The knight's room in the castle was already ablaze. When Lu Ming came out of the underground secret room, he felt a burning sensation.

Pu Siqinglan set the fire, trying to burn everyone to death in the castle.

Lu Ming quickly glanced around. Conan was hiding in the corner, using his bow tie voice changer to change into various people's voices, revealing Pu Siqinglan's identity as Scott.

Officer Shiratori, who was disguised by Kaito Kid, was hiding in another corner, watching Conan's performance with great interest. The mysterious smile on his lips seemed to have vaguely guessed Conan's unusual identity.

"You, who are you?" Pu Siqinglan held a pistol in her hand and looked around with a vigilant look on her face. The expression on her face was no longer as calm as before. Among those voices, there was actually the dead Qian Jiangyi, whom she killed with her own hands and watched him fall in front of her.

But what is going on now? The dead are resurrected?

While Pu Siqinglan was looking for her own trace, Conan quickly ran to another corner.


Pu Siqinglan turned around quickly upon hearing the noise and fired two shots at the afterimage.

"The reason why you want to take these treasures is because you think that the treasures of the Romanov dynasty should be given to Rasputin, who is friendly to the emperor, so you want to get all these treasures on behalf of your ancestors." Conan continued to change his voice:"And you insisted on attacking your opponent's right eye to commemorate your ancestors who were brutally murdered, am I right?"

"You, who are you?"

Few people can remain calm in such an environment. Pu Siqinglan frowned and looked around for the source of the sound.

Conan finally came out from the corner and faced Pu Siqinglan directly.

Pu Siqinglan never thought that it would be such a kid who created all this. She recalled what Lu Ming had said to her before, that she should never underestimate Conan. Even five Mr. Maori would not be his opponent.

She didn't understand why Lu Ming said that, but now she understood.

"How can you say so many names?"Pu Si Qinglan pointed the gun at Conan. This was the question she wanted to ask most.

Conan didn't intend to hide it from him. He pointed to the voice-changing bow tie on his chest and said,"This voice-changing bow tie can make me change into anyone's voice... Miss Qinglan, no, it should be Scott, you have nowhere to escape. I advise you to surrender to the police."

Pu Si Qinglan snorted coldly, put her index finger on the trigger, and looked at Conan indifferently:"Kid, aren't you too complacent? Don't forget, your life is still in my hands."

"Your gun is a PPKS, which means that the magazine of that gun can only hold eight bullets. Mr. Qian, Uncle, and Xiaolan each have one bullet, and you just fired five shots here, so you should be out of bullets now."

Pu Siqinglan sneered:"Kid, let me teach you something. If there are already bullets in the gun chamber, you can load an eight-round magazine. So, the gun in my hand actually has one bullet left." Conan still had a calm look on his face, and said lightly:"Then, just shoot, if you really have bullets left."

This sentence was undoubtedly a provocation to Pu Siqinglan. She looked at Conan coldly and uttered a sentence:"Goodbye, kid."

At the same time, Pu Siqinglan pulled the trigger, and the bullet flew out of the muzzle, sparking in the air and hitting Conan's right eye.

‘Bang! The bullet hit Conan's right glasses, but what made Pu Si Qinglan unbelievable was that the imagined screams and sounds of falling to the ground did not come. Conan just shook his body, then squatted down, his hands touching his shoes.

Pu Si Qinglan had a bad premonition in her mind, and immediately replaced the magazine. When she pointed the gun at Conan again and prepared to shoot, a playing card flew towards her quickly and hit Pu Si Qinglan's hand. Pu Si Qinglan felt pain and the pistol slipped from her hand.

Lu Ming saw Kaito Kid's actions clearly, but now was not a good time to stop Kaito Kid. If he acted rashly, it would only arouse Conan's suspicion. At the moment when Pu Si Qinglan's pistol slipped, Conan's attack followed. His powerful kick knocked Pu Si Qinglan to the ground.

"Conan, are you okay?"

At the moment when the incident was over, Kaito Kidd ran out from the corner and asked Conan with concern.

Lu Ming shook his head and smiled, and also appeared from the corner, pretending to be concerned, and said:"Conan, are you injured?"

"I'm fine." Conan shook his head.

"Then, let's get out quickly, the fire is getting bigger and bigger."Lu Ming picked up Pu Siqinglan and said loudly to the two of them. He didn't want to die in this sea of fire.

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