“The Empress Dowager, you say… I’m sure you said I didn’t have to see her.”

Hilaria put up a hard front.

“You don’t like the Empress Dowager?”

“Of course, I don’t; I have a bad feeling about her. I hate her.”

Hilaria accentuated the “hate” to make it clear.


“She would sell her soul to gain power!”

Hilaria said coldly.

Empress Dowager would do anything to achieve her goals. That wasn’t what made her terrible, though; Hilaria had also entered the Palace to achieve her goal through any means after all.

However,  Empress Dowager was not as low-key as Hilaria. Empress Dowager would approach Hilaria and do something awful in the future. She would sell Hilaria’s motherland to Oswald. It would also be because of her that Ebenezer’s Imperial forces were crippled.

Hilaria loved the empire.

The Red Queen’s roots lay in the Winfred Empire, so the Duchy of Guinevere shared the same fate as Winfred. In the future, Hilaria thought it was fortunate that the Winfred Empire had at least preserved itself at the cost of Guinevere’s sacrifice.

‘It was Ebenezer who fell so low, not the Winfred Empire itself.’

And it was the Empress Dowager who would send him down that path.

“Selling off her soul. Are you sure that you wouldn’t be willing to do that?”

“What do you mean? Do I look like someone who would?”

Hilaria asked with a sour expression, feeling like she had been insulted. The wrinkles between her brows were conspicuous. Ebenezer saw it and smiled a little.

‘You look like a cat.’

Looking at Hilaria reminded him of a cat with a distorted face that his mother had raised in the past. She often tried to convince Ebenezer that the cat was cute.

‘This is part of its charm. Isn’t its angry face cute?’

‘Yes, I guess so.’

‘…You’re no fun.’

But looking at Hilaria made him realize that the cat WAS adorable. Ebenezer tilted his head and asked,

“How about raising a cat?”

Hilaria clenched her teeth at the sudden remark.

“Are you making fun of me?!”

“How can I. It’s just….”

Ebenezer licked his lips.

“It’s because you’re cute.”

Hilaria ruffled her hair with irritation. She realized how strange it was, how she was showing her true feelings when she was in front of a relaxed Ebenezer. Was it because he had promised to side with her?

Anyway, Hilaria has been staring hard at his annoying face since morning.

“All right. I fully understand what you meant. In fact, I don’t like the Empress Dowager very much either.”

Ebenezer spoke in a still-smiling voice. Hilaria answered in a sullen tone.

“Then why are you telling me to meet her?”

Most of Empress Dowager’s movements were reported to her without the need to meet face to face. In fact, except for a few places where magic was present, there wasn’t anywhere her butterflies could not reach. And so, there weren’t many places her sight couldn’t penetrate. Among them was near Hilaria and Ebenezer.

“Empress Dowager said she wanted to meet you.”

“…I thought I would bump into her. We live in the same Palace, and more than one or two banquets are held there.”

“Why don’t you send the Empress Dowager an invitation to the tea party?”

“If you say so, I’ll do it.”

“I’m sure the Empress Dowager is trying her best to get you on her side.”

“Is Empress Jaina and Empress Olivia not enough?”

“She must have recognized your value. But, after talking to you, I don’t have to be worried about it.”

“Of course, you don’t have to worry. Not even diamonds would be enough to persuade me.”

Ebenezer ruffled his hair and burst into laughter, Hilaria clenching her fists at him saying he didn’t have to worry; it was just so cute.

‘A naughty cat.’

What was the name of that cat? He didn’t remember it because he hadn’t been very interested, but now he wanted to know. The atmosphere that Ebenezer had created had settled. It was time for him to go back. 

Ebenezer spoke with a calm gaze.

“But be careful. Empress Dowager is not a straightforward person. You told me not to worry, but I still will.

His voice was cold as if the pleasantness ended there, but his words were warm. Ebenezer, who wiped his mouth and rolled up his sleeves, got up first. He saw Van Eyck, who had come all the way here looking for him.

Hilaria glanced at him and asked softly.

“Do you trust Duke Van Eyck Clarinet?”

“I don’t trust in his loyalty. I trust in his patriotism. In that respect, I think he’ll be an asset to you, Empress Hilaria. I’ll be on my way. Van Eyck must’ve already been waiting too long.”

“Your Majesty.”

Hilaria called Ebenezer, and he paused his step.

Hilaria said lightly.

“You might need to cut your hair.”


“You look uncomfortable.”

Ebenezer’s pupils dilated as if he didn’t understand what that meant.


Ebenezer touched his bangs, which flowed downwards. His hair, which hadn’t been cut in some time, had grown too long, prickling into his eyes. However, Ebenezer had been indifferent to this and had overlooked the cause of his discomfort.

“If it’s not that, I shouldn’t have said…”


Ebenezer cut off Hilaria’s words. Didn’t it mean Hilaria was “concerned” and “interested” in him throughout their breakfast? There was no reason to make a fuss.

“I’ll cut my hair.”

Ebenezer glanced at Hilaria, then turned and walked away. A neat white shirt and a navy vest seemed to fit lightly, which oozed style. He was capable of running state affairs well, even though he was a similar age to Hilaria.

From what she had observed, he didn’t even get close to women, so he was a healthy and pure young man, which was rare these days.

‘But you shouldn’t covet bread that you shouldn’t eat.’

Hilaria was left alone and drank her tea; her blue eyes narrowed calmly. Celeste and Katie stared anxiously at her calm figure. They wondered if her being quiet made her scarier.

Besides, they were privy to all her conversations, whether Hilaria was in a good or bad mood. Hilaria, who usually did what she wanted, couldn’t do that against the Emperor, making it hard to watch.

Celeste and Katie’s misunderstanding of how she was feeling had deepened that much.

Meanwhile, Hilaria was still thinking about Ebenezer.

In the future, she also saw Ebenezer.

That time, he had… a lover.

It was Meilyn Proyton. She arrived with a diplomatic delegation from the Proyton Empire.

She had captured Ebenezer, whom no one had ever caught, with just a few words. Ebenezer would never have any interest in Hilaria with her in the picture.

She didn’t want a relationship that would get her hurt anyway

‘Don’t cross the line, Hilaria.’

Don’t even pay him any attention. Hilaria smiled a little as she stretched herself. Still, she got one thing from breakfast this morning. Her butterfly could get within three meters in a radius of Ebenezer.

It melted when she put it too close. It was strange… but she knew he had no special gift. She wondered if Guinevere’s blood had mixed into the Imperial family’s, but it didn’t seem possible.

‘But how can you melt spirits like that?’

Either he was a human being with an unnaturally cold demeanor, or he had mixed blood with spirits. Either way, he was dangerous for Hilaria. Hilaria put down the tea cup and beckoned Celeste.

“Now I have to get ready to meet Beatrice. I want to wear a red dress today.”

“Yes, Madam.”

In that way, the second breakfast concluded with everyone’s devoted attention.


– Duchy of Guinevere.

Every day the sun fell and rose again, and the Guinevere family’s anxiety only deepened. The dining table was always gloomy, and family conversations often began with Hilaria and ended with Hilaria. Today was no different.

“Should I send Kartal now?”

“He should at least learn the basics of swordsmanship! That 17-year-old is too weak.”

“He is good enough based on the Imperial standards, not Guinevere’s.”

“He might be of some use. We must protect our fragile Hilaria.”

“It could be that father’s standard is set too high. It would be better to send him to protect Hilaria now. She is alone there….”

“Is that so?”

Usually, these conversations were neverending.

Hubert, The successor to the Duchy of Guinevere, continued to mention Kartal as if he was going to make a decision today.

“But according to the message Hilaria sent with her butterfly, the Emperor seemed nice, pleasant even.”

“Of course, she IS the Princess of Guinevere!”

“That’s only for now. The Emperor also said someone can enter the Imperial Palace as long as they’re not the blood of a Guinevere.”

Hubert once again expressed his intention.

“Is it okay to send Sebastian’s bloodline?”

“There is no need to reveal his last name. Sebastian’s immediate family is not as distinguished as ours.”

Strangely, people have bizarrely distinguished Guinevere.

“Then, what do you think?”

“I think it’s better to send him to Hilaria than leave her alone.”

The Duchess supported Hubert’s opinion.

“I’ll plant a spirit in him, so that if he betrays me….”

The Red Queen established the Duchy of Guinevere. Now the Duchesses had the spirit’s power, and their husbands were given control of the Duchy itself. The Red Queen, Titania Guinevere, had forbidden women to inherit the throne directly. It was a measure to ensure that the women who inherited Guinevere’s ability and blood were not outsiders.

That’s how Guinevere defended itself. And the current Duchess, Helenamia Guinevere, was considered to have inherited the most potent power ever. Because of her, Hilaria had inherited her powerful gift.


A blue butterfly appeared when the Duchess snapped her fingers. Unlike Hilaria’s golden butterfly, it had a brilliant gold pattern engraved on its deep blue wings. It was a sophisticated and powerful spirit. In addition, the butterflies the Duchess created could communicate directly with people.

“I’ll call you Illie. Answer me, Illie.”

[Yes, Helenamia.]

“Look for Hilaria. Let Kartal protect her. You can do that, right?”


The butterfly’s wings, which were shining mysteriously, stopped their movements. The butterfly melted into the air and disappeared as it went to Kartal. Hilaria, who had seen the future, knew Kartal Sebastian could be an enemy of Guinevere.

The young boy survived in exchange for selling Guinevere’s military secrets to the Zakari. Hilaria knew she couldn’t give Kartal Sebastian a chance to do that. So before the Zakari captured him, she brought him to Guinevere and instead made him loyal to their cause.

Duchess Helenamia gave her orders in a calm voice.

“Now get Kartal ready. Let him out of the Duchy, he must find Hilaria alone.”

She knew the butterfly would follow her will as its own.


Seeing Beatrice appear sporting a parasol to block the sun, Hilaria smiled. Beatrice was wearing a lacy dress with draped ribbons that matched her parasol. She was the opposite of Hilaria, who was in a chic red dress.


“You even call me on weekends? Why?”

Beatrice handed the parasol to Hilaria.

“Your face is burning. I knew this would happen, so I brought this for you.”

Hilaria clicked her tongue as if annoyed but pretended to give up her struggle and used the parasol. Beatrice’s bright pink parasol also subtly matched Hilaria.

The two strolled, greeted by the afternoon with warm sunlight amid a holiday the Emperor could surely not enjoy.

“Um! It looks good on you. But where are we going?”

“To the East Wing, We’re on our way to the Emperor’s Garden.”

“Huh? Why are you going that far?”

“Of all the places I can go now, this is the most recent place the Emperor stayed. Go and take a look at the Emperor’s residual energy.”

Riona Academy is in the Duchy of Guinevere, where the gifted learned how to deal with spirits, identify them, find hidden ones, and take care of them. Beatrice was a master in almost all these fields, but she was hopeless at dealing with spirits directly.

“I’ve encountered him at many social gatherings, but I’ve never felt anything wrong.”

“What if there was no need to reveal it?”

Hilaria had founded a theory.

“Spirits are common in Guinevere and not anywhere else. There are still spirit descendants all over the world. What if Ebenezer could hide his power, and he’s been hiding it all this time? There’s no way they’d welcome an Emperor who knows how to use spirits after all.”

“…So you want to keep an eye on the Emperor?”

“I can’t keep an eye on him. I told you if my spirits go near the Emperor, they melt.”

“Then what do we do? Hilaria, no matter how many records I search, Ebenezer has no record. Besides, Svein and Duke Van Eyck are very loyal to Ebenezer.”

“Is that so?.”

Hilaria smiled softly.

It was a smile that only appeared when she was plotting something. Beatrice saw it and stopped walking. They were already close to the East Wing’s Garden. Hilaria turned around, and a man with silver hair, a Clarinet, was walking out alone in the garden.

Hilaris wrinkled her nose with a vicious face.

“Duke of Van Eyck would think differently.”

“You mean he would betray him?”

“No. Knowing about Emperor Winfred means I could bring him to my side.”


“He protects the Empire, first and foremost.”


Hilaria slowly approached Van Eyck.

He was on the same team as Hilaria. Van Eyck believed he had to take a certain amount of risk to reach his goals. Just like Hilaria, who had entered the Palace knowing it went against her family’s wishes.

She spoke to Van Eyck with a refreshing look, resembling a deep blue sea, embracing the passion of summer.

“Hello, Duke Van Eyck.”

“This is the first time we have greeted each other like this—Madam Empress, nice to meet you. I’m Van Eyck, The Duke of Clarinet. It’s a pleasure meeting someone at the center of attention at the Palace these days.”

“Nice to meet you, too, Duke Van Eyck.”

Hilaria responded calmly.

“Well then, I’m on my way to work.”

Van Eyck picked up the cigar case, showed it to her, and put it back in his pocket. He had only left to smoke outside, it seemed.

“Yes, let’s be close friends, Duke Van Eyck. I think we’ll run into each other very frequently.”

“Close friends…?”

Hilaria showed him the expression Ebenezer had said reminded him of a naughty cat. Looking at it, Beatrice, who stood a ways behind her, clicked her tongue.

“Like us, greeting each other like this, drinking tea from time to time, chatting….”

Sunlight poured past Hilaria’s parasol as if there was a halo behind her.

“That’s how we’ll become close. Come visit Steel Rose Palace next time, Duke Van Eyck.”

It was a dangerous invitation.

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