No, it's not right.

Jin Zhong is a little anxious. Isn't it agreed that Fang Wei is asleep?

He looked at Fang Wei's position. Of course, Fang Wei didn't fall asleep, but what he was doing made Jin Zhong almost swear in public.

Fang Wei is chatting with Qin Zhuo!

And from the look, Fang Wei is very careful, Qin Zhuo is indifferent.

Is Fang Wei playing with stocks? Jin Zhong cursed in his heart.

As time went by, he had to raise his hammer and knock out a second, "1.801 billion twice."

He didn't despair. The value of this commercial building is far more than 1.8 billion. Even if Fang Wei turns back, there will be normal auctioneer bids. After all, who doesn't want to make money.

In this way, I may not lose too much.

However, as just now, the scene is still quiet.

Fang Wei was invited to come because of his power, but it was just like this that Jin Zhong lifted a stone and smashed himself in the foot for the second time.

Fang Wei wants to auction, but others dare not bid for fear of offending Fang Wei.

Fang Wei does not auction, and the rest of the people dare not bid, thinking that Fang Wei wants to win at the last minute.

Fang Wei, however, is afraid of Qin Zhuo. Of course, he does not dare to raise the price with Tang Yunling.

So, in the voice of people's impatience, Jin Zhong hammered down in despair, "1.801 billion three times, deal."

Jin Zhong fell all over and almost fell.

Originally, it had to be raised to at least 3 billion, but in the end, it was only over 1.8 billion, 1.2 billion less than expected!

The 1.2 billion yuan is just a big piece of meat on the Jin family.

When the auction came to an end and all the people scattered, Jin Zhong finally rushed to Fang Wei. Regardless of his status, he roared, "Fang Wei, what do you mean?"

Fang Wei frowned, "it's meaningless. Fang's actions have their own reasons. However, I'd like to advise Mr. Jin not to offend people he can't afford. "

Jin Zhong said, "who can't I provoke? Fang Wei, don't make any excuses. You just turn back. In order to ask you to raise the price, I spent a lot of money. "

Fang Wei disdained to smile, "blue water stock limit, Fang a loss of several hundred million eyebrows did not wrinkle.". I don't like the things that Mr. Jin sent me. Take them back by yourself. "

"By the way, I'll give you four words to help yourself!" Fang Wei's voice was high and clear, and then he strode out.

Do it yourself? Fart! I'd like to see how Tang Yunling and his useless husband can develop this building. I have many ways to make them uneasy.

Outside the commercial building, Qin Zhuo and the others got into a BMW.

Tang Yunling held Qin Xinmei's hand happily. "Sister Qin, I didn't expect you to be so resourceful. Originally, I expected that Jinzhong would target at all kinds of things, so this auction will not go smoothly. "

"I didn't expect to be successful. I spent a lot less money. Less money means more money."

Qin Xinmei looked at Qin Zhuo in secret and said with a smile, "it's Mr. Liu Junting who imposed it in secret. Jin Zhongcai doesn't dare to make trouble."

Tang Yunling nodded. Liu Junting, as the head of the first aristocratic family in qiongnan Province, did not dare to use his means if he asked.

They went back to the Tang family and told the news to the Tang family. Everyone was happy, worried and jealous.

Tangxizhen's heart is still happy.

The Tang family was once brilliant, and could almost sit on a level footing with the Jin family and the Han family.

But the glory is only a flash in the pan. The development trend of these years is just like the setting sun in the west mountain. Year by year, it has become a second rate family.

Now Tangxi town sees hope again.

Therefore, Tangxi town made up its mind to take Tang family to Yunding hotel for a good meal, which was his treat.

To tell the truth, although Tangxi town is the owner of the family, in the past, banquets and other activities were shared equally by each family. It's very rare to treat people so generously.

Besides, it's Yunding Hotel, a famous five-star hotel.

Tangxi town also specially selected a box by the window. Open the box door and face the glass wall.

While eating, you can also enjoy the high scenery. It's really a wonderful idea.

The box next door is a little noisy. From time to time, the young girls' clear laughter comes out. It turns out that it's bright media's artists and girls who eat there.

Although resplendent media has just started, they are moving very fast. They have already started the talent show. They are in full swing.

On the other hand, the old dandelion media in Buzhou city has signed an Xiaoke, but there is no follow-up.

Everyone guessed that the money for signing an Xiaoke had emptied the whole dandelion.

People are signed in, but there is no follow-up packaging and publicity capabilities.

Over time, an Xiaoke, such a hot star, will be less popular day by day and completely destroyed by dandelion.As a result, under the hype of this topic, the talent show of bright media also has some degree of attention. Naturally, these girls participating in the talent show are not happy.

A beautiful artist girl came out of the box. She was very happy. She drank some wine and turned red.

She was about to go to the toilet when she passed by the box where the Tang family was. She looked inside at random and saw Tang Yunling.

So she happily walked into the box, took Tang Yunling's hand and said with a smile, "Yunling, is it really you? After college, we haven't seen each other for a long time. "

This girl is Jiang Ying, Tang Yunling's college roommate.

When I was in college, I liked to keep up with the Joneses, but my family background and appearance were slightly inferior to Tang Yunling.

This time, I participated in the talent show of resplendent media. At present, I'm the most popular and have a bright future.

Jiang Ying is not stupid either. She has no advantage in comparing with others. But when it comes to Tang Yunling's husband, she knows that she is a useless waste.

So, Jiang Ying pointed to Qin Zhuo and asked deliberately, "who is this man?"

Tang Yunling said, "Jiang Ying, I forgot to introduce him to you. His name is Qin Zhuo and he is my husband."


Jiang Ying stretched out her slender fingers, covered her mouth in surprise, and said, "it's Yunling's husband. I thought the Tang family would allow servants to come to the table."

As soon as he said this, everyone in the Tang family didn't look very good.

Jiang Ying's popularity is not bad. Although her popularity is only reflected in Buzhou City, she has not opened up the market, but after all, she has some fans.

These people heard that Jiang Ying was in Yunding Hotel and wanted to see her.

At this time, outside the box of the Tang family, there were already a circle of people pointing at Qin Zhuo.

Li Xiuting's face sank immediately. Sure enough, she would be thrown wherever she went with this rubbish.

Tang Qing was also indignant and said, "grandfather, I also suggested that you don't bring Qin Zhuo, who has never seen the world, to such a high-end place as Yunding hotel. You see, we are surrounded like monkeys. "

Tang Meisi nodded in agreement.

Tangxi town has no choice but to consider Tang Yunling's face. Tang Yunling wants to take it. He's not easy to ask.

Seeing that Qin Zhuo is ridiculed by the public, the Tang family's face is very blue. Jiang Ying is very happy in her heart, but she pretends to be very sorry. "I'm sorry, Yunling. I really thought he was a servant."

Tang Yunling Xiu eyebrow a Cu, just because the self-restraint is too good just didn't attack, can only switch the topic, "Jiang Ying, long time no see, talk about something else."

"Good." Jiang Ying put on a show off face and said excitedly, "Yunling, do you know? I participated in the talent show of "artist incubation camp", and now I'm the most popular

Jiang Ying said again, "by the way, Yunling, have you ever been in a helicopter?"

Tang Yunling shook his head, "No."

Jiang Ying heart smile, ha ha, Buzhou city all said you are what iceberg female president, blowing so mysterious, it is not that have never sat in a helicopter.

"Yes, Yunling. Although your husband is honest, he can't let you sit in the helicopter with his honesty."

Jiang Ying said happily, "our general manager said that we would send a helicopter to pick us up later. We have to sit in the top three."

Helicopter? Indeed, when Du Fang, the general manager of bright media, wanted to forcibly sign an Xiaoke, he took a helicopter to the sleepless bar and caused a sensation.

At that time, Qin Zhuo asked Wei Zhun to understand that it was rented by Du Fang.

Qin Zhuo let Wei Zhun buy the helicopter, and let the seller keep it secret.

I'm afraid Du Fang doesn't know. He can't move that helicopter for a long time.

Seeing Tang Yunling ridiculed by Jiang Ying, Qin Zhuo said, "Yunling, if you want to take a helicopter, I can arrange it."

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