"Who am I?"

Qin Zhuo squatted down, looking at the wooden monkey in his spare time, and took out a ring from his arms.

On the ring, carved with an irregular triangle, a sword across.

The wood monkey has never seen this ring, but he has heard it from the pavilion master, and the pavilion master has heard it from a more important person.

The figure said that the emblem is a symbol of Tianwaitian, one of the four top organizations in the world.

If one day, meet someone showing such a logo, remember, don't look back, don't fight back, can run away quickly, can't run away, immediately kneel down to beg for mercy, may still have a glimmer of life.

In the eyes of the wooden monkey, there is no longer reluctance and humiliation.

He was glad that he had died at the hands of such a top man, but he was also afraid that the dark Pavilion had provoked such a monster.

Wooden monkey wants to get the message out, but it's too late.

"Now that you know who I am, there is no need to live."

With a click, the wood monkey, one of the four sons of the dark Pavilion, passed away.

Qin Zhuo got up, flicked the dust on his clothes, walked out of the abandoned factory and came to the road.

With a few quick kicks, he kicked over the heavy and sharp roadblocks and slid to both sides of the road to make way for a wide road.

At the same time, Qin Xinmei just drove over with Tang Yunling.

Qin Xinmei originally wanted to report the situation to Qin Zhuo, but seeing Tang Yunling on the spot, she changed her tongue and said, "the car glass is broken. You'll leave later."

"All right, boss." Qin Zhuo got into the car again.

Tang Yunling's heart was still palpitating. Obviously, she had not shaken her mind from the attack. She gave Qin Zhuo a complicated look and asked, "why did you run just now?"

Qin Zhuo replied, "because I know the skill of the boss, she can handle it."

Tang Yunling let out a bitter smile and shook her head disappointedly.

BMW was on the road again, and this time it arrived at Hengtang very smoothly.

Qin Xinmei immediately put into work, and Tang Yunling to discuss the progress of the first step.

According to Qin Xinmei's meaning, it is Qin Zhuo's meaning. They need to shoot a site to build the first pan entertainment media center in Buzhou city.

Just as it happens, there is a commercial building in the commercial street of Buzhou City, which is under auction. The price of the building is 2.5 billion yuan.

The three men immediately arrived at the commercial building to be auctioned. In the open space behind the commercial building, an auction table has been set up, and the official auction date is tomorrow.

At the gate of the commercial building, Qin Xinmei took Tang Yunling by the hand. "Sister Yunling, I'm new here and I'm not familiar with Buzhou city. Why don't you take me around?"

"Don't we come to ask about the auction?" said Tang Yunling

Qin Xinmei pointed to Qin Zhuo, "just let him go."

Tang Yunling thinks that Qin Zhuo has become Qin Xinmei's driver. It's just a matter of one or two days. She trusts Qin Zhuo so much that she can trust him in the auction.

Inexplicably some jealous, but a wife to eat the vinegar of outsiders, say it is disgraceful.

"Good." Tang Yunling can only promise.

This is what Qin Zhuo means, because the original owner of this building is the Jin family.

In Qin Zhuo's eyes, the Jin family is just a mole ant. It's easy to crush it to death. However, when there is a conflict, it is not good to let Tang Yunling see the clue.

Qin Zhuo stepped into the commercial building and entered the auction house. It's cold and quiet outside, but it's noisy inside. There are a lot of people talking. It seems that there are many people who like this commercial building and many people who come to see the excitement.

Holding his glass, Jin Zhongzhi stood in the crowd and laughed at everyone.

This auction, he has been ready to find someone to raise the price secretly, and strive to make a lot of money in this commercial building.

Jin Zhong walked out of the crowd, his eyes wandering in the auction house, and then he saw Qin Zhuo alone.

Jin Zhong will not forget the anger. He goes to Wu he and hopes that he will kill Qin Zhuo. But Wu he sends someone to throw himself into the Bu river.

Wu he's identity, Jin Zhong easily dare not move, so, put this account in Qin Zhuo's head.

Jin Zhong put down his glass and said, "Qin Zhuo, what are you doing here

Everyone turned around and looked at Qin Zhuo.

"It turns out that he is Qin Zhuo, the son-in-law of the Tang family. It's better to see him than to hear about him. As expected, he looks like a waste."

"That is, this is Mr. Jin's commercial building. Those who can come in are rich or expensive. What does he come to do?"

"When he comes, I feel that my status has gone down. Mr. Jin, let's get rid of him."

Qin Zhuo said, "I want to take a picture of this building tomorrow. Come and have a look ahead of time."

He's going to take pictures?

Someone was drinking. When he heard Qin Zhuo's words, he burst out with a puff. He pointed at Qin Zhuo and laughed.The rest of the people also laughed, he came to shoot the building? Is he awake or sleepwalking? I don't pee to take care of myself. I look like someone who can take pictures of a building.

Jin Zhong raised his hand and was about to call the security guard to blow Qin Zhuo out.

But on second thought, leave him here first. After all the people here leave, ask the bodyguard to break his leg first.

Suddenly, a scream interrupted the sarcasm of the crowd.

With the source of the scream, a rich middle-aged man collapsed on the ground. His face was pale and his whole body was twitching. He looked very painful.

This man is Hong Min, the president of Lianfeng investment bank. Lianfeng investment bank plays an important role in Buzhou city. As the president of investment bank, Hong Min naturally has a noble status.

Jin Zhong was very nervous. If Hong Min died in his territory, it would be a big deal.

At this time, a calm woman walked out of the crowd. She pushed the thick glasses on her eyes and said, "I'm the director of the city's first people's hospital. My name is Xue Feng. Don't panic."

Everyone calmed down. The first people's Hospital in Buzhou is the best hospital in Buzhou. Xue Feng, as the director, naturally has a high level.

Xue Feng kneels and squats down skillfully. She presses Hong Min's chest skillfully to block him.

Can press for a long time, Hong Min's state not only did not alleviate, also aggravated, even the pupil also gradually enlarged.

Xue Feng's head is also a cold sweat. Judging from her symptoms, it's not a big problem. She handles it step by step. Hong Min should get better soon.

It's strange.

Seeing that Hong Min's pupils have changed again, Xue Feng knows that she can't delay. She says, "I have to send them to the hospital as soon as possible."

After that, Xue Feng took out her mobile phone and prepared to call the hospital ambulance.

Jin Zhong also breathed a sigh of relief, sent to the hospital, and then died in the hospital, it is not his business.

"Can't go to the hospital."

A voice rang up, and everyone saw that it was Qin Zhuo.

He pressed the hand Xue Feng wanted to dial the phone and said faintly, "it's too late to send him to the hospital. I can save him."

People were stunned. What can he do as a door-to-door son-in-law? It's a matter of life and death. He's playing around at this time.

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