Tang Yanyan fantasizes that if she meets Qin Zhuo at the age of 18 in her most beautiful years, she will have a chance to get his favor.

As for now, she did not dare to think.

Qin Zhuo, she can't climb up. In front of him, she will only feel ashamed.

The more intense this emotion was, the more she envied Tang Yunling and admired her for not knowing her fortune.

Tang Yanyan immediately wants to tell Tang Yunling the truth of that night. For her sake, Qin Zhuo enters the Hongmen banquet of the Han family and rescues her from hukou.

However, Qin Zhuo stood up to accept the black pot in order to protect Tang Yunling's reputation and expose the truth in front of the public, which is against Qin Zhuo's meaning.

Tang Yanyan doesn't dare. She can only think that when the party is over, she will talk to Tang Yunling alone.

As for Jin Xueling, her heart was so inexplicable that she couldn't help looking at Qin Zhuo.

She was thinking that if Qin Zhuo was really a mean and shameless liar, then there was no need for him to stand up and admit that he had been abused.

But if Qin Zhuo is not mean and shameless, he can't do this dirty thing, then

Jin Xueling couldn't figure it out, and his heart was very contradictory.

Originally, at this birthday dinner, she wanted to expose Qin Zhuo's identity as a "liar" and help her elder brother Jin Zhong to take Tang Yunling to the Jin family and become her sister-in-law.

However, the respected elder brother actually sent a fake to Tang Yunling. Moreover, Jin Xueling is familiar with the man who suddenly comes out and shows the picture of Tang Yunling taken away by the daze. He is the servant of the Jin family.

So, big brother wants to destroy Tang Yunling with a plot at her party?

Jin Xueling how want to convince themselves, things are not like this, big brother must still be that open and aboveboard big brother, but she can't do it.

She is also a woman. Knowing the importance of a woman finding a good home, can she trust her best friend to such a big brother?

Such a contrast, and then to see Qin Zhuo, Jin Xueling felt that he began to look good.

Even, she will remember, Qin Zhuo sitting in the piano prelude to the perfect movement of the back, she is no longer surprised, there is a little heart!

As for those who attended the banquet, they didn't think like Jin Xueling and Tang Yanyan at all. The noisy discussions and curses were all directed at Qin Zhuo.

"I didn't expect him to be such a person. I thought he was just a loser. I didn't expect him to be so dirty."

"Yes, I feel sick and nauseous when I look at him. Fortunately, he didn't succeed. Miss Tang is still clean and divorced. What can I do with this rubbish? "

As soon as the cry of "divorce" came out, one after another, wave after wave, everyone was shouting for divorce.

Li Xiuting is so emotional that she wants to slap Qin Zhuo in the face. However, seeing that everyone is calling for divorce, she tries to strike while the iron is hot.

After shouting a few words, Li Xiuting went to Tangxi town and begged, "Dad, this kind of bastard is not good enough for my daughter. Just say something, let them divorce and drive him out of the Tang family."

At the beginning, Tang Xizhen agreed to Qin Zhuo's marriage with Tang Yunling, because he hated Tang Yunling. The worse he chose her husband, the more comfortable he was.

Today is different from the past. The whole Tang family has to rely on Tang Yunling, and Tangxi town is also very disgusted with Qin Zhuo. Of course, he hopes Qin Zhuo get out of the Tang family.

Tang Xizhen said in a deep voice, "Qin Zhuo, you've been in the Tang family for two years. You're idle and don't want to make progress. Originally, I thought you were safe and self-discipline, but I didn't blame you. I didn't expect you to advance an inch and make such an animal behavior. If you don't drive you out of the Tang family, I'm sorry for the ancestors of the Tang family. You divorce, Yunling. What do you think? "

At the beginning, Tang Yunling didn't believe it at all. She trusted Qin Zhuo's character very much. Although Qin Zhuo didn't have much ability, at least she wouldn't do anything against the law and discipline.

However, when Tang Yunling saw the red claw mark on Qin Zhuo's chest, she remembered that after she was dazed, for a while, when she regained a trace of consciousness, she tried her best to resist. Her nails scratched something hard. It turned out that it was really him!

Tang Yunling's heart was occupied by disgust, nausea, anger and other emotions.

Yes, if it wasn't for him, then where did the strange blanket in the bedroom come from? If it's someone else, do you dare to hold yourself and go back to the Tang villa?

Tang Yunling tugged at her skirt tightly, her body trembling slightly.

How she wanted Qin Zhuo to be down-to-earth and do a good job, so that she could accept him and live such a lifetime.

As long as he works hard, he will become his real wife. Why should he use his dirty tricks?

It's disgusting. It's disgusting.

Tang Yunling stopped shaking all over her body and her eyes were full of tears. She looked at Qin Zhuo and said, "let's divorce."

"Good." Qin Zhuo nodded and then turned to leave.

All this is developing so fast that no one can react to it.

Tang Yunling looks at Qin Zhuo's back in amazement. Why does he agree so readily? Don't retain at all, don't explain at all, get along with for two years, oneself have feelings to him more or less, he didn't?Qin Zhuo lisuo walked out of the ancestral house of the Tang family and into the cold street.

He once said that in this world, even Laozi, the king of heaven, could not separate him from Tang Yunling.

But there is one person who can, that is Tang Yunling himself. If she asks for a divorce, Qin Zhuo will respect his opinion.

He is the helmsman of Tianwaitian. He is always vigorous and does not procrastinate.

On the street, there were few pedestrians, but a figure flashed, and Wei Zhun was standing behind Qin Zhuo.

Wei Zhun said, "Lord Qin, I understand that you brought back the blanket just in case. Did anyone make an issue about it?"

Qin Zhuo nodded, "well, it's easy to make others think I'm despicable, but it's hard for Yunling to believe me. Two years together, she knows me more or less. The blanket was a dot, and then she scratched me, and it was another dot, and she had to believe it if she didn't believe it. "

Wei Zhun was not willing to say, "but let the Lord of Qin suffer injustice, I......"

Qin Zhuo waved his hand and said, "come on, don't gossip. It's time to deal with business. Let's go, Wei Zhun. "

Wei Zhun answered and followed Qin Zhuo. The two figures walked faster and faster, and soon disappeared into the night.

Jin Xueling ran out of the ancestral house and ran to the street. She looked left and right, but she couldn't see Qin Zhuo.

"Have you left yet?" Jin Xueling is disappointed.

If I saw Qin Zhuo get up and take the blame just now, Jin Xueling still thinks that he may be in the bitter flesh.

However, watching him turn around and leave, Jin Xueling will know that he may have wronged him.

So, what kind of person is he? On the surface, he is a useless door-to-door son-in-law. Why does he attract more attention and make himself curious than countless noble sons?

At this time, another person visited the ancestral house of the Tang family. Looking at his appearance, few people knew him. However, as soon as he reported to his family, everyone immediately welcomed him.

He is looking for Qin Zhuo.

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