Chapter 88 Yukiko with bursting self-confidence! For Ooka Peace, it is better to be careful!!

Cup Central Hotel.

After clicking on the message to send, Ooka Heipi was already able to imagine what kind of expression Gin Jiu would have on his face after seeing the text message, which could make the ruthless Gin Jiu break his defenses, and it was one of the few pleasures that Ooka Hei had before organizing those undercover agents to start doing things, “It’s a pity that I can’t see it with my own eyes!” ”

Ooka Heiping sighed softly, walked into the hotel lobby, and then, he was greeted by a burly man with a fierce face, which made him look slightly stunned, a little stunned, FBI search officer, Andrea Kammel? Why is he here?

It can’t be that I came to follow, the FBI knows about my existence, it is still unknown!

After Ooka Heipi raised this idea, it was dismissed again in an instant, oh, it won’t be such a coincidence, my lovely Judy teacher who has just come to Japan, stay in this hotel!

It’s you, Kamal!

2 years ago, it was because of your recklessness that Rum realized that Shuichi Akai was an undercover agent lurking in the organization, and this time, you arranged your teammates under my nose! You guy, isn’t it really an undercover agent that we put in the FBI?

Ooka Heping glanced at Kamel with deep meaning, the corners of his mouth turned up, and a smile of incomprehensible meaning was faintly revealed.

After all, Kamal is an FBI search officer, and his basic professionalism is still there

He quickly noticed that Ooka Heiping was observing him, which startled him, and also looked at Ooka Heipai, black hair and black eyes, black clothes and black boots, this handsome young man, is it possible?

While he was thinking, the lobby manager of the hotel quickly greeted him, with a respectful attitude, bending down and smiling,

“Young Master, you’re back!”


Ooka Hei narrowed his eyes, snorted softly, and the smile on his face was even worse, nodded at Kammel, and then continued walking towards the hotel.

Oh, it turned out to be the son of this luxury hotel!

Is it because of my vicious appearance that I pay more attention? Kamel thought so, and didn’t care too much anymore, but in the moment of passing by Ooka peacefully, he still felt a chill, and the temperature seemed to plummet several degrees, huh? What’s going on?

Kammel’s heart tightened, and he couldn’t help but turn his head and look at Ooka Ping’s straight back, this guy…?

However, his suspicions did not last long, and after taking another step forward, the cold wind of the central air conditioner blew on his hair,

“Oh, that’s it!”

Kamel shook his head and laughed self-deprecatingly,

“Alas, it must be because of the other party’s recent tyranny that makes me too nervous!”

After Daioka Heiping turned his back to Kamel, the mockery and coldness on his face could not be completely concealed,

“That man just now, room number, tell me!”

The lobby manager was stunned for a moment, and subconsciously wanted to look back at Kammel, as if he wanted to confirm the other party’s appearance,

“If you dare to turn back, I will kill you!”

Ooka’s peaceful and calm tone sounded before the lobby manager turned around, which frightened the other party and couldn’t help but tremble,

“Yes, young master! Please wait, I’ll check it right away! ”

For Kamel such a highly recognizable foreigner, the front desk has some impression, it is not difficult to find the other party’s room number, before Ooka Heping entered the special elevator, the lobby manager has already found the results,

“Young Master, they are two men and one woman, three foreigners, the room is 2301 to 2303, but since moving in, only the man just now has gone out, in addition…!”

The lobby manager wanted to report as much detail as possible to show his ability to work, but Ooka Heping didn’t have the heart to listen to his nonsense, walked into the special elevator, and stopped the lobby manager with cold eyes from wanting to follow up and continue to report,

“Whatever I ask you, I answer! People who talk too much generally live for a short time, understand? ”

The lobby manager was frightened by Ooka Hei’s cold tone, his legs went soft, and he almost stood unsteadily, until Ooka Hei’s elevator door was about to close, he reacted, swallowed his spit, and nodded repeatedly,

“Yes, yes, I understand, young master!”

It wasn’t until the elevator doors were completely closed and the panel showed that the elevator was going up, that the lobby manager held on to the wall and wiped the cold sweat on his forehead for the rest of his life.

In the elevator, Ooka Hei stared at the buttons on a limited number of floors, his eyes lingering on the buttons of 23 for a moment, he was wondering if he should take this opportunity to meet the beautiful Mr. Judy for a while, by the way, kill the old man named James who got in the way, but after a moment, he gave up the idea of killing people here.

After all, this is the hotel of the Ooka family, and the death of people here and the destruction of a luxury hotel industry are irrelevant to the Ooka family, but it is inevitable that there will be some smart people, who may associate with the Ooka family because of the hotel, such as smart people like Shuichi Akai, who is still hiding in the shadows!

“Before your little mouse in the gutter has appeared, how can the cat that is a predator let you find out!”

Ooka Hei pulled out a contemptuous smile and reached out to press the button on the 28th floor…

The fat woman Edogawa Chiyo drove a rented red car, carrying Conan who was sitting in the co-pilot, galloping all the way, Conan did not care about the scenery of rapid receding outside the car window, his eyes kept staring at the fat woman, at the same time, reached out and flicked the watch on his wrist, opened the cover, and prepared to launch an anesthesia needle at any time,

“Now, you can state your purpose, this… Aunt! ”

Hearing the word aunt, the fat woman’s eyes suddenly became gloomy, a mad breath, permeating the carriage, Conan was secretly frightened, what a terrible woman, such a terrible momentum, yes, this aunt, must be the woman in the male and female evil, must be a member of the black-clothed organization!

“Little ghost, what do you call me?”

Even while driving, the fat woman didn’t look at the road at all, turned her head and looked at Conan coldly, obviously, her car skills were quite good.

Conan’s arm shook, and he almost couldn’t help but want to launch the anesthesia needle, fortunately, as a detective, his concentration was okay, take a deep breath,

“How? Do you want to hide your identity until now? ”

Conan said this, the tone is already a little disdainful, originally thought that as a member of the black-clothed organization, and hidden so deeply, until now he took the initiative to come to the door is ready for a showdown, as a result, in the face of his own questioning, this woman, actually pretending to be confused?

“Hmph, the man you partnered with, I know!”

“Oh yes? Are you talking about your dad? Conan! ”

The coldness in the fat woman’s eyes decreased slightly, and instead, Conan rolled his eyes and snorted disdainfully,

“Enough, at a time like this, it’s really bad enough to have this kind of trick!” Or do you want me to capture you and send you to the police station before you can honestly explain your accomplices and the huge organization behind you? ”

“This… Aunt?! ”


This is a more lethal title than aunt!

After Conan said this last sentence, he felt a strong killing intent filling the entire carriage, he instinctively felt the danger, however, what he didn’t expect was that the other party seemed to be familiar with his special equipment, the moment he wanted to launch the anesthesia needle, the fat woman held his wrist at a speed that completely did not match her figure, covered the watch cover, and then, the wrist flipped, a handkerchief appeared in the other party’s hand, and the next second, Conan was covered with his mouth and nose,

“This is, riddle medicine?!”

Then, Conan lost consciousness.

Seeing the child on the side a few seconds ago, who was still sharp-eyed, the fat woman changed her rough voice and became charming and playful, these two extreme contrasts mixed tone, stretched out her hand, pinched Conan’s face fiercely, pinched a few handfuls hard, and complained while pinching,

“Well, you are a little Xinyiang, you dare to call me aunt, and aunt, so excessive! It’s unforgivable! ”

The fat woman pinched a few red marks on both sides of Conan’s face before finally dissipating, and then smiled,

“This little ghost, after falling asleep, is exactly the same as when I was a child, ah, it is worthy of being a child born to me, it is really cute enough!”

“Dripping bell bell!”

She was sighing, the phone in her handbag rang, she didn’t need to think, she knew who called, sure enough, after connecting, a man’s voice came,

“Yukiko, where are you now? Did you see Shinichi? I just contacted Dr. Agasa, and he said that you and Shinichi did not go to him, did something happen? ”

The fat woman heard the other party’s question, and felt both angry and funny,

“Are you concerned about the whereabouts of your wife, or are you concerned about the safety of your son?” Mr. Baron of the Night! ”

“This, this…!”

On the other side of the phone, Kudo Yusaku was a little embarrassed, paused, and sighed, “If only after a while, we could go back together, now…!” ”

Hearing this, Yukiko Kudo, who became a fat woman, flashed a touch of emotion in her eyes and comforted Yusaku Kudo,

“If it’s just those people in black making Shinichi smaller, we really don’t need to be in a hurry, but the people of the Ooka family are also looking for Shinichi, and we have to pay attention to it!”

“It’s okay, after a while, when you’re done, it’s the same when you come back.”

Saying that, she glanced at the sleeping Conan,

“Don’t worry, Shinichi, he sleeps now, just like when he was a child, very cute!” Cluck! ”

Yonekacho 2-chome 22 Banchi, Dr. Agasa’s house.

“I said Yukiko, after all these years, you still love to play so much!”

Dr. Agasa was a little speechless when he saw the stunned Conan,

“How can there be a mother who plays her children to this extent, Xinyi must regard you as an accomplice of those men in black!”

Kudo Yukiko reached out and rubbed it between her neck, and then tore it hard and ripped off the disguise,

“Dr. Agasa, don’t you think this would be fun? It’s so cute that Shinichi has turned into the way he was when he was a child again! ”

Dr. Agasa sighed angrily,

“When your own child encounters a smaller body, such a strange thing, only you will think so!”

Yukiko Kudo flicked her hair to make her big waves fluffy again, while reaching out to remove the disguises on her body that made her look bloated,

“Those men in black put too much psychological pressure on Shinichi, and it’s good to let him sleep for a while now!”

Then, she looked at Dr. Agasa,

“Doctor, did you find anything here about Hei Ooka’s motives for commissioning Maori detectives to find Shinichi? And Shinichi, he has been staying over there these days, are there any new clues! ”

Asking a Maori detective directly is extremely unwise if Ooka is true

If you have any bad intentions, this will scare the snake.

Speaking of this, Dr. Agasa was also confused,

“This is the strangest part, that Ooka peace him, acting like a second ancestor who lacks heart, Maori has done nothing in the detective agency for so many days, and he actually paid another 10 million commission fee a few days ago!”

Saying that, Dr. Agasa sighed a little again,

“Sometimes, I really don’t know if he burns too much money, if so, I wonder if I can go to him to apply for a little scientific research funding…!”

Before he finished speaking, he noticed Kudo Yukiko’s expression, which became a little strange, and coughed dryly,

“Ahem, I just said it casually! To Shinichi, whether he is friend or foe is unknown, how could I possibly do that! Huh, huh! ”

Kudo Yukiko tilted her head and made a thinking look, her movements were as playful and cute as a girl,

“That means he hasn’t cared about the progress of the commission since he commissioned the Maori detective, except for paying the commission fee once?”

“That’s true, that’s right! Dr. Agasa nodded,”

“This is also where Shinichi is confused, the other party does nothing, even if Shinichi wants to reason about the other party’s motives, there is no way to know!”

Kudo Yukiko thought for a while, as if talking to herself, “What a strange guy!” ”

Then, he showed a thoughtful expression, probably thinking of some idea.

Seeing this, Dr. Agasa quickly spoke,

“Yukiko, Shinichi said that you can’t contact each other casually until you have too much information, so as not to…!”

“Don’t worry! I know! ”

Kudo Yukiko waved her hand with a smile, but just by looking at the relaxed and comfortable expression, Dr. Agasa knew that she must not have listened, which made Dr. Agasa slightly uneasy, and he sighed,

“Alas, Yukiko, I know that your transfiguration technique is enough to fake the real thing, but Shinichi said, no one knows what is hidden in an ancient family like the Ooka family that has been passed down for hundreds of years!”

“So, I think it’s better for you not to be careless and be careful!”

Even if Dr. Agasa persuaded like this, even if these are what Shinichi once said, Kudo Yukiko still did not pay too much attention to it, she is very confident in her transfiguration, since learning transfiguration with Kuroba, except Sharon Wynyard, who is from the same school, no one can stand out, after the death of these two, her transfiguration technique, it can be said that she is alone in the world with this kind of divine skill, Kudo Yukiko feels that she has nothing to be afraid of, but her husband and son, and now Dr. Agasa, They all advised her to be careful, and she also promised Kudo Yusaku that she would be careful, so, even if she didn’t think so in her heart, she nodded,

“I’ll be careful, I won’t be in such a hurry to contact each other!”

Dr. Agasa was silent for a moment and sighed softly,

“Well, it’s best if you think like that!”

Cup Central Hotel, Room 2801.

As soon as Ooka Heping opened the door, his brows furrowed slightly, and his eyes were instantly gloomy, “This is the second time you have entered my room without my permission, and once again, I will kill you!” ”

While speaking, he walked to the wine cabinet, took out a bottle of wine, and took a sip,

“How? Want to see if I can really get you out? In the shadow of the corner where the living room meets the entrance, Belmod walked out a woman with a beautiful appearance, a hot figure, wearing a black guard uniform,”

“Baijiu, your perception is really sharp like a monster!”

Belmode’s red lips opened lightly, and his tone was seductive.

Ooka Hei glanced at her, his tone indifferent to icy,

“It’s still smart, I know that I will come back after I change my face, and I don’t look ugly again, disgusting me!” Good, you managed to retrieve two lives! ”

This stupid woman, if she is not easy to face, when she is targeted, may not know, if she came to see this in her original appearance, Ooka Heping would not hesitate to kill her!

Belmod may not have heard the killing intent in Ooka Heping’s words, but instead licked his lower lip more charmingly,

“That’s what you said! In front of you, woman, just need to look beautiful as a flower! ”

Ooka Heipi chuckled contemptuously,

“Then you still don’t take off this layer of disguise of yours? Although this transfiguration face is quite delicate, the thought of a fake face still makes me want to vomit! ”

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