The identity of a teacher always seemed a little unimaginable.

Sonoko nodded, and in order to show her close relationship with Lu Ming, she also took Lu Ming's arm and said,"Yes, Teacher Lu Ming is the most intelligent and charming teacher I have ever met."

Natsumi Kosaka saw all of Sonoko's intimacy with Lu Ming. As a woman, she could naturally see Sonoko's feelings for Lu Ming. She smiled slightly and blinked at Sonoko. The pigeon that was originally lying in the box suddenly flapped its wings. For some reason, Masato Nishino, who was standing next to it, suddenly changed his expression. He covered his mouth and quickly fled the room, saying,"I think we should forget it."

Looking at Masato Nishino's departing back, Sonoko was stunned for a moment, and then seemed to suddenly realize something. She smiled and said,"I see. There must be too many beauties in this room, and he is shy... By the way, let's go and call Miss Qinglan as well. It will be fun for everyone to play together."

This proposal was agreed by several others. Sonoko personally went to invite Qinglan Pu Si and brought her to the room. They sat together, drinking coffee, eating snacks, and chatting about various interesting things that happened around them. The atmosphere was very warm.

"It turns out that Miss Natsumi has lived in Paris since she was 20 years old."After listening to Natsumi Kosaka's experience, Xiaolan said with admiration. Although she had heard her say that she was now a pastry chef in Paris, she didn't expect that she was already abroad at such a young age.

Natsumi Kosaka nodded and said with a smile:"So my Japanese sometimes sounds very strange. By the way, speaking of strange Japanese, when I was young, I don't know why there was a sentence that left a deep impression on me."

Yuanzi became interested and didn't put the biscuit on the side of her mouth into her mouth, and asked:"Eh? Which sentence is it?"

"It's Baruxunikukata Meka." Kosaka Natsumi shrugged:"But I have no impression of this name at all."

Xiaolan and Sonoko looked at each other. This was the first time they heard this sentence.


Just as Sonoko was looking at Kosaka Natsumi and thinking about this question, she suddenly let out a sound of"eh", as if she had discovered a new world, and said in surprise:"Ms. Natsumi's eyes are gray, eh?""

"Yes, it is gray."My mother and my grandmother are also gray, I think it is inherited from my great-grandmother," said Natsumi Kosaka with a smile."

"If that's the case, then Miss Qinglan's eyes are also grey." Xiaolan also noticed that the colour of Pu Si Qinglan's eyes was surprisingly the same as Kosaka Natsumi's

"Really." Yuanzi turned around and looked at Pu Siqinglan:"Are all Chinese people's eyes gray? But Mr. Lu Ming and I have black eyes."

Lu Ming said:"Most Chinese people have black eyes like Japanese people, but it does not rule out that a few people have other colors due to genetics. I think Miss Qinglan should be one of those few people."

Lu Ming did not reveal Pu Siqinglan's identity, but explained it for her.

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