In the early morning, when the first ray of sunshine slowly rises, Qi Haotian wakes up from his sleep. After washing, Qi Haotian took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of rosefinch. When the phone was dialed, the lazy voice of rosefinch came from the receiver“ Doctor Qi, in the early morning, even if you miss me, you don't have to call me so early. "“ You don't know, getting enough sleep is very important for women Hearing the voice of rosefinch, Qi Haotian touched his nose and said with a smile on his face“ Little sister rosefinch, now the sun is on your ass, you still don't get up. "“ You don't know that if you sleep too much, it's easy to be stupid. When you grow stupid, don't blame me for not reminding you. " As soon as Qi Haotian's words came out, the rosefinch replied with a smile“ Doctor Qi, when did you know that you cared for others like this? They were really moved. "“ Tell me honestly if you have anything to do with me. If you have nothing to do, then I'll hang up. " In the heart of rosefinch, she naturally hopes to communicate more with Qi Haotian. But rosefinch knows that if a woman is too active, then she will lose her value. Hearing the rosefinch's words, Qi Haotian said“ It's very simple. You bring the scroll you have. I have something important to discuss with you Qi Haotian this words a, rosefinch in forbid is tiny Leng for a while, passed a short while later, she just open mouth to say“ What kind of parchment? I don't even know what you're talking about? " For rosefinch's answer, Qi Haotian was not surprised, he just spoke very calmly“ Come to Haotian medical school and I'll tell you everything. " After Qi Haotian said this, he immediately hung up the phone. In Qi Haotian's heart, I know that since this call has already been made to rosefinch, rosefinch will certainly come here without hesitation. In fact, just as Qi Haotian expected, in less than half an hour, the figure of rosefinch appeared in Haotian hospital. Today's rosefinch wearing a set of red dress, coupled with her long red hair, but it is particularly attractive. Han yu'er sees Zhu que walking into Haotian hospital. She stops Zhu Que and says“ Miss rosefinch, if you want to see a doctor, you have to queue up. " In fact, when Han yu'er saw the rosefinch, she didn't know why there was a sense of crisis in her heart. Because of this, Han yu'er would say such words to the rosefinch. See Han yu'er block in front of him, rosefinch a pair of water Ling Ling's eyes can't help blinking, her face emerged a trace of smile said“ Miss Han, I'm here at the invitation of doctor Qi. "“ He took the initiative to ask me out. Do you want me to line up? If doctor Qi is in a hurry, he will blame you. " Zhu que said that in the end, her tone became heavier, and her eyes were still picking up, as if she were demonstrating to Han yu'er“ You... "Han yu'er saw the rosefinch like this. She couldn't help pointing at her, but she couldn't say a word. And at this time, Qi Haotian's voice has come“ Rosefinch, come in! I have something important to discuss with you

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