
Facing Xunzi's question, Chen Hao nodded indifferently.

Then he looked at the worlds in the cave sky, his golden eyes showing an expectant look:"If so many worlds can intersect and integrate successfully, then our world will His origin and personality will be improved, and the spiritual energy in the world will continue to increase."

"You can’t raise a real dragon by diving!"

"If we practitioners want to have enough room for growth, we cannot do without the support of the world."

"If there is enough origin and spiritual support, our world will evolve into a fairyland, and it will even evolve no worse than the world described in the Classic of Mountains and Seas."

"And we practitioners can also grow stronger, and it is not impossible to even transform into legendary gods."

(PS: The Classic of Mountains and Seas was written from the Warring States Period to the early Han Dynasty."477" here sets that the Classic of Mountains and Seas had already appeared at this time.)

Bei Mingzi's eyes showed an expectant look,"My little friend, the world you describe is really It makes people's blood boil."

Although Taoism is different from the Taoism of later generations that pursues immortality and attaining immortality, there are already some shadows of this.

As the top Taoist practitioner in the world, Bei Mingzi naturally did the same when he heard that his realm could be further improved. Overjoyed.

But at this time, Bei Mingzi's attention was more on Chen Hao.

Because he felt a mysterious and extraordinary power in Chen Hao, which was greater than the power he had experienced from heaven and earth before. Ancient and illustrious.

In Bei Mingzi's eyes, Chen Hao was like a rising blazing sun. He seemed destined to stand at the center of the world and lead changes in the world.

"So, little friend, what method do you use to save the world?"

Guiguzi showed such doubts.

Although this Luofu Cave is a unique opportunity, Guiguzi and everyone also understand that there is absolutely no way to achieve salvation through this Luofu Cave.

Therefore, Guiguzi said to Chen Hao that he must be able to I also have some doubts about saving the world.

"Seniors, have you seen those chains on the sky?"

Chen Hao manifested his conceptual skill World Anchor directly on the cave sky, allowing everyone to see it clearly and clearly. The huge anchor chains that exceeded everyone's imagination and rushed to many worlds were reflected. Caught everyone's eyes.


Faintly, the sound of chains resounded in everyone's souls

"This is......?"

The Mohist giant showed his presence a little at this time, looking at the rows of chains on the sky with some astonishment.

Chen Hao seemed to understand their doubts, and then explained calmly:"These chains will extend to those worlds in a few days, and firmly anchor the coordinates of these worlds, and then absorb the concepts of the major worlds."

"Then through conceptual smelting, the major worlds are merged together"

"At that time, the intersection of many worlds will no longer cause collisions on a real level, but will merge together naturally and logically."

Gui Guzi, Xunzi, Bei Mingzi, the Mohist giant and others looked at each other. They all understood that Chen Hao was hiding something, but they also understood that Chen Hao did have the method to save many worlds.

A few people knew that they could no longer ask anything. , and no longer pursue Chen Hao’s roots.

After all, in this world, everyone has some secrets that they don’t want others to know, and asking too many questions will only make the relationship between them worse.

And Guiguzi, The purpose of Xunzi, Bei Mingzi, Mohist giant and others' arrival this time has been achieved.

Knowing that the intersection and collision of many worlds will no longer cause more disasters, they can be regarded as breathing a sigh of relief.

After understanding this, the Mohist giant asked He understood Chen Hao's original purpose,"My friend, today Master Ban, Master Xu and I are here because of the commission from Zi Nubo, the architect. Do you want to build this floating island in the sky?""

The Mo family giant looked at the busy puppet magic weapons everywhere on Zhenfeng Island, and couldn't help showing a look of wonder in his eyes.

All Chen Hao's previous mechanisms were learned from him, but the Mohist giant Six Finger Black Xia didn't expect that in such a short period of time, the machine puppets made by Chen Hao had already exceeded the scope of what he taught.

After all, no matter how magical the Mo family's machine skills are, it is impossible for the machine puppets to operate as freely as ordinary people.

Obviously. These machine puppets are able to do this because they have a unique aura that is similar to Chen Hao's scattered small objects with special powers.....

"That's right!"

Chen Hao turned around and walked to Yan Lingji and Zi Nu. He looked at the busy puppets on Zhenfeng Island and nodded,"I plan to use this island as a place for all living beings to communicate with each other after the worlds converge."

"So I want to find a master architect to help me carefully examine the city I designed, and I also need to supervise the operation of these puppets during the construction process."

"After all, this is my first time doing such a large-scale project. I have no experience and am afraid of things going wrong."

Master Ban held up his big belly, came to Chen Hao, stretched out his right hand, and looked at Chen Hao with bright eyes,"Where is the design of the city? Let me see first.

Then Master Ban said with a smile:"But it's okay to be the first to say it, boy Chen!""

"I can help you build this floating island city, and even help you improve it, but I don't need your money, I just need you to let me study the puppets here."

Master Ban likes to delve into and create various mechanisms. He couldn't bear the thoughts in his heart when he saw these puppets on the island acting like ordinary people.

Now that he has such a suitable opportunity, how could he miss it.

Ka~ Kaka~~!

Master Ban seemed to be afraid that Chen Hao would underestimate him. He moved the mechanism hand on the left flexibly and said anxiously:"Boy Chen, you 3.9 don't underestimate me in construction just because I am good at mechanism technique." Achievements in"

"You must know that I am the one who maintains our Mojia City. Although I dare not say that I am at the top of the world in terms of architecture, I am definitely one of the best.

Chen Hao quickly smiled and said:"How could I underestimate your level, Master Ban?""

"I happen to have the detailed design drawings of Liyue City here. Master Ban, Senior Six Finger Black Man, and Master Xu can help me go through the details."

Chen Hao said to the Mo family giants and Master Xu who were surrounding them.

After saying that, Chen Hao directly released a square table from the space ring and placed it among everyone, and then piled stacks of Liyue City design drawings on it. On the square table.

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