After Chen Hao left the Han Palace, he went into the Luofu Cave to practice alone. It was almost noon before he accompanied Yan Lingji, Yan Fei, and Huan Huan to the Zilan Pavilion again.

"Xiao Chenhao, are you not planning to continue running your Qingpingzhai?"

Zi Nu, who came out to greet him, asked Chen Hao curiously,"Although most of the forces in Xinzheng City have noticed you, with your power and influence, there shouldn't be anyone who wants to cause trouble for you. yes? Chen

Hao shook his head gently,"How can I have the time to run Qingpingzhai now?""

"In a few days, the intersection between that world and this world will appear again. Now I just want to build the floating island city of Luofu Cave as soon as possible."

"Otherwise, I’m afraid I won’t have so much free time after waiting."

"So fast?!"Zi Nu was shocked and her purple eyes shrank.

Not only Zi Nu, but also the three women around Chen Hao, Yan Fei, Yan Ling Ji, and Huan Huan, all showed solemn expressions.

Ever since Chen Hao let them watch After those scenes outside the world, several people have long been convinced of what Chen Hao said.

So they can also imagine what an earth-shattering scene the next world intersection will be.

After calming down , Zi Nu quickly and solemnly said to Chenhao and others:"Come with me! I just happened to have found the architect you need here, Xiao Chenhao."

"So fast?"

Huanwan showed a surprised expression when she heard this, and her bare feet paused for a moment.

Zinu turned around and showed a mysterious smile to everyone,"Don't be too surprised when you see people."

Chen Hao, Yan Lingji, and Concubine Yan looked at each other, and followed Zi Nu's steps a little faster.

"Senior Six-fingered Black Man?!"

After Chen Hao followed Zi Nu to a guest room, he saw a person who surprised him.

That's right!

The person who came was the six-fingered black man who taught Chen Hao half a month's mechanism skills and left not long ago.

And the Mo family The giant six-fingered black man is currently kneeling in the guest room arranged for him by Zi Nu, sipping tea elegantly.

Next to him is a short man wearing yellow clothes whose left hand is completely replaced by a machine arm. A fat old man, and a skinny old man in black and gray robes.

It only took Chen Hao a moment to recognize these two Mohist leaders: Master Ban and Master Xu.

Master Ban is a descendant of Mozi and has a high status among the Mohist leaders. One of the tallest, an expert in non-attack mechanics, famous for being good at inventing various mechanisms.

And Master Xu is a famous swordsmith known as the"Sword Master".

The swords he forged are all The magic sword that swordsmen dream of, he is proficient in the sword-making technology of mining five finances and bronze, and the famous sword [Shuihan] comes from his hands.

However, these two people are much younger now than during the Mingyue period of the Qin Dynasty, and they look more important. Much younger.

After seeing Chen Hao come in, the six-fingered black man smiled and said,"We meet again, little friend Chen Hao."

Chen Hao, Yan Lingji, Yan Fei, and Huan Huan hurriedly bowed and saluted the Six-fingered Black Man, and said in unison:"I've met the Six-Fingered Black Man, senior!""

At this time, the Purple Girl Lotus moved lightly and introduced to Chen Hao:"Yesterday, I sent out the news to look for the master of construction. Today, the Mohist giant brought the Mohist leader, Master Ban, and the [Venerable Sword] Master Xu to jointly recommend themselves. Come"

"The names of Master Jiuwen Class and Master Xu are so great to meet each other today."

Chen Hao took two steps forward and bowed to Master Ban and Master Xu.

Master Ban stood up and walked to Chen Hao's side, stroking his beard and smiling heartily:"Haha! During this time, I have been hearing the reputation of Mr. Chen Hao from the masters. When I met him today, I found that Mr. Chen Hao was indeed handsome, talented and intelligent."

"Mr. Ben, your level of complimenting people is really ridiculous. Master Xu slowly walked into Chen Hao and said to Master Ban with a smile:"Mr. Chen Hao just said a few words to you. How can you judge that others are talented and intelligent?" Master Xu ignored Master Ban who was blushing at the teasing. Instead, he looked at Concubine Yan and bowed slightly:"I didn't expect that Dong Jun from the Yin Yang family would also appear here?""

"It seems that all the factions have already noticed the strangeness here."

"There is another reason why I am here. Concubine Yan bowed in return and said quietly softly:"The changes in Xinzheng City that affected the entire world only happened after I arrived.""


Six-fingered Black Man, the giant of the Mo family, stood up and walked over slowly,"It seems that Xiaoyou and Dongjun have experienced the changes here in Xinzheng City. I wonder if you can tell us in detail."

Chen Hao said with a smile:"Senior, if you want to know, later Of course I know everything and tell you!"


Chen Hao walked to the edge of the window of the room, facing the sparkling lake light outside the window. A trace of ancient time and space appeared in his golden eyes, and he shouted loudly:"Seniors, if you also want to know this news, why not go into the room to learn more." Talk, why hide in the dark and spy secretly?"


The Six-Fingered Black Man didn't understand Chen Hao's intention at first, but when Chen Hao shouted, he immediately let go of his senses with all his strength and sensed several strange auras from around him.

However, before the Six-Fingered Black Man could react, several figures with strong auras appeared in the room where everyone was sitting.

"Ah ha ha~~~! It's really incredible that my little friends can sense the auras of us old guys."

An old man wearing blue-grey clothes and a black robe said with a smile.

Then he said to the six-fingered black man teasingly:"On the contrary, you, the Mohist giant who has been followed by us for so long, seem to be slacking off.."

The six-fingered black man didn't pay attention to the old man's joke, but quickly bowed and said:"Senior Guiguzi, Senior Xunzi, Senior Bei Mingzi, why are you here?"

That's right!

In addition to the one who just made fun of the Mohist giant (Zhao's) son, who is the head of the Zongheng family and Guiguzi of this generation, the other two people are Han Fei's teacher, Xunzi, the head of Confucianism, and a man wearing a Blue-gray Taoist robe, Taoist master Bei Mingzi

"I have met Senior Guiguzi, Senior Xunzi, and Senior Bei Mingzi!"


_ Having reached the realm of unity between man and nature, Chen Hao and others could not help but act arbitrarily in front of them.

However, this could also explain why the Mohist giant had not noticed the three of them following him just now.

If it weren't for Chen Hao's Candle Dragon Eyes being too magical , it is impossible for Chen Hao to discover the hidden secrets of the three powerful men in the realm of unity between man and nature......Chuang.

PS: Asking for data, asking for collections, asking for monthly tickets, asking for flowers, asking for reviews, and asking for recommendations!.

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